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Jeff Strom's user avatar
Jeff Strom's user avatar
Jeff Strom
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
10 votes

Decomposing the plane into intervals

9 votes

when cup product is a zero homomorphism

9 votes

continuous images of open intervals

9 votes

Homotopic maps out of cofibration sequences

8 votes

What does the adjective "natural" actually mean?

8 votes

Computing homotopies

8 votes

Counterexamples for strengthening Whitehead's theorem?

8 votes

Examples of famous 'workhorse' theorems

8 votes

Theorems that led to very successful research programs in Geometry and Topology

7 votes

Kunneth Theorem and localisation

7 votes

Spaces that are both homotopically and cohomologically finite

7 votes

Is being an NDR a local property?

7 votes

The impact of large cardinals in mathematics

7 votes

Fiber homotopy equivalence

7 votes

The fundamental group of space which has both an H and a co-H structure

7 votes

Transversality in the proof of the Blakers-Massey Theorem. Is it necessary?

7 votes

Surprising and Useful Physical Intuition for Mathematical Objects

6 votes

Techniques for computing cup products in singular cohomology

6 votes

Is there the Whitehead theorem for cohomology theory?

6 votes

Should a theorem be numbered by where it is first stated or where it is proven?

6 votes

If $E$ maps onto a contractible space with contractible fibers, must $E$ be contractible?

6 votes

about relative homotopy group

6 votes

Is there a reasonable way to refer to a 23 page article with 28 authors?

6 votes

How many n-dimensional closed submanifolds of $R^n$ have Euler characteristic 1?

6 votes

Vietoris-Begle theorem for simplicial sets

5 votes

Hausdorff spaces such that every subset is a retract

5 votes

Whitehead for maps

5 votes

Two H-space structures on S^3 and [X,S^3] different as groups for each: Explicit Example?

5 votes

Non-homogeneous space $X$ such that $X\cong X\setminus \{x\}$ for all $x\in X$

5 votes

What are your favorite concrete examples of limits or colimits that you would compute during lunch?