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Questions tagged [stochastic-calculus]

Stochastic calculus provides a consistent theory of integration for stochastic processes and is used to model random systems. Its applications range from statistical physics to quantitative finance.

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Conditions for existence of a semi-martingale representing a system of probability measures

Let $(\nu_t)_{t \in [0,1]}$ be Borel probability measures on a stochastic basis $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},(\mathcal{F}_{t \in [0,1]})_t,\mathbb{P})$. Does there exist a semi-martingale $(X_t)_{t\in[0,1]}$ ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Independent increments for the Brownian motion on a Riemannian manifold

In am not a probabilist, but I must do some stochastic-flavoured work on a connected Riemannian manifold $M$. A nice thing about the Brownian motion on $\mathbb R^n$ is that we may talk about its ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Why are financial markets modeled by càdlàg processes?

When opening a book or reading an article on mathematical finance, financial markets (e.g. stock prices) are always modeled by càdlàg semimartingales. I was wondering why it is that these processes ...
vaoy's user avatar
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Question regarding Ito representation theorem

Let $H$ be a Gaussian Hilbert space and $H^{:n:}$ be the homogeneous chaos of order $n$. and let $D_n:=\{(t_1,\cdots,t_n):t_1<t_2<\cdots <t_n\}$. For each $n\geq 0$ there exists an isometry \...
Chaos's user avatar
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Can one change the dimension of a Bessel process by a Girsanov change of measure?

Recall that a (squared) Bessel process $X_t$ with the dimension $\delta_0>0$ is the solution of the SDE $$d X_t = 2\,\sqrt{X_t}\,d W_t+\delta_0\,d t.$$ A naive application of the Girsanov Theorem ...
Serge Resnick's user avatar
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Reference request: Ito formula for function $G(t, x)$ when $G$ depend on $\omega$

There is proved Lemma in book : Let the function $G(t,x)$ is defined when $t\in [0,T], x\in(-\infty,\infty)$, $G$ has continuous derivative with respect to $t$ and twice continuously diferentiable ...
Anton Sorokovskiy's user avatar
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Malliavin derivative of Ito process

Let $X_t= X_0 + \int_0^t \mu(s,X_s)ds + \int_0^t \sigma(s,X_s)dW_s$ where $\mu$ and $\sigma$ are $C^1$ functions satisfying the usual growth restriction and $W_t$ is a $d$-dimensional Brownian motion. ...
ABIM's user avatar
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About martingales induced by iterative processes

Suppose I have a discrete stochastic process $\{ X_i \}_{i=1,\ldots..}$ defined as, $X_{i+1} = X_i - \eta \nabla f(X_i) + \sqrt{\eta} \xi_i$ where $f : \mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ and $\xi_i \...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Role of Brownian Filtration

I'm trying to understand papers around Novikov, Kazamaki, Kramkov, Shiryaev... and there is something I can't figure out. I will try to describe it shortly and can give more information, if needed. ...
jekodo's user avatar
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Girsanov Theorem - Dependence of the probability space

I'm trying to understand the proof Novikov Condition and other works in this field (Kazamaki etc) and for this, i have to understand the Girsanov Theorem, which is also a part of the proof. In ...
jekodo's user avatar
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Predictability of countably valued accessible stopping times on complete and cadlag filtrations

The following question is motivated by this part of the proof of Lemma 2 on page 107 of the book Stochastic integration and differential equations of Philip Protter. Lemma 2. Let $T$ be a totally ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Question about Protter's proof of the Ito's formula

The following is a question about a notation that Protter uses in the proof of the Ito's formula for cadlag processes of finite variation (FV) that appears on Stochastic Integration and Differential ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type process with thresholding

(Edited) I met a univariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type process but with self soft-thresholding: $$ dX(t) = - c\ \mbox{sgn}(X(t))\big[|X(t)|-c_1 t^{\mu}\big]_+ dt + \sigma dB(t), \quad X(0)=0, $$ where $...
Nick's user avatar
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Using the optional stopping theorem on a stochastic process

