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9 votes
2 answers

Heat flow, decay of the Fisher information, and $\lambda$-displacement convexity

In the whole post I will work in the flat torus $\mathbb T^d=\mathbb R^d/\mathbb Z^d$ and $\rho$ will stand for any probability measure $\mathcal P(\mathbb T^d)$. This question is strongly related to ...
6 votes
2 answers

Weak convergence + convergence of the norm implies strong convergence in Orlicz spaces

It is known [1, proposition 3.32] and a classical trick in PDEs that, in any uniformly convex Banach space $X$, weak convergence $x_n\rightharpoonup x$ together with convergence of the norm $\|x_n\|_X\...
1 vote
0 answers

Representation formula for the continuity equation on a separable Hilbert space

The following is an informal question for which I'd like to (ideally) find a reference. I'm quite a novice in this area but would be happy to find a reference to a theorem along the following lines (...
5 votes
1 answer

Uniqueness of Kantorovich potentials?

$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}$Take $\Omega\subset \R^d$ bounded, convex, and smooth. Consider the optimal transport problem with cost $c(x,y)=\lvert x-y\rvert^2$, leading to the quadratic Wassersein ...
5 votes
1 answer

Fokker-Planck: equivalence between linear spectral gap and nonlinear displacement convexity?

In a smooth, bounded and convex domain $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^d$ consider the usual linear Fokker-Planck equation with Neumann (some would say Robin) boundary conditions \begin{equation} \label{FP} \...
4 votes
0 answers

improved regularization for $\lambda$-convex gradient flows

It is well-known that gradient-flows of convex functionals are "parabolic" in some vague sense, and accordingly solutions tend to regularize instataneously. In the abstract context of gradient flows ...
10 votes
1 answer

Open Questions about Wasserstein Space and PDE

While working on my thesis, I encountered the idea of OMT and started reading some more (like Villani's book). In particular, I came across a PhD thesis by Martial Agueh. I thought it was interesting ...
7 votes
0 answers

(geodesic) smoothness of f-divergence with respect to the Wasserstein metric

We consider the f-divergence, which takes the form $$ D_f(P \| Q) = \int_\Omega f\left(\frac{dP}{dQ}\right) dQ. $$ For example, when $f(t) = t \log t$, we obtain the KL-divergence. My question is ...
5 votes
1 answer

Universal decay rate of the Fisher information along the heat flow

I'm looking for a reference for the following fact: In the torus $\mathbb T^d$ let me denote by $u_t=u(t,x)$ the (unique, distributional) solution of the heat equation $$ \partial_t u=\Delta u $$ ...
6 votes
1 answer

Reference request: Wasserstein metric spaces for non linear weights/mobility?

There is a very nice theory of gradient flows in metric spaces by Ambrosio, Gigli and Savaré. One particularly important application is the quadratic Wasserstein setting, where the metric space in ...
0 votes
0 answers

Reference request: density of $C_c^{\infty}(\mathbb R^d)$ in $L^2(\mathbb R^d,d\rho)$

My question is motivated by an optimal transportation approach to PDE's and gradient flows in metric spaces (see e.g Otto's geometry of dissipative evolution equations: the porous media equation and ...
4 votes
1 answer

PDE-Based Triangle Inequality for Optimal Transportation

Suppose $\Omega$ is a suitably regular domain in $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $\rho_0,\rho_1\in\textrm{Prob}(\Omega)$. Benamou and Brenier showed that the $L_2$ transportation distance between $\rho_0$ and $\...