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An ordinal is the order type of a well-ordered set. The first few ordinals are $0, 1, 2, \dots, \omega, \omega+1, \dots$ where $\omega$ is the order type of $\mathbb{N}$, and $\omega+1$ is the order type of $\mathbb{N}$ together with a maximum element.

21 votes

Why isn't this a computable description of the ordinal of ZF?

Theorem. The following are equivalent. The relation on $\mathbb{N}$ computed by your program P is a well-order. ZF is $\Pi^1_1$-sound. Proof. You gave the argument for the reverse implication $( …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
19 votes

How strong are large cardinal properties of Ord?

$\newcommand{\Ord}{\text{Ord}} \newcommand{\ZFC}{\text{ZFC}}$ Here is one way to formalize your concept a little more tightly, which provides the answers to your questions. For any large cardinal pro …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
19 votes

What is the idea behind stationary sets?

One answer to your question about intuition is simply that stationary sets arise very naturally once you begin to think of the natural measure surrounding club sets. The stationary sets are simply tho …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
18 votes

Ordinals and complexity classes

There is no such recursive ordinal, because in fact every computable ordinal is the order type of a polynomial time computable relation on $\mathbb{N}$. In other words, the least ordinal not describab …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
16 votes

Finding the largest integer describable with a string of symbols of predefined length

My first remark is that if you allow players to pick their own theories, but only allow consistent theories to win, then you will not be able to compute the winner of the contest. The reason is that t …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
15 votes

Order type of the smallest set containing the identity function and closed under exponentiation

This is a partial answer, and I am unsure about part of it. I claim that these functions are well-ordered by eventual domination, and the order type is at most the ordinal $\epsilon_0$. First, your …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
14 votes

Cardinality of $\omega\uparrow^\omega\omega$

The Knuth arrow notation is most often defined only on the natural numbers, but the central idea of it can be easily extended to the ordinals, for example as follows: $$\alpha\uparrow^0\beta=\alpha\b …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
14 votes

What is the least ordinal than cannot be embedded in $\mathbb{R}^\mathbb{R}$?

Let me get things started with some simple observations. Note that given any countable sequence of functions $f_n$, we can by diagonalization construct a function eventually dominating all of them, $ …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
14 votes

Peano arithmetic vs. fast-growing hierarchy with pathological fundamental sequences

The answer is no. Choose a fundamental sequence for $\epsilon_0$ itself in the usual way, which I think is $\epsilon_0[n]=\omega^{\omega^{{\vdots}^\omega}}$, and then modify the earlier fundamental se …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
12 votes

Ramsey Theorem for the class ORD

Ali Enayat and I have proved that with respect to definable classes, Ord is NOT weakly compact. In particular, we show, in every model of ZFC, there is a definable Ord-tree with no definable cofina …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
12 votes

Ways to define "definability"

I am glad to see this question, Hans, which I believe gets right to the heart of the definability concept, on which some of your recent questions have focused. This is an excellent question. First, l …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
11 votes

Prime numbers and limit ordinals

The ordinals below $\omega^2$ are exactly those of the form $\omega\cdot n+k$ for natural numbers $n$ and $k$. Thus, these are the ordinals having two digits in base $\omega$, and counting to $\omega^ …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
11 votes

Which part(s) of this proof of Goodstein's Theorem are not expressible in Peano arithmetic?

Because your argument involves arithmetical classes at several points, as you noticed, it is not directly expressible in the first-order language of $\newcommand\PA{\text{PA}}\PA$, although as Noah me …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
10 votes

Surreal numbers, ultrapowers of $\Bbb R$, ordinal-valued functions and the slow-growing hier...

This kind of analysis is very well understood in ultrapowers, and one often sees this kind of thinking with ultrapowers, where one performs calculations with the representing function for an object. W …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
10 votes

Formalizations of The Matchstick Diagram Representation of Ordinals

I prefer to think of the matchstick representations a little differently than you present them. Namely, your function $f$ provides the amount to jump up by at each step, the difference between each ma …
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar

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