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Dense Matrix Estimation

I have a matrix $X \in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ and I want to estimate it with a dense matrix $Y^{m\times n}$ such that $Y$ is still close to $X$ in some distance measure. Is this doable in a ...
Taha's user avatar
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Summation of eigenvalues of tri-diagonal matrix smaller than specific value

Is there any analytic expression for summation of eigen-values of a tri-diagonal matrix which are smaller than a constant value? Or even a rough approximation for it. How about case of a general ...
Hesam's user avatar
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What is the integer form of a projector into the intersection of the ranges of two integer projection matrices?

Consider two square integer matrices $X$ and $Y$ of the same dimension with the following properties: $X^2=rX$, and $Y^2=sY$ for integers $r$ and $s$. The $\gcd$ of the entries of $X$ is 1 and the $\...
David Clarke's user avatar
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Geometric Mean of Positive Matrices

Hello all, My question regards the geometric mean (GM) of two positive matrices. The definition of the GM for two positive matrices $(A,B)$ is given by: $M_0(A,B)=A^{\frac{1}{2}}(A^{-\frac{1}{2}}BA^{-...
AD1984's user avatar
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Singular Value Decomposition Question

Hi: I'm new to this list so apologies if I do anything wrong with my question. Suppose I have a matrix $Y$ whose SVD can be decomposed as $Y = U_{0}\Sigma_{0}V_{0}^{*} + U_{1}\Sigma_{1} V_{1}^{*}$...
mark leeds's user avatar
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Matrix Maximization.

Hi everyone, I'm trying to solve/define the following optimization problem: $\max_M f(M)$ s.t. $M \theta = b$ $\sum_j \theta_j = 1$ When: M is an m*n real matrix $\theta$ and $b$ are n*1 column ...
Ron's user avatar
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vector equation

Suppose you have an equation of the form $Hx=Ky$, where $x,y$ are vectors of length $n,m$ respectively ($m>n$) and $H,K$ are matrices of orders $n \times n,n \times m$ respectively. Is there some ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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Jacobian of the inversion map

Let $F:Tr(n,\mathbb{R})\cap GL_n(\mathbb{R})\rightarrow Tr(n,\mathbb{R})\cap GL_n(\mathbb{R})$ be the map which sends a matrix $A$ to its inverse $A^{-1}$. If we consider $F$ as a function from $(\...
Diego Sulca's user avatar
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Why does the OLS estimator simplify as follows for the single regressor case?

I was reading in "A Guide to Econometrics" that given $Y = X \beta + \epsilon$, the variance covariance matrix of $\beta^\text{OLS}$ is given by $\sigma^2 (X' X)^{-1}$ where $\sigma^2$ is the variance ...
Palace's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of anti-circulant matrices

Is there any theorem to find the eigenvalues of any anti-circulant matrix using the equivalent (with the same first row) circulant matrix. I found out that, for any anti-circulant matrix, the ...
Udara's user avatar
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Exotic isomorphism of matrix rings (2)

Let $R,S,T$ be (associative, with a 1) rings, and $m,n,r,s$ be non-negative integers. If (a) $R$ is isomorphic to $M_{m\times m}(T)$ and $S$ is isomorphic to $M_{n\times n}(T)$ and $m\cdot r = n\...
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Intersection between a line and an n-dimensional parallelotope

Suppose that I have a line in an $n$-dimensional space described by $$ X=A+Bk, \quad \quad X,A,B \in \mathbb{R}^n, k \in \mathbb{R} $$ here $A$ is known and I want to find all the possible vectors $B$ ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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How to find $K,W,S$ in the Mostow decomposition theorem?

The Mostow decomposition theorem states: Let $Z$ a nonsingular complex matrix, then $Z$ can be factored as: $$Z=We^{iK}e^S$$ where: $W$ is unitary, $K$ is real and skew symmetric and $S$ is real and ...
Riccardo.Alestra's user avatar
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Nonnegative Matrix

Let $A=E+\sqrt{-1}B$, where $E=diag\{0,1,\cdots,1\}$, $B$ is a real symmetric matrix. Let $A^*$ denote the adjoint matrix of $A$, i.e. $AA^*=\det A\cdot I$. I hope the real part of adjoint matrix ${\...
Yiyan's user avatar
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(probably simple) optimization question

Suppose you have a concave function defined over a non-polyhedral convex cone and you are interested in the infimum. What would be standard approaches to tackle the question? (The cone is actually PSD ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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Choosing between matrix normal and multivariate normal for Bayesian inference

I’m working on a Bayesian inference problem where I need to estimate a graph structure G with a spike-and-slab prior on each edge of G. My likelihood model is built on observed data R and covariance ...
JJbox's user avatar
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spectrum of a special class of tridiagonal matrices

Consider a real and symmetric tridiagonal matrix with zero diagonals and where subdiagonals and superdiagonals are equal to 1 except the (1,2)-th component being equal to $a$, i.e., $$\begin{bmatrix}...
Tanyanat's user avatar
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Upper bound on iterations count for power iteration algorithm

I'm stuck trying to get upper bound on iterations count for power iteration algroithm for finding first eigenvalue of adjacency matrix $A$ given tolerance value. I've tried to figure something out ...
TotalNoob's user avatar
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What is wrong with the argument that zero permanent is polynomial?

This Lecture summarizes some well known facts about $\#P$ completeness of permanent. Given a CNF formula $\phi$ on $n$ variables, they construct matrix $A$ such that: $$perm(A)=4^{3m} \#SAT(\phi)$$ ...
joro's user avatar
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Property of positive semi-definite

Let $A$ is a positive semi-definite matrix like this: $$ A = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \alpha_{1,2} & \alpha_{1,3} & \alpha_{1,4}\\ \alpha_{1,2} & 1 & \alpha_{2,3} & \alpha_{2,4}\\ \...
A. R.'s user avatar
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Relationship of eigenvalue/eigenvector of hermitian matrix R and QRQ (Q is diagonal)

For a hermitian matrix R and a diagonal one Q, is there any relationship between eigenvalues/eigenvectors of R and QRQ? To be specific, assuming the eigenvalue decomposition of R is R=VDV*, then can ...
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