In the category of rational spaces, loop spaces split as products of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces and SUSPENSIONS split as wedges of (rational) spheres. I wonder if anything of the following form is true:
(*) Any functor $F$ from spaces to spaces which splits suspensions and loop spaces as above must factor through the rationalization.
EDIT 1: Greg raises some fine questions, but I stand by my wording. This is a question that arises from curiosity, not because I need it for anything, so I'd be happy with "anything like" the given statement.
EDIT 2: At least for simply-connected spaces, rationalization commutes with loop and suspension. But, it seems to me that the power of the property is that the suspension
of any F-space splits and the loops of any F-space splits. So I would go with:
the suspension of any rational space splits as a wedge of rational spheres and
the loops of any rational space splits as a product of rational Eilenberg-Mac Lanes spaces.
Thus, we'd be looking for functors to some model-esque category with some relatively manageable list of objects whose products exhaust the homotopy types of loop spaces and whose wedges exhaust the homotopy types of suspensions.