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Computer program for free restricted Lie polynomial

I am conducting numerical experiments involving the Gröbner–Shirshov Basis for restricted Lie algebras. At each step of the computation, I need to work with restricted Lie polynomials. Specifically, I ...
gualterio's user avatar
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Reference for Gröbner-Shirshov algorithm in free restricted Lie algebras

I am searching for a reference on the Gröbner-Shirshov algorithm specifically for free restricted Lie algebras. I have already consulted the textbook by Bokut et al (Gröbner–Shirshov Bases Normal ...
gualterio's user avatar
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Proof of a folkloric result about PI-algebras [duplicate]

I am not not an specialist in PI-algebras, but I can say I have a rather good understanding on the subject. It is, of course, interesting to discover if an algebra $A$ is a PI-algebra. But it is also ...
jg1896's user avatar
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Second cohomology group of the contact Lie algebra $K_3$

Let $F$ be a field of characteristic zero and, for all $n>0$, consider the contact Lie algebra $K_{2n+1}$. It follows from Corollary 3 of the paper [V. Guillemin - S. Shnider: Some stable results ...
Rocky Smith's user avatar
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The "big bracket" in Lie bialgebras

I am looking for a well-written document such as a survey article or textbook that explores the subject of the "big bracket". This concept is briefly introduced in the appendix of Yvette ...
user56980's user avatar
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A few reference questions about the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula

I'm looking at the article Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula - Wikipedia and I have a few questions. Under the "Special cases" section, there is a notation $\DeclareMathOperator{\ad}{ad}$ $$ \...
askquestions2's user avatar
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Solvability and nilpotency for Banach algebras

Do we have topological counterparts of solvability and nilpotency, which are central concepts for (finite-dimensional) Lie algebras, for infinite dimensional Banach algebras with the commutator ...
Onur Oktay's user avatar
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Regular nilpotents and minimal parabolic subalgebras in real semisimple Lie algebras

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a real semisimple Lie algebra. A subalgebra $\mathfrak{p}$ of $\mathfrak{g}$ is parabolic if its complexification is parabolic in $\mathfrak{g}_\mathbb{C}$, meaning it contains a ...
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Pullback of Lie algebras [closed]

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic 0 and let $\varphi:\mathfrak{g}\rightarrow\mathfrak{f}$ and $\psi:\mathfrak{h}\rightarrow\mathfrak{f}$ be maps of Lie algebras. Is there a reference showing that ...
user15160811's user avatar
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One-parameter family of algebra structures: characterizing trivial deformation as adjoint 2-cocycle being a 2-coboundary

$\DeclareMathOperator\C{\mathbf{C}}$Motivation: this post discusses a simple criterion for a 1-parameter family of $n$-dimensional complex algebras to be a "trivial deformation", i.e., be ...
YCor's user avatar
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Macdonald's notes on Kac Moody algebras

Macdonald had given some lectures on Kac-Moody algebras in 1983. The notes are typed here by Arun Ram. However, the website seems to be old and the notes are somewhat not readable because of the ...
ArB's user avatar
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References: Lie derivations of Full matrix algebra [closed]

I want, if possible a list of references that trait Lie derivations of Full matrix algebras. Other than Lie derivations of generalized matrix algebras . Thanks
Lastname's user avatar
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Universal central extension of Lie algebras

In the literature, there is the notion of the universal central extension of a Lie algebra. My question is: is there also a notion of universal extensions that are not central? If yes, can you provide ...
Sleipnir's user avatar
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Book on algebraic structures

What is the most complete book on algebraic structures that deals with the complete taxonomy from magmas to Lie algebras and inner product spaces?
user127555's user avatar
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Subalgebras with finite codimension

In group theory it is well-known that every subgroup of finite index contains a normal subgroup of finite index. It is not true in general that for Lie algebras every subalgebra of finite codimenslon ...
Ahmet Arikan's user avatar
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Kernel of some expressions in real Lie algebras

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a real Lie algebra and let $\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{k}\oplus\mathfrak{p}$ be a Cartan decomposition of $\mathfrak{g}$. Let $\mathfrak{a}$ be maximal abelian subalgebra of $\...
guest's user avatar
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Is there a name for a noncommutative generalization of Poisson algebra?

Is there a name for an associative algebra which is further endowed with a Lie algebra structure such that the Leibniz rule holds, i.e., $$[a, b \circ c]=[a,b]\circ c+b\circ [a,c], \hspace{15mm}(*)$$ ...
another-guest's user avatar
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Which known theorems of Lie algebras are still valid for Leibniz algebras?

Leibniz algebras can be seen as a non-commutative generalization of Lie algebras. Thus, it is common to see a lot of papers which topic is about a generalization of a classic theorem of Lie algebras ...
9 votes
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Poincaré duality for (co)homology of Lie algebras?

Let $R$ be a commutative ring and $\mathfrak{g}$ a Lie $R$-algebra that has an $R$-module basis with $n$ elements. In Algebra, Geometry, and Software Systems by Joswig & Takayama on p.200, it ...
Leo's user avatar
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BGG-like resolutions and translations

This question originated from my confusion after I read the following paragraph (page 31, section 4.8) in Resolutions and Hilbert series of the unitary highest weight modules of the exceptional ...
Vít Tuček's user avatar
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translation functors in parabolic category $\mathcal{O}$

I'm looking for a reference for a treatment of translation functors (as defined e.g. in this [question][1]) in parabolic versions of BGG category $\mathcal{O}$. I am mainly interested in the ...
Vít Tuček's user avatar
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Commutator formulas in a universal enveloping algebra

I am interested in finding formulas for commutators of symmetrized monomials in a universal enveloping algebra. Let $C(x_1,\ldots, x_n)= (1/n!)\sum x_{\sigma(1)}\cdots x_{\sigma(n)}$ where the sum ...
Justin Young's user avatar