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Peter May's user avatar
Peter May
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
177 votes

Do we still need model categories?

87 votes

Proof that a local fibration is a fibration, in May

81 votes

Why should have Peter May worked with CGWH instead of CGH in "The Geometry of Iterated Loop Space"?

73 votes

Writing papers in pre-LaTeX era?

51 votes

Kervaire invariant: Why dimension 126 especially difficult?

51 votes

Algebraic topology beyond the basics: any texts bridging the gap?

47 votes

Why higher category theory?

38 votes

The category of posets

37 votes

Mathematical "urban legends"

33 votes

Are spectra really the same as cohomology theories?

33 votes

Did Peter May's "The homotopical foundations of algebraic topology" ever appear?

30 votes

Techniques for computing cup products in singular cohomology

30 votes

Natural transformations as categorical homotopies

28 votes

Heuristic behind $A_{\infty}$ - algebras

27 votes

Finiteness of stable homotopy groups of spheres

26 votes

Intuition behind Thom class

26 votes

Why are monads useful?

25 votes

Definition of an E-infinity algebra

25 votes

origin of spectral sequences in algebraic topology

23 votes

Replacing triangulated categories with something better

23 votes

Why do homotopy theorists care whether or not $BP$ is $E_\infty$?

23 votes

Modern source for spectra (including ring spectra)

23 votes

A toolbox for algebraic topology

22 votes

Computations in $\infty$-categories

22 votes

Why study the p-completions of a space?

22 votes

(co)homology of symmetric groups

21 votes

Why localize spaces with respect to homology?

21 votes

In what sense are operads "better" than PROPs?

21 votes

Serre fibration vs Hurewicz fibration

21 votes

Does the category of topological symmetric spectra satisfy the monoid axiom ?

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