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Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
Zhaoting Wei
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
13 votes

What is a good basic reference on model categories?

8 votes

Does there exist a GRR-like generalization of the AS Index Theorem?

6 votes

Why is the Tangent Groupoid useful in non-commutative geometry?

6 votes

What is the importance of $\pi_{i}G$?

4 votes

Counterexamples to gluing complexes of sheaves

3 votes

Can we have a nontrivial division of a irreducible root system as the union of two closed sub-root systems?

3 votes

Closure relations between Bruhat cells on the flag variety

2 votes

Definition of the homological Chern character

2 votes

convergence of infimum

2 votes

homotopy limits of dg categories

2 votes

Next steps for a Morse theory enthusiast?

1 vote

Relationship between Verma modules and delta functions

1 vote

Can we have a nontrivial division of a irreducible root system as $\Phi=\Phi_{[\lambda]}\cup \Phi_{[\mu]}$?

1 vote

On a technical fact used in the proof of density of smooth vectors in a representation

1 vote

Integral transform on noncommutative spaces

0 votes

Topological properties of $K$ orbits in $G/B$

0 votes

Proof of the Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch theorem using the Atiyah-Singer index theorem