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When is a bimodule that is projective as a right and as a left module also projective as a bimodule

Are there practical criteria for determining when a bimodule that is projective as a right and as a left module is projective as a bimodule? Some illustrative examples of what goes wrong and what goes ...
Gheorghe Bucătaru's user avatar
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Prove that $f(M)=f^2(M)$ implies $f(M)$ is a direct summand of $M$ whenever $\text{End}_R(M)$ is a reduced ring

Let $M$ be a right $R$-module with the property that every homomorphism $\gamma:Sf\to M, f\in S=\text{End}_R(M)$, extends to $S\to M$. If $S$ has the property $f^2=0$ implies $f=0$ for every $f\in S$...
mariam's user avatar
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Composition of faithfully flat ring extensions

Let $R$ be a not necessarily commutative, unital, ring, and for simplicity let module always mean right module. We say that a unital ring extension $R \hookrightarrow S$ is flat, or faithfully flat, ...
Tim Montegue's user avatar
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Faithful flatness for rings

Let $R$ be a ring and let $M$ be a right module over $R$. We say that $M$ is faithfully flat as a right module if the functor $M \otimes_R -$ from left $R$-modules to abelian groups that preserves ...
Tim Montegue's user avatar
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An algebra which is a direct sum of simple sub-bimodules over a subalgebra

Let $A$ be an infinite-dimensional noncommutative algebra over a field, let $B$ be an infinite-dimensional subalgebra of $A$, and let $A$ be a direct sum of projective simple $B$-sub-bimodules. Then ...
Boris Henriques's user avatar
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Finitely presented modules admitting projective covers

A ring $R$ is called semi-perfect if every finitely generated $R$-module has a projective cover, and it can be proved that this is equivalent to say that the category consisting of the finitely ...
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Projective module which splits off sequence of submodules, but not the sum

Does there exist an example of a module $X$ over some ring $R$ together with submodules $T_i$ such that: $X$ is projective, $X$ splits as an internal direct sum $X\cong T_1\oplus T_2\oplus \ldots \...
nikola karabatic's user avatar
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Non-singular rings which are Rickart

A ring $R$ is said to be a right Rickart ring if the right annihilator of any element in $R$ is of the form $eR$ for some idempotent $e \in R$. It turns out that a ring $R$ is right Rickart iff every ...
Johan Öinert's user avatar
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A weak Schur's lemma for non-semisimple finite dimensional algebras

Let $B \subseteq C$ be an inclusion of finite dimensional (associative) algebras over a field $k$. Assume that $C$ is a free $B$-module. Let $\bigoplus_i U_i$ be a decomposition of $B$ into ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Lifting idempotents and projective coverings --- reference request

Let $R$ be a (non-commutative, unital) ring with Jacobson radical $J$, write $\overline{R}=R/J$ and denote the quotient map $R\to \overline{R}$ by $a\mapsto \overline{a}$. It is easy to see that if ...
Uriya First's user avatar
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Adjoints of scalar extension and scalar coextension

Let $h\colon R\rightarrow S$ be a morphism of commutative rings. We consider the following functors (I am aware that the notations may be different in other contexts): $h^*$: Scalar extension by ...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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Graded and projective (but not bounded below) module that is not graded-projective?

Let $A = \bigoplus_{n = 0}^\infty A_n$ be a graded algebra over a field $k$ that is locally finite: each $A_n$ is a finite-dimensional $k$-vector space. We say that a graded left $A$-module $P = \...
Manny Reyes's user avatar
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Operations on semi-hereditary rings

I am learning about left (right) semi-hereditary rings, and got stuck with the following questions. Just to recall that being left semi-hereditary means that every finitely generated submodule of a ...
SKuzin's user avatar
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Morphisms in K-theory: comparison of two pictures

Algebraic $K_0$ group for an algebra $A$ may be defined in terms of stable isomorphism classes of idempotents in $M_n(A)$ or equivalently in terms of isomorphism clasess of finitely generated ...
truebaran's user avatar
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Why is $\operatorname{nr}_{F[G]}:K_1(F[G])\to Z(F[G])^\times$ a bijection?

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional semisimple $F$-algebra and $K_1(A)$ the Whitehead group of $A$. By splitting $A$ into its Wedderburn components, the reduced norm map $\operatorname{nr}_A:K_1(A)\to Z(...
eddie's user avatar
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An invariant submodule of a projective module

This is a basic question (not research level) which has already been asked on SE by someone else but doesn't yet have an answer so I'd like to repost it on MO. Let $R$ be a commutative ring with ...
eddie's user avatar
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Why do we want $p$-permutation modules in splendid equivalences?

First Rickard (in Splendid Equivalences: Derived Categories and Permutation Modules ) and then Rouquier (Block theory via stable and Rickard equivalences, Appendix A.1) define splendid equivalences ...
AnalysisStudent0414's user avatar
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Jordan-Hölder-like statements for modules with $\Delta$-filtrations over a quasihereditary algebra

Definitions Let $A$ be an Artin algebra (for instance, take $A$ to be a finite dimensional algebra over some field) and label the isomorphism classes of simple $A$-modules by the elements of a ...
3 A's's user avatar
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Homomorphisms from projective modules

Let $B$ be a $A$-algebra which is free of finite rank as $A$-module. Let $X$ be a finitely generated projective left $B$ module. (So $X$ is also a f.g. projective $A$ module.) Are these homomorphism ...
Mostafa - Free Palestine's user avatar
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Example of a Frobenius algebra that is not projective over a Frobenius subalgebra

I'd like to know an example of a Frobenius algebra $A$, with a subalgebra $B$ that is itself a Frobenius algebra, such that $A$ is not projective as a left $B$-module. I don't require any ...
Alistair Savage's user avatar
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Sum of projective submodules of a projective over a semihereditary ring

Sorry in advance if this is too silly. Let $R$ be a right semihereditary ring and $P$ a projective right $R$-module. It is well-known that finitely generated (thus projective) submodules of $P$ form a ...
Fred.Fred's user avatar
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Kaplansky's theorem and Axiom of choice

Kaplansky in his paper titled by Projective Modules gave an important and essential theorem as follow: Theorem: Let $R$ be a ring, $M$ an $R$-module which is a direct sum of (any number of) countably ...
Ali Reza's user avatar
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Unimodular column property

Hi, I know that if $R$ is a ring such that every projective $R$-module finitely generated is free then $R$ has the unimodular column property. I would like to know if there is a ring $R$ that doesn't ...
Aaron Bennet's user avatar