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Divergent summation [closed]

Let $(x_i)_{i=0}^\infty$ be a sequence such that $0<x_i<1\ \forall i \in \mathbb{N} \cup {0}$.Consider the following series: $$\sum_{i=1}^\infty \frac{x_i}{\left(\sum_{k=0}^{i-1} x_k \right)^2}.$...
Paul Deerock's user avatar
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The sequence has a stationary accumulation point

Let $f:\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a smooth (continuously differentiable), convex function with a non-empty set of minimizers and $\{x^k\}$ be a sequence such that (a) $\{x^k\}$ has an ...
Dat Ba Tran's user avatar
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Some exercise on the regularity of a summability method

I was reading the book of Johann Boos "Classical and modern method in summability theory" and I came across an exercise from the Chapter 2 (page 50, exercise 2.3.15). Here is the statement ...
popa13's user avatar
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"Approximating" linear recursion with homogenous polynomial coefficients by linear recursion with constant coefficients

In a lecture I once attended, I remember the speaker using a result of the following nature: $``$Let $\{A_n\}_{n=1}^\infty \subset \mathbb R$ be a sequence satisfying a recursion of the form $$P(n) ...
asrxiiviii's user avatar
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Solving recurrent relation

I have the following recurrent relation and I want to find a close form of it if it exists at all. $$ P_n = (1-p)^{n-1}P_{n-1} + \sum\limits_{k=2}^{n} \binom{n-1}{k-1} p^{\binom{k}{2}} (1-p)^{k(n-k)} ...
Eugene's user avatar
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