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Partial differential equations (PDEs): Existence and uniqueness, regularity, boundary conditions, linear and non-linear operators, stability, soliton theory, integrable PDEs, conservation laws, qualitative dynamics.

32 votes

Compact embeddings of Sobolev spaces: a counterexample showing the Rellich-Kondrachov theore...

Yes, there is a standard way. Take any nonzero $u\in W^{1,p}(U)$, with support in a ball, say w.l.o.g $\operatorname{supp}(u)\subset B(0,r)\subset U$, and consider $$ u_\epsilon(x):= u\big(\frac{x}{\ …
Pietro Majer's user avatar
  • 60.6k
29 votes

A Hölder continuous function which does not belong to any Sobolev space

Your guess is indeed right. Following a similar idea gives you the Takagi or blancmange function. It is even quasi-Lipschitz (it has a modulus of continuity $\omega(t)=ct(|\log(t)|+1)$ for a suitable …
19 votes

Basis for the space of Harmonic homogeneous polynomial in N variables.

Let $K$ denote the Kelvin transform, and let $|\alpha|:=\sum_{j=1}^n\alpha_j$ denote the weight of the multi-index $\alpha\in\mathbb{N}^n$. Then, an explicit base for the space of homogeneous harmonic …
Pietro Majer's user avatar
  • 60.6k
13 votes

Arzelà-Ascoli theorem and Hölder spaces

For completeness, let's mention a simpler and more general statement: For $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ a bounded open set, $k\in\mathbb{N}$ and $0<\beta<\alpha\le1$ there is a compact embedding $$ C^{ …
Pietro Majer's user avatar
  • 60.6k
9 votes

How to prove this Poincare Inequality

Just assume that $g$ is a bounded function with $\int_B g < 0$, and positive somewhere in th ball $B$ . Then the set $$\Big \{u\in H^1(B)\, : \|u\|_2= 1\, ,\, \int_B g u^2\ge 0 \Big \}$$ is not em …
Pietro Majer's user avatar
  • 60.6k
8 votes

Trying to solve a linear PDE... I thought it was simple

The Ansatz $$f(x,y)=x^pu(x^\alpha y^{-2}) $$ yields to a linear second order ODE for $u(t)$ $$2t^2 u''+ (4\alpha+2p)tu'+(z_1+z_2t)u=0\ , $$ which can be immediately solved by series in terms of h …
Pietro Majer's user avatar
  • 60.6k
8 votes

The characteristic (indicator) function of a set is not in the Sobolev space H¹

One reason is this: if $f$ is in $H^1({\mathbb R^n})$, you have $\int_{\mathbb R^n}|f(x+h)-f(x)|^2 dx\le C|h|^2$ for all $h \in{\mathbb R^n}$ . Now in the case of $f:=\chi_E$ the integral is just the …
Pietro Majer's user avatar
  • 60.6k
7 votes

Showing integrability of a locally integrable function on a bounded domain under some additi...

Let $(g_k)_{k\ge0}$ be a sequence of smooth functions such that $g_k(x)=1$ if $\text{dist}(x,\partial\Omega)\ge 2^{-k}$, $g_k (x)=0$ if $\text{dist}(x,\partial\Omega)\le 2^{-k-1}$ and $0\le g_k\ …
Pietro Majer's user avatar
  • 60.6k
6 votes

A curious determinant of quadratic forms

Let's put $x:=(0,X)\in k^{n+1}$ and $y:=-ae_1+x\in k^{n+1}$. Then $S$ writes as a symmetric rank-$2$ perturbation of a multiple of the identity, $S=S_0+ \lambda I_{n+1},$ with $$S_0:= -\big(a^2-|x|^ …
Pietro Majer's user avatar
  • 60.6k
5 votes

Examples of Log-Lipschitz and nonLog-Lipschitz functions satisfying certain conditions

More generally: if $\omega$ is a modulus of continuity with $\omega'(0)=\infty$ there is an $\omega$-continuous, smooth function $f$ on $\mathbb{R}_+$, with prescribed derivative $p_k\in \mathbb{R}$ a …
Pietro Majer's user avatar
  • 60.6k
4 votes

Solving a differential system

For simplicity, let's assume initially that the support of $\mu$ is the whole real line, so that $F$ is a homeomorphism $ \mathbb{R} \to (0,1) $. Let's denote $b:=F(0)=\mu(-\infty,0]=1-\mu[0,+\infty) …
Pietro Majer's user avatar
  • 60.6k
4 votes

Lebesgue Riemann Theorem.

Actually it is quicker to sketch the proof than checking a reference. Assume $u:\mathbb{R}^n\to \mathbb{R}$ is measurable and periodic $x_i$ with period $b_i - a_i$, for $1\le i\le n$. Then …
Pietro Majer's user avatar
  • 60.6k
4 votes

How to show continuity and monotonicity of solutions to this parametrized equation?

Put $t=1-\sqrt{s}\in[0,1/2)$ so the equation writes $$ \Big(1-\frac p2\Big)\, t^p+ \frac p2\, t^{p-1}=2^{-\frac p2}$$ Now if we put $u:=t^{p-1}$ the equation takes the form $$u+\Big( \frac2p -1\ …
Pietro Majer's user avatar
  • 60.6k
4 votes

Compact radial Sobolev embedding $H^1_{rad}\hookrightarrow L^p$

It's Strauss embedding theorem for radially symmetric functions, proven here: W. A. Strauss, Existence of solitary waves in higher dimensions, Commun. Math. Phys. 55 (1977), 149-162.
Pietro Majer's user avatar
  • 60.6k
4 votes

Smooth Sobolev extension from $W^{1,p}(U)$ to $W^{1,p} (\mathbb{R}^n) $

Extension is a well studied topic in the theory of Sobolev spaces, included in any treatise on the topic. Have a look e.g. to Adams' Sobolev spaces, Chapter 4 (Interpolation and Extension theorems). F …
Pietro Majer's user avatar
  • 60.6k

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