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Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
Misha Verbitsky
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

Curvature forms of holomorphic line bundles

1 vote

Holomorphic retraction $\implies$ holomorphic tubular neighbourhood?

1 vote

HKT manifolds with non trivial canonical bundle

1 vote

K3 surfaces and density of rational curves

1 vote

A group in a neighbourhood of a Zariski dense subgroup

1 vote

Different algebraic structures on complements to divisors

1 vote

Can deformation equivalent Kähler manifolds always be obtained by a deformation where all the fibers are Kähler?

1 vote

Families of Fano varieties over non-hyperbolic curves

1 vote

A neat monodromy group of a family of Kaehler manifolds

1 vote

The trace of a wedge product of matrices

1 vote

Meromorphic extension of local defining equations of a complex submanifold

1 vote

Kahler structure on holomorphic principal bundles

1 vote

2-dimensional sublattices with all vectors having very big square (in absolute value)

0 votes

Action of a Lie group with finitely many orbits

0 votes

are stable holomorphic bundles over compact Kähler manifolds simple?

0 votes

Examples of symplectic non-Kahler classes.

0 votes

Moduli space of complex and anti-complex tori?

0 votes

Holomorphic function on $\mathbb C^n$

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