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45 votes
2 answers

Are rigid-analytic spaces obsolete, since adic spaces exist?

Recently in a seminar the following question was raised and, despite my familiarity with theory, I couldn't come up with a good answer: Are there any good reasons to use Tate's theory of rigid-...
Wojowu's user avatar
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Why do rigid spaces have "not enough points"?

In Brian Conrad's notes here for the 2007 Arizona winter school, bottom of p18, he says that there is an affinoid rigid-analytic space and a sheaf of abelian groups on it equipped with a non-zero ...
user34143's user avatar
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bornological vector spaces over a non-archimedean field

Let $k$ be a complete non-archimedean field. In definitions I have seen of bornological vector spaces over $k$ there are usually some extra assumptions on the non-archimedean field. For instance in '...
Oren Ben-Bassat's user avatar
5 votes
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Rigid analytic geometry in characterstic 0 vs positive characteristic

This question is motivated purely by curiosity. In algebraic geometry there is a major distinction between the world of characteristic $0$ and that of characteristic $p > 0$ with different methods, ...
Andrei Halanay's user avatar
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An example where the non-Archimedean tensor product of normed modules is only seminormed?

Let $R$ be a commutative unital ring and let $M$ be a unital $R$-module. A non-Archimedean ring seminorm on $R$ is a map $|\cdot| \colon R \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}$ which satisfies $$ | 0_R| = ...
dejavu's user avatar
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generic fibre functor for relative rigid spaces

The classical theory of formal models of rigid analytic spaces due to Raynaud introduces the category of admissible R-formal schemes for $R$ a discretely valued ring, which includes locally ...
Dima Sustretov's user avatar
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Topology of ring of global sections of finite union of affinoid opens in a rigid analytic space

Let $X$ be a rigid analytic space over a non-Archimedean field $k$. If $U_1,\ldots,U_n\subseteq X$ are affinoid opens, then it's usually not clear whether or not the admissible open $U=U_1\cup\cdots\...
Keenan Kidwell's user avatar
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Stalks of nonarchimedean spaces as analytic rings

Let $(A,A^+)$ be an affinoid Tate ring, and let $x \in X=\operatorname{Spa}(A,A^+)$. When defining the stalks of the structure sheafs ${\mathcal O}_{X,x} = \varinjlim_{x \in U} {\mathcal O}_{X}(U) $ ...
Theodor's user avatar
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Is this subset of a rigid space an admissible open?

Let $K$ be a $p$-adic field and let $X$ be the rigid space $ \operatorname{Max} K\langle T_1, T_2 \rangle$, i.e. the 2-dimensional closed unit ball. Consider the sets $U := \{ |T_1| < 1\}$ and $V :...
David Loeffler's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a notion of pure dimension for Berkovich analytic space?

For affinoid spaces the definition is similar to algebraic geometry, what about general analytic spaces? I can't find a reference about it. If yes then is the analytification of a variety of pure ...
shang's user avatar
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Significance of integrally closed in an affinoid algebra

A Tate affinoid k-algebra is defined as a pair $(R,R^+)$ where $R$ is a Tate algebra and $R^+$ is an open and integrally closed subring of $R$ contained in the ring of powerbounded elements. See for ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Tropical charts (coordinates) and differential forms in non-archimedean geometry

Chambert-Loir and Ducros have introduced real differential forms and currents on Berkovich spaces.(See Gubler's survey for example). In that survey, a tropical chart $V$ is defined on an ...
Hang's user avatar
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Spherical completions and flatness

Let $k$ be a non-Archimedean field. Does there exist a spherical completion $K$ of $k$ such that for any $k$-Banach space $X$, the natural map $X \to X \widehat{\otimes}K$ is an isometric embedding? ...
Oren Ben-Bassat's user avatar
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Tate algebras and fundamental theorem of algebra

Let $\mathbb K$ be an algebraically-closed complete non-archimedean field whose absolute value is non-trivial. Consider the Tate algebra $T_n=\mathbb K\langle X_1,\dots, X_n \rangle$ and fix $f\in T_n$...
Hang's user avatar
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Projective reduction of image of power series is algebraic?

