I'm trying to understand papers around Novikov, Kazamaki, Kramkov, Shiryaev...
and there is something I can't figure out. I will try to describe it shortly and can give more information, if needed.
In one paper by Kramkov and Shiryaev it says:
Let $W= (W_t,F_t,P)$ be a standard Wiener process and $T$ a Markov moment of $(F_t)_{t\geq 0}$. If $F_t = F^W_t$, the filtration generated by the Wiener process, then we can assume that $(\Omega,F,P)$ is the canonical Wiener Space, where $F = \lor F_t$.
My question is: Why do we need $F_t = F_t^W$ for the assumption?
I searched in Karatzas, Shreve - "Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus", but did not find any answer.
Thank you!