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Jeff Strom's user avatar
Jeff Strom
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
5 votes

What is the smallest class of spaces closed under finite homotopy colimits, finite homotopy limits, and splitting of homotopy-coherent idempotents?

5 votes

homotopical immersion of the wedge product of countable many circles in $R^n$

5 votes

$H_2$ of a simply connected Lie group vanishes

4 votes

homotopy pushout of spaces homotopic to finite CW complexes

4 votes

Examples where it's useful to know that a mathematical object belongs to some family of objects

4 votes

The Higman group

4 votes

The prime numbers modulo $k$, are not periodic

4 votes

Do Smash Products and Quotients Commute?

4 votes

Ways to prove the fundamental theorem of algebra

4 votes

Spectral sequences: opening the black box slowly with an example

4 votes

Question about the fundamental group and homotopy equivalence

4 votes

L-S category versus Betti numbers

4 votes

Extension of refined subspace topology

4 votes

How does one justify funding for mathematics research?

4 votes

Homology groups of compact subset of $\mathbb{R}^2$

4 votes

A CW is of countable type, iff all its homotopy groups are countable? (References?)

3 votes

Special cases of Dirichlet's theorem

3 votes

Removing simplices from simplicial complexes without decreasing connectedness

3 votes

17 camels trick

3 votes

What is the most useful non-existing object of your field?

3 votes

a comparison between LS and cohomological dimension

3 votes

Is the Hurewicz model category left proper?

3 votes

Rationalization of topological groups and degree maps

3 votes

How can I prove that the derived couple of the homotopy exact couple is an invariant?

3 votes

Deeper meanings of barycentric subdivision

3 votes

Strengthening the induction hypothesis

3 votes

What's your favorite equation, formula, identity or inequality?

3 votes

homotopy of sphere maps

3 votes

Writing papers in pre-LaTeX era?

3 votes

Is there a functorial proof that Eilenberg-MacLane spaces are unique up to homotopy equivalence?