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Peter May's user avatar
Peter May
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
11 votes

Are finite spaces a model for finite CW-complexes?

11 votes

How are characteristic classes morphisms of infinite loop spaces? (if they are)

11 votes

Hopf structure on the universal enveloping of a super Lie algebra

11 votes

Lunch seminars for PhD students

11 votes

Incorrect information in an old article about the Kervaire invariant

11 votes

Must a weak homotopy equivalence induce an isomorphism between stable homotopy groups?

11 votes

What is the correct definition of the (derived) tensor product over a dg-algebra?

11 votes

Is the "inverse" (i.e., the "cohomological") numeration for singular (i.e., $H\mathbb{Z}$-)homology of spectra "acceptable"?

11 votes

Is there an analog of the Barratt-Eccles construction for group-like E_∞-spaces and E_∞-ring spaces?

11 votes

RO(G) grading of Mackey functors

10 votes

A fibration of classifying spaces

10 votes

Reference for an unbiased definition of a symmetric monoidal category

10 votes

Fundamental group of a topological pullback

10 votes

Reference for ring structure on Thom spectra

10 votes

What is the relation between a ''homotopy fiber bundle'' and a Serre fibration?

10 votes

Non-oriented version of Poincaré duality

10 votes

Inner hom and geometric realization.

10 votes

What do we mean by contractible for simplicial objects in a category?

10 votes

Are k-spaces named for Kelley?

10 votes

Infinite loop space structure of $BU^+$

10 votes

Acyclic categories related to structures in algebraic topology

10 votes

When is homotopy orbit space weakly equivalent to orbit space, other than situation of free action?

10 votes

mapping space between classifying spaces

10 votes

Abelian principal bundles

10 votes

Non-$\Sigma$ $E_n$ algebras?

10 votes

Does primitive (resp. to comultiplication) homology classes comes from Hurewicz map?

10 votes

On the naturality of the bar construction

9 votes

Simplicial space whose all face/degeneracy maps are homotopy equivalences

9 votes

Why should morphisms between two graded vector spaces preserve grading?

9 votes

Universal property of the smash product (of pointed spaces)

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