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Lavrentiev Phenomenon

Does there exist a (onedimensional) integral functional of calculus of variations $$ F(y)=\int_a^b f(t,y(t),y'(t))\,dt
 $$ such that not only $$ \inf_{y\in\operatorname{Lip}([a,b])}F(y)>\inf_{y\in ...
Carlo Mantegazza's user avatar
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Bounding the $L^{p*}$ norm from below for functions satisfying a $p$-capacity estimate

If $1 \le p < n$, the $p$-capacity of a compact set $A \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ with respect to an open set $U$ containing it is defined as $$\text{Cap}_p(A, U) := \inf \left\{\int_U |\nabla u|^p \, ...
Cauchy's Sequence's user avatar
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About the naturality of Krasnoselskii genus on Variational Methods

I have recently watched a seminar about Variational Methods from Mónica Clapp and she gave a very interesting motivation of why the Lusternik–Schnirelmann category (click on the link for the ...
Pitbull's user avatar
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Optimal Poincaré constants under combined boundary and average conditions

Let $\Omega=[0,1]^2$ be the unit square, $\Gamma_1=[0,1]\times\{0;1\}$ its horizontal boundary and $\Gamma_2= \{0;1\}\times[0,1]$ its vertical boundary. I would like to know the optimal Poincaré ...
DiegoG7's user avatar
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Is $f$ defined by $f(x) = t\mapsto G(t , x(t))$ differentiable?

Let us consider $X = AC([0 , 1] , \mathbb{R}^n)$, and $Y=L^{1} ([0,1] , \mathbb{R}^n )$ as Banach spaces with their usual norms. Let $G: \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^n$ be a ...
Red shoes's user avatar
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Help showing F is weakly lower semicontinuous

Given a compact subset $\Omega$ of $\mathbb{R}^N$, I wonder if $$F(u)=\int_\Omega f(u)\ dx =\int_\Omega (1-|u|^2)^2\ dx$$ is weakly lower semicontinuous (w.l.s.c) on $H^1(\Omega)$, meaning that if $\...
R. N. Marley's user avatar
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Is this has anything to do with Riesz representation?

The Riesz representation is very useful in study BV space. There is a lot of version of it and one of the good one can be found in this book, page 49. Here I come up with a question which has similar ...
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