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Sean Tilson's user avatar
Sean Tilson's user avatar
Sean Tilson
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Germany
36 votes

Colloquial catchy statements encoding serious mathematics

29 votes

How to introduce notions of flat, projective and free modules?

28 votes

Mathematical "urban legends"

17 votes

The whole plethora of topology

13 votes

'Important' applications of p-adic numbers outside of algebra (and number theory).

11 votes

Examples of math hoaxes/interesting jokes published on April Fool's day?

11 votes

Examples of computing Ext and Tor functors?

10 votes

Is there a categorification of topological K-theory?

7 votes

Examples of theorems with proofs that have dramatically improved over time

6 votes

Reference request: Equivariant Topology

6 votes

Categories of Geometry

6 votes

Characteristic classes in generalized cohomology theories?

6 votes

Does the category of topological symmetric spectra satisfy the monoid axiom ?

6 votes

references / general idea of kervaire invariant problem

5 votes

A reference for Calculus of Functors for Model Categories

5 votes

Why chain homotopy when there is no topology in the background?

5 votes

Describe a topic in one sentence.

5 votes

What out-of-print books would you like to see re-printed?

5 votes

Most helpful math resources on the web

5 votes

Formal Group Laws on Ring Spectra?

4 votes

Spectral Sequences reference

4 votes

Dyer-Lashof algebra and Steenrod algebra "duality"

4 votes

Computational complexity of computing homotopy groups of spheres

4 votes

Why should I prefer bundles to (surjective) submersions?

4 votes

Are the homology and cohomology Serre spectral sequences dual to each other?

4 votes

Are there Steenrod operations on Hochschild cohomology of the group algebra of a finite group?

3 votes

How to present mathematics to non-mathematicians?

3 votes

What are natural questions to ask about an operad?

3 votes

Why is a topology made up of 'open' sets?

3 votes

Short Course Suggestions For High School Students