Let $K$ be a non-archimedean field with closed unit disk $\mathcal{O}\subset K$, open unit disk $\mathfrak{m}\subset \mathcal{O}$ and residue field $k = \mathcal{O}/\mathfrak{m}$. Examples to keep in ...
Jef's user avatar
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Coherence of the I-adic completion of a local ring of a formal scheme

Let $K$ be a valued field of rank one and $K^+$ its valuation ring such that $K^+$ is $\varpi$-adically complete with respect to a pseudo-uniformizer $\varpi\in K^+$. Let $X$ be a smooth finite type $...
Takagi Benseki's user avatar
3 votes
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Why does $\mathbb C_p$ not contain the periods?

I am reading the following article of Berger, p8 and I don't understand the idea: $C_p:=\widehat{\overline{\mathbb Q_p}}$ does not contain the periods The text seem to reason as follows (under some ...
Bryan Shih's user avatar
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gluing Berkovich spaces

In his paper Etale cohomology for non-Archimedean analytic space (IHES), Berkovich explained how to glue $k$-analytic spaces (Prop. 1.3.3) and show its uniqueness using the Prop 1.3.2 (gluing morphism)...
quasi-mathematician's user avatar
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Is $\mathbb{A}_k^n(k)$ dense in the Berkovich analytification of $\mathbb{A}_k^n$?

Let $k$ be a non-archimedean field and denote by $\mathbb{A}_k^n$ the analytic affine space of $n$ dimensions over $k$ (analytic in the sense of Berkovich). There is a natural injective map of sets $\...
Jakob Werner's user avatar
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Enlightening examples of tropical skeletons of Berkovich spaces

Let $K$ be a complete non-archimedean field and let $X$ be a $K$-analytic space in the sense of Berkovich of pure dimension $d$. Let $\varphi \colon X \to \mathbf{G}_m^r$ be a moment map to an ...
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Rigid analytic geometry and Tate curve

I am stuck in the proof of theorem 5.1.4 in the book rigid analytic geometry and its applications on page 126. The authurs define $\Gamma:=G^{an}_{m,k}/<q\gt$ where $k$ is a complete non-...
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Berthelot functor, rigid analytic space

If $X=\operatorname{Spec} A$, where $A$ is a noetherien, complete local ring, with a finite residual field $\mathbb{F}_p$. We can associate to $A$ a rigid analytic space with two different ways, we ...
Adel BETINA's user avatar
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Complete residue field of a point of type 5

Let $(F,|.|)$ be a complete algebraically closed field. Let $x$ be the point of type 5 corresponding to the unit open disc of the adic affine line over $F$. Can we obtain a concrete description of the ...
AZZOUZ Tinhinane Amina's user avatar
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Reference request: Gruson's theorem on the tensor product of Banach spaces over a non-Archimedean field

I am looking for a reference for theorem 3.21 of these notes: The theorem states that if $k$ is a non-Archimedean field and $X$ and $Y$ are $k$-...
Dcoles's user avatar
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Contractibility of the quotient of an analytification of a smooth variety by a finite group (if the field is trivially valued)

Let $k$ be a field and $X$ be a smooth irreducible $k$-variety with an action of a finite group $G$. I consider $k$ as a trivially valued field. It is known from results of Berkovich ("Smooth p-...
Sam's user avatar
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Polytopal domains in non-archimedean torus

Given a non-archimedean field $\mathbb K$, there is a natural map $$ \mathrm{val}: (\mathbb K^*)^n\to\mathbb R^n$$ (See Section 4 of Gubler's paper). Gubler mentions there $\mathrm{val}$ is a ...
Hang's user avatar
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Affinoid algebra and fundamental theorem of algebra

This post is closely related to the previous one here. But more generally, we want to study an affinoid algebra $A:=T_n/\mathfrak a$. Let's assume $\mathfrak a= (f_1,\dots,f_r)$ for some $f_i\in T_n$....
Hang's user avatar
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Explicit description of rigid analytification of torus

It is known that in non-archimedean world there is also a GAGA-functor from the category of $K$-schemes of locally finite type to the category of rigid $K$-spaces. Here $K$ is a field with a non-...
Hang's user avatar
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Relative nonarchimedean disks and annuli

Let $A$ be a Huber (i.e. f-adic) ring, meaning a topological ring with an open subring $A_0$ which is adic and has finitely generated ideal of definition. Is there a good notion of closed disk of ...
Justin Campbell's user avatar