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27 votes
1 answer

Mixed Hodge structure on the rational homotopy type

A mixed Hodge structure (mHs) on a commutative differential graded algebra (cgda) over $\mathbf{Q}$ is a mixed Hodge structure on the underlying vector space such that the product and the differential ...
algori's user avatar
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5 votes
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DG-Modules over CDG-algebras in the sense of rational homotopy theory

I don't know if this question is elementary or not. Suppose we have a rationalization $X_\mathbb{Q}$ of a simply connected topological space $X$. Then we can construct a CDG-algebra - a minimal ...
Fat ninja's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

Software for rational homotopy theory

Does anybody know a software manipulating commutative differential graded algebras, and providing a computation of the minimal model? I tried to use the package DGAlgebras of Macaulay2, but I got ...
Paolo Salvatore's user avatar
7 votes
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Schematization of a topological space

I wanted to understand or at least to know if what follows make sense. Given a connected toplogical space $X$, I want to associate a scheme. In the following way. For a space $X$ and $A(X)$ the ...
lilia's user avatar
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9 votes
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Does real formality descend to rational formality for operads?

A classical theorem in rational homotopy theory says that a space is formal over $\mathbb{Q}$ iff it is formal over any field of characteristic zero. In other words, the algebra $A^*_{PL}(X)$ is ...
Najib Idrissi's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

cohomology of configuration space of punctured variety

Given a smooth projective variety $X$ of dimension $l$, we denote with $F(X,n)$ the configuration space of points $$ F(X,n):=\{(x_{1}, \dots, x_{n})\in X^{n}\: : \: x_{i}\neq x_{j}\text{ for each }i,j ...
Cepu's user avatar
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16 votes
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rationalization of classifying spaces

This question is probably trivial for anyone who is more familiar with rational homotopy theory than me, but anyway: Let $G$ be a simply-connected topological group. In particular, it is an $H$-...
Ulrich Pennig's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

rational homotopy of a manifold

Given a finite dim rational homotopy type satisfying Poincaré duality, what is the best reference to when it is the rational homotopy type of a fin dim manifold?
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Rational homotopy type of a complement

Let $X$ and $X'$ be smooth closed manifolds. Take closed subpolyhedra $D\subset X$ and $D'\subset X'$ (with respect to some triangulations) and let $f:X\to X'$ be a homotopy equivalence such that $f(D)...
algori's user avatar
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Rational homotopy and l-adic cohomology

In rational homotopy theory there is a basic construction which, given a prime number $l$ and a $CW$-complex $X$, produces a localized space $X_l$ equipped with a map $X\rightarrow X_l$ that induces ...
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4 votes
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Finite spatial realization of relative minimal sullivan models

In their book "Algebraic Models in Geometry" (Felix, Oprea, Tanre) the authors claim that: "Each finite type relative minimal cdga $(∧V ⊗∧W,D)$ is the relative minimal model of a fibration $p: E → B$ ...
ort96's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Convergence of a sum with the ranks of homotopy groups

Let $F$ be a (nontrivial) topological space that satisfies the following conditions: 1) $\pi_n(F)$ has a trivial action of $\pi_1(F)$ for $n>0$ and 2) its homology groups are finitely generated. ...
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6 votes
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Mysterious property of $\mathbb{Q}$

Hi, I am currently working through the paper by Bousfield and Gugenheim on rational homotopy theory, and have come to a point where they show why it is important to work over $\mathbb{Q}$, and not ...
Brian Robertson's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Rational homotopy theory of a punctured manifold

Let $M$ be a smooth simply connected manifold and let $N$ be $M$ minus a point. Is it possible to construct an explicit Sullivan model for $N$ (i.e. a commutative differential graded algebra (cdga) ...
algori's user avatar
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8 votes
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Rational homotopy type of Hilbert scheme components

What is known about rational homotopy type of irreducible component of $Hilb^n(\mathbb C^k)$ containing configuration space? I've searched arXiv for a while and found nothing but surmise that Betti ...
Denis T's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