(I'm much more used to number theory than to stochastic processes, so there are probably a lot of errors in the following:) Consider a stochastic differential equation $dx = F(t,x) dt + \sigma dW$, ...
Circonflexe's user avatar
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If $(Φ^x)_{x∈ℝ}$ is a family of real-valued stochastic processes and $B$ is a Brownian motion, then $\int_0^tΦ^x_s\:dB_s=(\int_0^t\Phi_s\:dB_s)(x)$

Let $T>0$ $(\Omega,\mathcal A,\operatorname P)$ be a probability space $(\mathcal F_t)_{t\in[0,\:T]}$ be a complete filtration on $(\Omega,\mathcal A)$ $B$ be a (standard, real-valued) $\mathcal F$...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Embedding a martingale by SDE

Let me reformulate my question. Let $(X_0,X_T)$ be a martingale on $\mathbb R$, then it is known that one has a SDE: $$Z_t=Z_0+\int_0^t\sigma(s,Z_s)dB_s, \mbox{ for all } t\in [0,T]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(\...
CodeGolf's user avatar
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Where can I find this article of Doléans-Dade?

I need to find the article "Intégrales stochastiques dépendant d’un paramètre" by Doléans-Dade. I could not find a pdf version online, and my university library does not have a printed version. Thank ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Law of motion when initial condition is perturbed

We know how to find the law of motion (Ito process) of the value function: $$V_t(x)=E\Big{[}\int^{T}_te^{-r (s-t)}f(s,X_s)ds+e^{-r (T-t)}g(T, X_{T})|\mathcal{F}_t\Big{]}$$ such that $$dX_t=\mu(t,X_t)...
skillfeedback's user avatar
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Strong Markov Property of the joint process $(B_t,L_t)_{t\ge 0}$

Let $B=(B_t)_{t\ge 0}$ be a Brownian motion and $L=(L_t)_{t\ge 0}$ be its local time in zero. Given two strictly increasing functions $\phi_1$, $\phi_2: \mathbb R_+\to\mathbb R$ such that $\phi_1(0)=\...
CodeGolf's user avatar
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When an integral with respect to a Poisson point process is finite?

Let $N(ds,dv)$ be a Poisson measure on $\mathbb{R} _+ \times \mathbb{R} _+$ with intensity $dsdv$. Let $N = \sum\limits \delta_{(s_i,v_i)}$. Assume that $N$ is compatible with a filtration $\{ \...
Viktor B's user avatar
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What is the sigma field of the derivative of a process?

When $t\to X_t$ is an absolutely continuous process ($X_t= X_0+ \int_0^t Y_s dt$ for some measurable process $Y_t$) we have for all $t$ $$\sigma(Y_t) \subset \cap_{\epsilon >0}\sigma(X_{s}, s\in [t,...
Filtrask's user avatar
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Probability that d-Brownian Motion ,$d\geq 3$, avoids a fixed set A

In other words, the probability that Brownian motion stays within $A^{c}$. What about for connected and fixed compact sets ? Would that involve solving a heat equation? How can I condition it, so ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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Asymptotic behavior of solutions of stochastic differential equations

I am studying a risk model whose dynamic is specified by a first order differential equation with a compound Poisson process on the right hand side. I would like to know whether there are some papers ...
randallxu's user avatar
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Expected value of a logarithm of a Levy process

I have a strictly positive Levy process $(L_t)$ with no Brownian part, drift $\gamma$ and jump measure $\nu$. Is it possible to calculate the expected value of the logarithm of this process, so $\...
Grzenio's user avatar
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Problem arising from martingale solutions to SPDE: $Law(u)=Law(v)$ on $C([0,T]; X)$, can $Law(u)=Law(v)$ on $C([0,t]; X)$ for $t<T$?

I ask this question because I found in some papers of martingale solutions to SPDE, to prove the approximate solutions $u_n$ is a convergent sequence, one can use "stochastic compact" method to find ...
YT_learning_math's user avatar
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Approximate martingales by truncation

Let $(X,Y)$ be a $\mathbb R-$valued martingale. For any $\varepsilon>0$, is it possible to find another martingale $(X',Y')$ s.t. $X'$ and $Y'$ are supported on a compact set, and $$ \mathbb E\big[\...
CodeGolf's user avatar
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