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Could the patterns in the roots of the Riemann-Liouville differintegral for $(s-1)\,\zeta(s)$ be explained?

The well-known integral expression for the entire function: $$(s-1)\,\zeta(s) = \frac{-i\,\pi}{2}\int_{1/2-i\infty}^{1/2+i\infty} \frac{\csc(\pi\,u)^2}{u^{s-1}} \, du \qquad s \in \mathbb{C} \tag{0}$$ ...
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Three integral expressions for integer values of $\zeta(s)$. Could these be further reduced to known integrals?

In this MSE-question I've asked about three, similarly shaped, integrals for integer vales of $\zeta(s)$ that I found numerically: $$\zeta \left( 3 \right) =\frac12{\int_{0}^{1} \frac{1}{x}\big(\zeta(...
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Why these surprising proportionalities of integrals involving odd zeta values?

Inspired by the well known $$\int_0^1\frac{\ln(1-x)\ln x}x\mathrm dx=\zeta(3)$$ and the integral given here (writing $\zeta_r:=\zeta(r)$ for easier reading)$$\int_0^1\frac{\ln^3(1-x)\ln x}x\mathrm dx=...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Remainder term in an integral linked to the Riemann zeta function

Sorry if this is not research level, but the following problem occurs in my own research: it is trivial to show that for $k\ge2$ integral we have $\zeta(k)=(1/(k-1)!)\int_0^\infty t^{k-1}/(e^t-1)\,dt$ ...
Henri Cohen's user avatar
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Another integral that has a closed form involving finite series of $\zeta(2k+1)$'s. Could it be reflexive?

In the context of a series of questions here, here and here, about closed form expressions involving finite series of $\zeta(2k+1)$'s for certain integrals, I would like to raise another one: $$f(n):=...
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Are these two new ways of representing odd zeta values as integrals known?

This is inspired by the same beautiful integral expression for $\zeta(3)$ as this question, but goes in a slightly different direction. Writing the original integral in the form $$\int_0^1\frac{x(1-x)}...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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A closed form for an integral expressed as a finite series of $\zeta(2k+1)$, $\pi^m$ and a rational?

In this paper the following beautiful integral expression for $\zeta(3)$ is derived: $$\zeta(3)=\frac{1}{7}\,\int_0^{\pi} x\,(\pi-x)\csc(x)\, dx$$ In a comment at the end of this question, I ...
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Definite integral probably equal to zeta with known (but unusable) closed form for the indefinite integral

Related to this and this questions. Basically got definite integral that experimentally equals $\zeta(s)$ both numerically and symbolically. Closed form for the indefinite integral is known, but I ...
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