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5 answers

Reference for the Gelfand duality theorem for commutative von Neumann algebras

The Gelfand duality theorem for commutative von Neumann algebras states that the following three categories are equivalent: (1) The opposite category of the category of commutative von Neumann ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
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Equivalence of $\sigma$-weak topology to another topology

Let $\mathcal H$ be a Hilbert space. Define a topology $\tau_1$ on $B(\mathcal H)$ by the family of seminorms $x\mapsto |Tr(xa)|,$ $a\in L^1(B(\mathcal H)).$ Here $B(\mathcal H)$ denotes the set of ...
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
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Folium in GNS construction and von Neumann algebras

The GNS construction allows one to represent a $C^*$-algebra as the algebra of bounded operators on a Hilbert space when a state is fixed, this state being represented as a vector on the Hilbert space....
Issam Ibnouhsein's user avatar
3 votes
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Ultraweak topology in abelian von Neumann algebras

Let $A$ be an abelian von Neumann algebra acting on the (not necessarily separable) Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ (with identity $I$). From the Gelfand-Neumark theorem, there is a compact Hausdorff ...
condexp's user avatar
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Direct proof a property of hyperstonean spaces

First, let me state some basic facts and definitions for my question. I believe these are well-known among experts working on von Neumann algebras, but let me state them anyway since my question is ...
Rick Sternbach's user avatar
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Continuous surjection between spectra of commutative von Neumann algebras

Suppose that $V_1,V_2$ are two commutative von Neumann algebras and $V_1 \subset V_2$. Being in particular commutative $C^*$-algebras we have that $V_1 \cong C(X_1), V_2 \cong C(X_2)$ for some ...
truebaran's user avatar
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