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Relations between two Schwartz kernels in dimensions $n$ and $n+1$

Let $(M,g)$ be an $n$-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian manifold and $\Box_g$ be the Laplace-Beltrami operator on $M$. Consider $z \in \mathbb{C}$ such that $\mathrm{ Im}(z)>0$, and we define $P_0 := \...
zarathustra's user avatar
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A strange convergence for a semigroup of operators

I am reading B. Simon's "Kato's inequality and the comparison of semigroups", and I am having troubles understanding a part of the proof of Theorem 1 therein, that goes as follows: Let $A,B$ ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Interesting examples of spectral decompositions of BOUNDED operators with both continuous and discrete spectrum

I would like to have a few basic examples of bounded self-adjoint operators $T$ (more generally bounded normal would be fine) on a Hilbert space $(H,\langle,\rangle)$ for which the following criteria ...
Hugo Chapdelaine's user avatar
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A representation of positive matrix

Let $\mathcal H$ be a Hilbert space. Let $-\frac{1}{2}<r<0.$ Denote $c_p:=\int_{0}^\infty\frac{t^r}{1+t}dt.$ Suppose $A$ be a positive invertible operator in $B(\mathcal H).$ Is it true that $A^...
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
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Sherman-Davis type inequalities for non-negative operator in a Hilbert space with trivial kernel

Recently I read Rupert L. Frank's paper "Eigenvalue Bounds for the Fractional Laplacian: A Review". For a domain $\Omega\subset\mathbf R^n$, there are two different definitions of ...
sorrymaker's user avatar
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Convergence of inverse operator with projections

Let $X$ be a separable Hilbert space, and let $(e_i)_{i=1}^\infty$ be an orthonormal basis of $X$. For each $n\in \mathbb{N}$, let $X_n$ be the subspace spanned by $(e_i)_{i=1}^n$, and consider the ...
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