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Probability of winning game whereby $T+1$ heads in a row of a coin flip is required to win where $T$ is the number of cumulative tails flipped

I have a weird question which probably seems out of place here but it has proven more difficult than anticipated. I am going to describe the game without showing work toward a solution. Numerically, ...
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Precise asymptotics for moments of order statistics of normal distribution

Let $X_1, \cdots, X_n \sim N(0,1)$ be i.i.d. normal random variates. I am interested in understanding the first two moments of the quasi-range $X_{(n)}-X_{(n-1)}$ (i.e., the maximum value minus the ...
Thurmond's user avatar
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Lower bound on sum of independent heavy-tailed random variables

I have a sum of $n$ i.i.d random variables $X_i$ such that $E[X_i] = 0$,$\mathrm{E}[|X_i|^{1 + \delta}]$ exists for some $0 < \delta < 1$ but $\mathrm{E}[|X_i|^{1 + \delta+ \epsilon}]$ does not ...
Kaiyue Wen's user avatar
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Does the average of correlated Gaussian random variables with mean zero and different variances converge in probability to their mean?

Let $X_i\sim N(0,\sigma_i^2)$ and $\operatorname{Corr}(X_i,X_j)>0$. Is it possible to show that $$\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N X_i \overset{p}\rightarrow E[X_i]=0.$$ Do you have a reference to a law of ...
Adrian Leverkuhn's user avatar
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For a random sequence $X_0, X_1, X_2, \ldots$ and $F_n$ the empirical CDF, does $F_n(X_0)$ converge to a uniform random variable?

Let $X_0, X_1, X_2, \ldots$ be a sequence of i.i.d. real-valued random variables on some probability space $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathbb{P})$ with continuous CDF $F(x)$ and define a sequence of ...
cgmil's user avatar
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A question on the applicability Chebyshev inequality for sequence of random quantities

Let $(X_n)_n$ and $(Y_n)_n$ be two mutually independent sequences of random tensors (i.e scalars, vectors, matrices, etc.) defined on the same probability space, and let $f$ be a measurable function. ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Weak convergence of Cesaro means of weakly converging infinite-dimensional distribution

Suppose we have sequences of random variables $\{X_{n,m},n \in \mathbb{N}\}$ where the distribution of $(X_{n,m})_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ converges weakly to an infinite-dimensional normal distribution $\...
moe.dancer's user avatar
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$|\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n X_i-E(X_1)|=O_P(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}})$ under $E(|X_1|)<\infty$?

For i.i.d. random variables $X_1,\dots, X_n$ with $E(|X_1|)<\infty$. Does the following equation hold? $$ \left|\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n X_i-E(X_1)\right|=O_P\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\right) $$ I ...
John's user avatar
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Convergence of quadratic form $y^T Q y$ where $y$ is a random iid sequence of length $n$ and $Q$ is an $n \times n$ random matrix independent of $y$

For each positive integer, let $Q_n=(q_{i,j})_{i,j \in [n]}$ be a random $n \times n$ psd matrix. In the limit $n \to \infty$, suppose the eigenvalues of this sequence of matrices are uniformly ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Compute limit of $\mathbb P(Y \le X_n)$ using limiting information on the sequence of random variables $X_n$

Let $Y$ be a symmetric random variable, $(X_n)_n$ be a sequence of nonnegative random variables, and set $p_n = \mathbb P(Y \le X_n)$. It is known from Slutsky's theorem that, if $c$ is a constant ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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When does a gaussian quadratic form converge (in probability) to a constant?

Let $(h_{ij})_{i,j \in \mathbb N}$ be a sequence of real numbers (deterministic) and let $x_1,\ldots,x_n,\ldots$ be a sequence of iid $N(0,1)$ randm variables. For each positive integer $n$, consider ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Almost sure stochastic equicontinuity

Suppose $\mathcal{G}$ is a normed closed class of functions with finite entropy and envelope with a finite second moment (details below), and $g_0$ is a function in the interior of that class. Let $...
Caetano's user avatar
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Show that $\sup_{\|g\|\leq \delta_n}\left| \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\sum_{i=1}^n g(Z_i)\right|\rightarrow_{\text{a.s.}}0.$ when $\delta_n\rightarrow 0$?