A cdga for compactly supported cohomology (à la Sullivan's algebra of polynomial forms)

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold, and let $\Omega^\bullet(M)$ be the commutative dg-algebra of differential forms on $M$. It is quasi-isomorphic to the dg-algebra of singular cochains on $M$. If $M$ is no ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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4 votes
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The image of the Hurewicz map for rational loop spaces

Let $K$ be the rationalization of a simply-connected finite CW complex. Then the Samelson product gives $\pi_*(\Omega K)$ the structure of a graded Lie algebra, and the Hurewicz map $h: \pi_*(\Omega ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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18 votes
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Higher homotopy algebraic structure on the homology of an operad

Given a DGA $A$, then by standard techniques such as homological perturbation theory, the ring structure on the homology $H(A)$ extends to a minimal $A_\infty$-algebra structure such that $H(A)$ is ...
Jeffrey Giansiracusa's user avatar
4 votes
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Is the bar construction of a CDGA model a Hopf algebra model for the loop space?

By a theorem of Adams, if $A = C^*(X;\mathbb{Q})$ is the CDGA of rational cochains on $X$ then the cohomology of the bar complex of $A$ is isomorphic to $H^*(\Omega X; \mathbb{Q})$ as a coalgebra (see ...
Najib Idrissi's user avatar
13 votes
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Homotopy type of the self-homotopy equivalences of a bouquet of spheres

Before I state the questions I have in mind, let me give some background. If one considers $S^2$ then it is known due to Kneser that $\textrm{Homeo}^{+}(S^2)$ has the homotopy type of $SO(3)$. By ...
Somnath Basu's user avatar
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5 votes
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What's a good reference for the following obstruction theory yoga?

Fix a colored operad, which I will leave implicit, and a field $\mathbb K$ of characteristic $0$. By algebra in this post I will mean a dg algebra over $\mathbb K$ for the given colored operad. I ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
19 votes
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Hodge star and harmonic simplicial differential forms

Is there a notion of harmonic forms and Hodge theory for Sullivan's piecewise smooth differential forms on a simplicial set? Let me recall some background. Hodge Theory on a Riemannian manifold A ...
Jeffrey Giansiracusa's user avatar
4 votes
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sufficient conditions for rational homotopy equivalence

Is it true that if a finite CW complex $X$ is simply connected, and $\tilde{H}_i(X, \mathbb{Q}) =0$ for $i \neq D$, then $X$ is rationally homotopy equivalent to a bouquet of $D$-dimensional spheres? ...
Matthew Kahle's user avatar
5 votes
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Characterizing the rationalization of spaces.

In the category of rational spaces, loop spaces split as products of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces and SUSPENSIONS split as wedges of (rational) spheres. I wonder if anything of the following form is ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is the functor of PA forms known to be equivalent to the functor of PL forms for noncompact spaces?

In the following paper: Robert Hardt, Pascal Lambrechts, Victor Turchin, and Ismar Volić, Real homotopy theory of semi-algebraic sets, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 11 (2011), no. 5, 2477–2545. the authors ...
Najib Idrissi's user avatar
7 votes
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Minimal models with local coefficients

Let $X$ be a path-connected nilpotent space (meaning $\pi_1(X)$ is nilpotent and acts nilpotently on the higher homotopy groups). Let $\rho\colon\thinspace\pi_1(X)\to \mathrm{Gl}(V)$ be a ...
Mark Grant's user avatar
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Is there a picture I should have in my head of rational homotopy equivalence?

My understanding is that one thinks to rational homotopy theory for computational advantage. However, thinking about things in terms of localizations still lacks some amount of intuition for me. In ...
Joseph Victor's user avatar
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Reference request: splittings in rational homotopy theory

It is well known that for simply-connected rational spaces, every suspension splits as a wedge of rational spheres and every loop space splits as a product of rational Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces. ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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