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An action on multiplicatively antisymmetric matrix

A matrix $ Q=(q_{ij})$ is called multiplicatively antisymmetric over a field $ F $ if $ q_{ii}=1 $ and $ q_{ij}={q_{ji}}^{-1} $.Let $ \mathcal{Q} $ be the set of all $ n \times n $ multiplicatively ...
Sky's user avatar
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Noncommutative group schemes corresponding to quantum groups

I'm not an expert on quantum groups by any stretch, so forgive me if this question seems overly naive. That said, I was wondering if there is a way (or if there has been any attempt in the literature) ...
Dat Minh Ha's user avatar
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On the definition of the Cherednik algebra of a variety with a finite group action

Let $X$ be a connected complex smooth affine variety, acted on by a finite group $G$. We define a reflection hypersurface $(Y,g)$ as a smooth codimension one subvariety $Y\subset X$ which is fixed by $...
FPV's user avatar
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Nullstellensatz for maximal left ideals of quantum plane

Let $R=\mathbb{C}\langle x,y\rangle/\langle xy=qyx\rangle$ be the quantum plane algebra. Does some sort of Nullstellensatz holds for the maximal left ideals of $R$? By this we mean all maximal left ...
user498029's user avatar
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Embedding problems on quantum groups?

We work over the field of complex numbers. We have known that Lie algebra of type $A_2 $is a subalgebra of type $G_2$. However, when we consider their quantum groups, is this true i.e. does there ...
user11090426's user avatar
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Constructing a noncommutative algebra from a commutative algebra

I was told at a conference that one way to construct a noncommutative algebra from a commutative one is to "replace the product of finite spaces (which on the level of continuous functions corresponds ...
TerryL's user avatar
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What quantum groups admit quantum topography space structure?

Quantum topography space is a pair $(A,M)$ consisting of a $C^*$-algebra $A$ and an abelian sub algebra $M\subset A$ with approximate identity. The intuition is to take $M$ be the smallest abelian ...
Rauan Akylzhanov's user avatar
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Gerstenhaber bracket out of $L_\infty$ algebras

Given a Lie algebra g, with $Ug$ being its universal enveloping algebra, one can construct a cochain complex $d: Ug^n \rightarrow Ug^{n+1}$, and a Gerstenhaber bracket on $\oplus_n Ug^n$ so that $\...
zhuo chen's user avatar
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AS Cohen Macaulay algebras and dualizing complexes

Let $A$ be an $\mathbb N$-graded algebra such that $A_0 = k$ is a field. This are usually called graded connected algebras. One can define a torsion functor with respect to the ideal $\mathfrak m = \...
Pablo Zadunaisky's user avatar
8 votes
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Are annihilation modules in the quantum torus necessarily principal?

I hope that my question yields some standard fact from (noncommutative) ring theory. In discussions with other graduate students, we have outlined some approaches to tackling the question, but haven'...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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Isomorphisms of quantum planes

Let $k$ be a field and $q\in k^{*}$. The quantum plane $k_{q}[x,y]$ is the algebra $k\langle x,y\rangle/\langle xy=qyx \rangle$ (i.e. the quotient of the free non-commutative $k$-algebra on two ...
Jan Grabowski's user avatar
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A mysterious Heisenberg algebra identity from Sylvester, 1867

I am trying to understand two papers by James Joseph Sylvester: P92: "Note on the properties of the test operators which occur in the calculus of invariants, their derivatives, analogues, and laws of ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
51 votes
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Invertible matrices over noncommutative rings

Let $A\in M_m(R)$ be an invertible square matrix over a noncommutative ring $R$. Is the transpose matrix $A^t$ also invertible? If it isn't, are there any easy counterexamples? The question popped up ...
javier's user avatar
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Ore Extensions and the Construction of the Quantum General Linear Group

In the usual (fomal) construction of the quantum general linear group $GL_q(N)$, an Ore extension is used. See for example Kassel. Why is this necessary? Surely one can just augment the set of ...
Janos Erdmann's user avatar
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Identifying a sequence of polynomials

Studying a specific quantum cluster algebra, I have come across the following sequence of polynomials : $$X_1$$ $$q^{-1/2}(X_1X_2-1)$$ $$q^{-1/2}(X_1X_2X_3-X_3-X_1)$$ $$q^{-1}(X_1X_2X_3X_4-X_3X_4-...
Jean-Philippe Burelle's user avatar
21 votes
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What is the precise relationship between groupoid language and noncommutative algebra language?

I have sitting in front of me two 2-categories. On the left, I have the 2-category GPOID, whose: objects are groupoids; 1-morphisms are (left-principal?) bibundles; 2-morphisms are bibundle ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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Spectral decomposition for an arbitrary linear combination of position and momentum operators

Suppose we have the Hilbert space L2(Rn) and we have n operators Qi and n operators Pi defined in the usual way by: Qi ψ(q1,q2,...,qn) = qi ψ(q1,q2,...,qn) Pi ψ(q1,q2,...,qn) = -i $\frac{...
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