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A rank inequality

Suppose $$M := \begin{bmatrix} M_{11} & \cdots &M_{1d} \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ M_{d1} & \cdots & M_{dd} \end{bmatrix}$$ is a $d \times d$ block matrix such that $$M_{...
SMD's user avatar
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Partitioned inverse 3x3 block matrix

We know that matrices can be inverted blockwise by using the following analytic inversion formula: \begin{equation} \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{A} & \mathbf{C^T} \\ \mathbf{C} & \mathbf{D} \end{...
Cha's user avatar
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How to find eigenvalues of following block matrices?

Is there a procedure to find the eigenvalues of A? ‎ $$A=\begin{bmatrix}X & I &&&&&&&&& 0\\I & 0 & P &&&&&&&&\\& P^t ...
Maryam Hak's user avatar
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Determining whether a Schur complement is invertible

Consider the symmetric matrix $$M = \begin{bmatrix} A & B \\ B^T & -C \end{bmatrix}$$ where $A \in \cal{R}^{n \times n}$ and $C \in \cal{R}^{m\times m}$ are symmetric, ...
berkin's user avatar
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Spectral radius of the product of a right stochastic matrix and a block diagonal matrix

Let us define the following matrix: $C=AB$ where $B$ is a block diagonal matrix with $N$ blocks, $B_1$, $B_2$ … $B_N$, each of dimensions $M \times M$. I know that $B_k = I_M - \mu R_k$ with $R_k$ ...
user87933's user avatar
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Diagonalizing a block tridiagonal matrix

Is there an efficient way to diagonalize a block tridiagonal $N\times N$ matrix of the following form: \begin{matrix} A_0 & B & 0 & 0 & \ldots \\ B & A_1 & B & 0 & \...
Ritteraxt's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of block matrix

Given scalars $\alpha, \beta \in \mathbb{R}$, a symmetric positive definite matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ and a flat matrix $B \in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$, where $m < n$, can I say ...
Trb2's user avatar
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How to compute a simultaneous block-diagonalization?

Let $n$ be a positive integer and consider of finite set $S \subset M_n(\mathbb{C})$ such that $S^* = S$ (i.e. if $a \in S$ then $a^* \in S$). The algebra generated by $S$ is a finite dimensional $*$-...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Singularity of symmetric block matrix with singular diagonal blocks

One can show that the following statement holds: Given symmetric matrix $A \in \Re^{n \times n}$ and tall matrix $B \in \Re^{n \times p}$ with full column rank, $$\begin{bmatrix}A & B \\ B^T &...
Minji Kim's user avatar
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Algebra of block matrices with scalar diagonals

I am interested in block matrices $A$, that is $A\in M_{n\times n}(R)$ where $R=M_{s\times s}(k)$ and $k$ is a field, such that for every positive integer $m$ the matrix $A^m$ has only scalar blocks ...
Adam Przeździecki's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of block-hermitian matrices with zero diagonal blocks

I have a matrix of the form $$D = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 0 & C \\ C^{\dagger} & 0 \end{array} \right)$$ where $C$ is not necessarily hermitian. In general, can we say anything about the ...
Unwieldy Bob's user avatar
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Canonical forms for block-positive-definite matrices

Suppose we are given a block $2\times 2$ matrix that is positive-definite, and let's suppose for simplicity that the blocks along the main diagonal are the identity. So $$ \begin{bmatrix} I & X \\\...
Laurent Lessard's user avatar
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Minimum of $\mathrm{rank}\left( \boldsymbol{W} \boldsymbol{H} \right)$, with $\boldsymbol{W}$ block diagonal

Let us assume that we have a full-rank $(n\cdot l)\times k$ matrix, $\boldsymbol{H}$, with no specific structure (e.g., a realization of a Gaussian i.i.d. random matrix), and an $m\times (n\cdot l)$ ...
Juan's user avatar
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Sufficient conditions for positive semidefiniteness of block matrix

$\newcommand{\Re}{\mathbb{R}}$I m looking for sufficient conditions that may guarantee positive semidefiniteness (PSD) of a block matrix $$A = \begin{bmatrix} A_{1,1} & \cdots & A_{1,n} \\ \...
jesusbriales's user avatar
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Solve linear overdetermined system from subsystems that compose it

This is my first MathOverflow post: I apologize if my message is lacking of something. I also posted this question in Mathematics Stack Exchange, but as I haven't seen an answer I post it here. ...
Julian David Villegas Gutierre's user avatar
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Minimum rank of a product of two block diagonal matrices with an arbitrary matrix

Let us assume that we have an arbitrary full-rank $l\cdot b \times l\cdot p$ matrix, $\boldsymbol{H}$, with no specific structure (e.g., a realization of a Gaussian i.i.d. random matrix), an $m \times ...
Juan's user avatar
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Pseudo-inverse of a column partitioned matrix

Given a $nm \times m$ matrix $A = \begin{pmatrix} A_1 \\ A_2 \\ \vdots \\ A_n\end{pmatrix}$ over $\mathbb{C}$, where $A_i$'s are $m \times m$ and $rank(A) = m$, is there an expression for the pseudo-...
Jinhui Wang's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of non-negative block matrices

$B$ is a non-negative irreducible block matrix as follows: $$B= \left[ \begin{array}{c|c|c} 0 &B_{12}&B_{13}\\ \hline B_{21}& 0& B_{23}\\ \hline B_{31}& B_{32}&0 \end{array} \...
afra's user avatar
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How one can show that this matrix is full rank?

Fix $d\in\mathbb{N}$ and consider $e_{i,j}\in\mathbb{C}$ for $i=1,\dots,d+3$ and $j=1,\dots,d-1$. Suppose to have the following matrices $$N_{i,1}=\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ e_{i,1} & 1 \end{...
Stefano's user avatar
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Diagonalizing a specific case of symmetric block matrix

Let's consider the following block matrix $$ M = \begin{pmatrix}D&A^T\\A&-D\end{pmatrix},$$ where $A$ and $D$ are $n \times n$ matrices. The diagonal matrix $D$ is defined by $D_{kk} = k \...
Marin's user avatar
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How to analyse the range of eigenvalues of a symmetric and indefinite matrix?

Let $G$ be a symmetric and indefinite matrix defined as follows $$ G := S - \begin{pmatrix} I_n & I_n \\ I_n & I_n \end{pmatrix},$$ where $S$ is a symmetric positive definite matrix of size $...
Nxy's user avatar
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Decomposition of symmetric block matrix

I came across this question and got really interested about it. There, the OP asks whether is possible to decompose a $2n \times 2n$ block matrix: $$ \begin{pmatrix} X & I \\ I & Y \end{...
InMathweTrust's user avatar
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Upper bound on matrix perturbation such that all eigenvalues lie within the unit circle

Consider the matrix $$N=\left[\matrix{\mathbb{I}_n-\epsilon L & X\\ \epsilon Y & Z}\right]$$ where $\epsilon>0$ is a small positive parameter and $Z$ is a square $m\times m$ matrix with ...
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