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5 votes
1 answer

Geodesics (with the same limit point) in a surface group of genus two

Consider a discrete Gromov-hyperbolic group $\Gamma$ (and its Cayley graph $\mathcal{G}$ w.r.t. some generating set). The notion of Gromov-boundary, indicated with $\partial\Gamma$, is naturally ...
1 vote
1 answer

orthogonal transformations of one sheeted hyperboloid $S^{1,1}$

I have asked this question few days ago in MathStackExchange but I got only one response which gave a partial answer to my question, so I decided to ask it here. I am reading Kulkarni's "Proper ...
2 votes
1 answer

Subsets of the boundary of a surface group

Consider the surface group $\Gamma=\langle a,b,c,d\mid [a,b][c,d]=1\rangle$: it is a Gromov hyperbolic group; its Gromov boundary $\partial\Gamma$ is homeomorphic to $S^1$ (the unit circle). I would ...
20 votes
3 answers

Failure of Mostow rigidity in dimension 2

I am trying to understand why Mostow rigidity fails in dimension 2. More concretely, I have the following question: (1) What is an example of a quasiisometry $f$ of the hyperbolic plane $\mathbb H^2$ ...
2 votes
0 answers

Extending continuous functions from $\partial X$ to $X\cup \partial X$

Consider a proper geodesic hyperbolic space $X$ (in the sense of Gromov). Let $\partial X$ be its Gromov boundary. Consider a complex-valued continuous function on the boundary $f\colon\partial X\to\...
5 votes
2 answers

Subgroups of hyperbolic groups

Let $G$ be a finitely generated hyperbolic group, and let $H \leq G$ be a subgroup whose profinite completion is finitely generated. Must $H$ be finitely generated? In view of Ian Agol's answer, I ...
6 votes
2 answers

How bad is the modular space?

I'm wondering if there is some results about the quotient space $\mathbb{H}^{3}/PSL(2,\mathcal{O}_{K})$? Do we know something about its homology or homotopy groups ? $\mathbb{H}^{3}$ is the hyperbolic ...
1 vote
0 answers

Algorithm to generate hyperbolic metric on a compact surface

Let $F$ be a compact surface of genus $g$ with generators $a_1,b_1,\ldots ,a_g,b_g$ with relation $[a_1,b_1]\cdots [a_g,b_g]=1$. We can also consider surfaces with boundary in which case the ...
6 votes
0 answers

A group acting acylindrically on a fine hyperbolic graph with infinite edge stabilizers

I am looking for an example of a group $G$ that acts (cocompactly and) acylindrically on a hyperbolic graph $\Gamma$, such that a) the graph $\Gamma$ is fine, b) $\Gamma$ is not a tree, c) not all ...
6 votes
0 answers

Maximum relator and hyperbolicity

It is a well-known theorem that a finitely generated group is hyperbolic if and only if it admits a finite Dehn presentation. To prove the "only if" direction one proceeds roughly as follows: Suppose ...
6 votes
1 answer

local quasi geodesics in hyperbolic spaces

I asked this question on math stackexchange (see here) but didn't get any answer so I thought I post it here too. We have the following two well-known Theorems: T1) For all $\delta > 0, \lambda ...
0 votes
0 answers

Hyperbolic manifold of dim 3 with finite volume.

The geometrization Theorem for 3-manifolds classifies all oriented compact (without boundary ) 3-manifolds. Is there a theorem which classifies all hyperbolic oriented 3-manifold (without boundary ) ...
6 votes
1 answer

Reduction of self-intersections without reducing the geometric intersection

Let $F$ be a hyperbolic surface. Given a closed curve $a$, let $\bar{a}$ denotes the free homotopy class of $a$. Let $i(\bar{a},\bar{b})$ denotes the geometric intersection number and $i(\bar{a})$ ...
1 vote
2 answers

Are there CAT(-1) spaces which are not trees whose Gromov boundary is disconnected?

Are there some examples of CAT(-1) spaces which are not trees which have disconnected Gromov boundary?
6 votes
0 answers

When is a word metric on a CAT(-1) group a bounded distance from the orbit map of an isometric action on some CAT(-k) metric space?

