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38 votes
5 answers

Are nontrivial integer solutions known for $x^3+y^3+z^3=3$?

The Diophantine equation $$x^3+y^3+z^3=3$$ has four easy integer solutions: $(1,1,1)$ and the three permutations of $(4,4,-5)$. Elsenhans and Jahnel wrote in 2007 that these were all the solutions ...
András Salamon's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

The Class Number One Problem for Real Quadratic Fields

An approach to the Gauß class number one problem for imaginary quadratic fields is to determine the integral points on the modular curve $Y_{nonsplit}(n)$ for a suitable $n$. Here follows a quick ...
7 votes
4 answers

Interactions of number theoretic conjectures and other fields of mathematics

There are many interesting open conjectures in number theory. My question is not about partial results or possible ways to prove them. It is about their interactions with the other fields of ...
6 votes
2 answers

Must Mersenne numbers be divisible by arbitrary large primes with exponent one?

Let $M_n$ denote the Mersenne numbers $M_n=2^n-1$. As $n$ varies, must $M_n$ be divisible by arbitrary large prime $p$ with exponent one, i.e. $p \mid M_n, p^2 \nmid M_n$? In other words, must the ...
joro's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Collatz conjecture— finite state machine transducer construction, origination?

wikipedia has an entry on the Collatz conjecture with a section on As an abstract machine that computes in base two. this apparently describes a construction of a FSM transducer computing sequential ...
vzn's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Reference request: Research done on whether the Euler prime can be the largest factor of an odd perfect number

(Note: This was cross-posted from MSE.) I posted the following reference request in MSE three (3) days ago, but was unable to elicit any responses. I am cross-posting it to MO, hoping that it is ...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Squares whose differences are squares

EDIT. I've just noticed a thread from 2011 in the "Related" column on the right (click me), where a closely related question is being discussed (the main difference seems to be that, in ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

On Descartes / spoof odd perfect numbers

Descartes, Frenicle, and subsequently Sorli, conjectured that $k = 1$, if $N = {q^k}{n^2}$ is an odd perfect number given in Eulerian form (i.e., $q$ is prime with $q \equiv k \equiv 1 \pmod 4$ and $\...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Counting factors: is this approach in the literature on multiperfect numbers?

Does the following approach (or something near it) exist in the number theory literature? I will provide some motivation for $\omega(p^n - 1)$ as $n \rightarrow \infty$ and for this question. First, ...
The Masked Avenger's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Reference Request - Sharp Estimates for a Logarithmic Sum

Can anybody suggest a good (e.g. "non-technical") introduction to estimating bounds for logarithmic sums of the form $$\sum_{i=1}^{r}{{\alpha_i}{\log(q_i)}}$$ where the $$\alpha_i$$ are positive ...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Existence of Solutions to an Equation Involving the Sum-of-Divisors Function [Reference Request]

Let $\sigma(x) = \sigma_1(x)$ denote the sum of all the positive divisors of $x$. If $n \in \mathbb{N}$ is odd and $\gcd(n, \sigma(n)) = 1$, then do there exist any solutions to the following ...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita's user avatar
1 vote
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Reference Request - Jakob Weisblat's "The Search for the Odd Perfect Number" [closed]

Hi All! I am currently trying to locate an online copy of Jakob Weisblat's paper titled "The Search for the Odd Perfect Number". I could only get hold of the abstract: "A perfect number is a number ...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita's user avatar