UPDATE: The result below can be understood as an almost sure stochastic equicontinuity condition. I don't know of any result establishing primitives of almost sure stochastic equicontinuity. If you ...
Caetano's user avatar
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Convergence of estimator given by a fixed point

Let $X$ be a non-negative random variable with cdf $F$ and define $$G(s) = E[\max(0,u(X)-sX)],$$ where $u$ is some real function. Let $s_0$ be the unique fixed point of $G$. Now let $X_1,\dots,X_t$ ...
T. Tharoor's user avatar
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Order statistic - Rate of convergence of a p-quantile to the expectation

Fix some $k\in\mathbb N$ and some probability $p\in[0,1]$. Denote with $F_n$ the cdf of the k-th highest oder statistic (i.e. the distribution of the k-th highest draw) of $n$ draws from a uniform ...
jonasvw's user avatar
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Limiting distribution of "scatter matrix" $\frac{1}{n}XX^T:=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^nx_ix_i^T$ for iid $x_1,\ldots,x_n \in \mathbb R^p$

Let $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ be drawn iid from such "nice" distribution on $\mathbb R^p$ (but possibly very general!), and let $X$ be the $n$-by-$p$ matrix formed by vertically stacking the $x_i$'s. ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Asymptotic rate for the expected value of the square root of sample average

I have iid random variables $X_1, \dots, X_n$ with $X_i \geq 0$, $E[X_i]=1$ and $V[X_i] = \sigma^2$. Let $S_n = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n X_i}{n}$. I'd like to say that $E[\sqrt{S_n}] = 1-O(1/n)$. My first ...
Florian Tramèr's user avatar
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Expected value of the maximum of the periodogram

Let us suppose that $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ with $n\ge1$ are iid random variables such that $\operatorname EX_1=0$ and $\operatorname E|X_1|^s<\infty$ with some $s>2$ and define the DFT of $X_1,\ldots,...
Cm7F7Bb's user avatar
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Uniform Convergence for Vectors

$\textbf{Problem statement:}$ Let $\mathcal H:\mathcal X \rightarrow \{0,1\}$ be a class of Boolean functions for $\mathcal X \subset \mathbb R^n$, and let the VC Dimension of $\mathcal H$ be $VC_{...
AvidLearner's user avatar
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Wasserstein convergence of conditional measures

Suppose $W_r(\mu_n,\mu)\to0$, where $\mu_n$ and $\mu$ are discrete probability measures on some metric space $\Omega$, and that all measures have the same number of atoms $d$ (but not the same atoms): ...
JohnA's user avatar
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A question in central limit theorem

Suppose $\{X_n,n\ge1\}$ are independent r.v., $E(X_n)=0$, $\operatorname{Var} \left(X_n\right)=\sigma_n^2<\infty$. Set $S_n=\sum_{i=1}^nX_i$ and $s_n^2=\sum_{i=1}^n\sigma_i^2$, assume $$\frac{S_n}{...
J.Mike's user avatar
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Convergence rate of Pearson correlation matrix

I am interested in (rather sharp if not the finest) tail/concentration bounds for the Pearson correlation matrix: let $X_1,\ldots,X_N \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)$ be correlated random variables; let $\rho(...
mic's user avatar
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4 votes
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Estimate on gaussian distribution

Let X be an $\mathbb R^d$-valued random variable with distribution $N_d(0,\Sigma)$. I'm looking for a function $f$ such that $$P(|X_1|\leq M, |X_2|\leq M,\dots, |X_d|\leq M)\geq f(M),$$ and such that $...
splinter123's user avatar
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Quantile convergence

Let $X^1,\dots,X^n$ be a sample of (not necessarily iid) random variables and denote $$F^n(x)=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \mathbf 1_{X^i\leq x}$$ the empirical distribution function. Suppose that we know ...
splinter123's user avatar