Let $\Gamma$ be a group admitting a discrete and cocompact action on a CAT(-1) space. Let $d$ a word metric on $\Gamma$ coming from some finite set of generators. My question is: Does there exist a ...
2 votes
0 answers

Exotic actions of hyperbolic groups

Let $G$ be a hyperbolic group acting faithfully on $\mathbb{Z}$ such that: The action is highly transitive - it is $k$-transitive for each $k \in \mathbb{N}$. For every quasiconvex subgroup $H \leq G$...
3 votes
1 answer

δ-hyperbolic space

It is known that A δ-hyperbolic space is a geodesic metric space in which every geodesic triangle is δ-thin. ( The question is that if we remove ...
4 votes
1 answer

Action of the isometry group of the hyperbolic 5-space

We can think hyperbolic 5-space as, $$\mathcal{H}^5=SO^+_{5,1}(\mathbb{R})/SO_5(\mathbb{R})=SL_2(\mathbb{H})/Sp^*_2(\mathbb{H}),$$$\mathbb{H}$ is real quaternion algebra. By Iwasawa Decomposition the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Density of ends of long words in a hyperbolic group

Let $G$ be a Gromov hyperbolic group with a generating set $S$. For each $g \in G$, let $\xi_g$ be the point in the ideal boundary corresponding to the sequence $(g^n)$. Let $l_S(g)$ be the word ...
5 votes
1 answer

Injective simplicial maps between Arc complexes

Let $A(S)$ denotes the Arc complex of a finite type hyperbolic surface $S$ with nonempty boundary. Let $\lambda:A(S)\rightarrow A(S)$ be a map such that on triangulations of $S$ i.e. on the top ...
0 votes
1 answer

A question on Cayley graphs and hyperbolic 3-manifolds

There are two hyperbolic closed 3-manifolds, but I don't know whether they are homeomorphic or not. The only thing I know is that the Cayley graphs of their fundamental groups are quasi-isometric. ...
5 votes
1 answer

Fixed points on boundary of hyperbolic group

Let G be a word-hyperbolic group with torsion and let ∂G be its boundary. Do there exist criteria that imply that all non-trivial finite order elements of G act fixed-point freely on ∂G?
9 votes
1 answer

Counterexamples to analogue of Cannon conjecture in higher dimensions

It is known that a group $G$ acts geometrically on $\mathbb{H}^2$ if and only if $G$ is word-hyperbolic and its boundary $\partial G$ is homeomorphic to $S^1$. The analogous statement for $\mathbb{H}^...
16 votes
2 answers

The fundamental group of a closed surface without classification of surfaces?

The fundamental group of a closed oriented surface of genus $g$ has the well-known presentation $$ \langle x_1,\ldots, x_g,y_1,\ldots ,y_g\vert \prod_{i=1}^{g} [x_i,y_i]\rangle. $$ The proof I know ...
14 votes
1 answer

Distortion of malnormal subgroup of hyperbolic groups

Let $G$ be a countable, Gromov-hyperbolic group. We say that $H$ is hyperbolically embedded in $G$ if $G$ is relatively hyperbolic to {$H$} (in the strong sense). This definition is due to Osin. A ...
6 votes
2 answers

Do quasi convex hyperbolic subgroups remain quasi convex after adding redundant generators?

We know now that hyperbolic 3-manifolds virtually embed into right-angled Artin groups as quasiconvex subgroups. Also, quasiconvexity depends on the generating set. I have been constructing a space ...
4 votes
1 answer

Flows in word-hyperbolic groups

I was wondering if there is a good notion of flows in word-hyperbolic groups (maybe I should say flows in the Cayley graphs of word-hyperbolic groups). More precisely, I wonder if there is an ...
2 votes
0 answers

Local curvature in a Cayley complex

I'm curious about non-shperical regions in the Cayley complex of a hyperbolic group $G = < X : R \>$ that one might reasonably consider "curved", but I haven't found much discussion of local ...
4 votes
1 answer

Relationship between hyperbolicity in group theory and hyperbolicity in geometry

Could somebody teach me about the relationship, if any, between hyperbolicity in groups (in Gromov sense) and hyperbolicity in 3-dimensional orbifolds? To be more specific, let Q be a 3-dimensional ...