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21 votes
7 answers

Identities and inequalities in analysis and probability

Usually, at the heart of a good limit theorem in probability theory is at least one good inequality – because, in applications, a topological neighborhood is usually defined by inequalities. Of course,...
21 votes
2 answers

A strange variant of the Gaussian log-Sobolev inequality

Let $\phi : \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}$ be a convex function, and assume that it grows at most linearly at infinity for simplicity. Denote by $\gamma$ the standard Gaussian measure on $\mathbb{R}^d$, ...
Elwood's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

An inequality for two independent identically distributed random vectors in a normed space

Suppose that $X$ and $Y$ are independent identically distributed random vectors in a separable Banach space $B$. Does it always follow that $E\|X-Y\|\le E\|X+Y\|$? Some background information on ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Is the conditional expectation a contraction in weak $\mathbb L^p$ spaces?

Let $(\Omega,\mathcal F,\mu)$ be a probability space. It is well-known that if $\mathcal A$ is a sub-$\sigma$-algebra of $\mathcal F$, $p\geqslant 1$ and $X$ is an element of $\mathbb L^p$ which takes ...
Davide Giraudo's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Random matrix with given singular values

Let $\sigma_1\geq\sigma_2\geq...\geq\sigma_n\geq0$ be any deterministic sequence of positive real numbers such that $\sum_{i=1}^n\sigma_i^2=1$. Let $$D=diag\{\sigma_1,...,\sigma_n\}\in\mathbb{R}^{n\...
neverevernever's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Entropy arguments used by Jean Bourgain

My question comes from understanding a probabilistic inequality in Bourgain's paper on Erdős simiarilty problem: Construction of sets of positive measure not containing an affine image of a given ...
Tutukeainie's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Rosenthal like inequality for weak $\mathbb L^p$-norms

Let $p$ be a real number greater than $1$. It is well known (see Hall and Heyde's Martingale limit theory and its applications, Theorem 2.10) that there exists a constant $C_p$ such that if $(X_i)_{i=...
Davide Giraudo's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Relationship between KL, chi-squared, and Hellinger

There are many well-known relationships between the KL divergence, chi-squared ($\chi^2$) divergence, and the Hellinger metric. In the paper "Assouad, Fano, and Le Cam" by Bin Yu, the author ...
jack412's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Log Sobolev inequality uniform in parameters

Fix a positive integer $N$. For $\theta \in [0,2\pi]$, set $\sigma_k(\theta) :=(\cos(k\theta),\sin(k\theta)) \in S^1$ for each integer $1\leq k\leq N$. Now for vectors $x_1,\ldots,x_N\in \mathbb{R}^2$,...
Matt Rosenzweig's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Expectation comparison inequality for concave function of symmetric random variables

Suppose that $X_i$, $i\in[n]$ are independent symmetric random variables. I think the conjectured result holds in greater generality, but we can additionally assume that each $X_i$ takes the values $\...
Aryeh Kontorovich's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Log-Sobolev constant

Let $\nu \propto e^{-f}$ be a probability density on $\mathbb{R}^d$ with full support. We say $\nu$ satisfies the log-Sobolev inequality (LSI) with constant $\alpha$ if for every smooth function $g:\...
Kcafe's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Gaussian Poincare inequality in $1$ dimensions together with localization issue

Let $d\mu$ be a Gaussian measure on $\mathbb{R}$ with the center $a \in \mathbb{R}$ and variance $1$. Let $B(a,r) \subset \mathbb{R}$ be the interval $[a-r,a+r]$. Then, for any smooth mapping $f : \...
Isaac's user avatar
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2 votes
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Log Sobolev inequality for log concave perturbations of uniform measure

Suppose $\Omega$ is a convex bounded open set of $\mathbb{R}^n$ (I would be happy with just $\Omega$ as the $n$-dimensional cube). Let $\mu$ be the uniform measure on $\Omega$ and consider the ...
Matt Rosenzweig's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

A distribution $\pi \propto \exp(-f)$ satisfies log-Sobolev inequality, does $\exp(-af)$ also satisfy LSI?

Assume a distribution $\pi \propto e^{-f}$ satisfies log-Sobolev inequality (LSI) $$\forall \rho \in P(\mathbb{R}^n), \quad KL(\rho\| \pi) \le \frac{1}{2\lambda} I(\rho \| \pi)$$ with LSI constant $\...
JIaojiao Fan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

A differential inequality and a special value

Let $G \colon [0,1] \to [0,1]$ be a monotonically decreasing function with $G(0) = 1$ and $G(1) = 0$. Suppose that $G$ is differentiable infinitely many times, and that: $$G(x)G''(X) \leq 2{G'(x)}^2.$$...
Pablo's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Reference request: Inequalities involving convex sets and Gaussian variables stated in a paper by Talagrand

I'm looking for references for two facts that are stated without proof in the paper: Talagrand, M., Are all sets of positive measure essentially convex?, Lindenstrauss, J. (ed.) et al., Geometric ...
Samuel Johnston's user avatar
1 vote
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Multilinear non-commutative Khintchine inequality

Let $g_1,\ldots,g_k$ be independent standard Gaussians and for each index $(i_1,\ldots,i_k)\in [n]^k$ let $A_{i_1,\ldots,i_k}$ be a $d\times d$ symmetric matrix. Question: Is there a known bound for ...
user293794's user avatar
1 vote
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Does the Gaussian Poincare inequality hold for infinite dimensional measure metric spaces?

This is a question subsequent to the one: Does the Gaussian Poincare inequality hold for $p=1$ as well as $p=2$? There, I received a very helpful answer that the Gaussian poincare inequality for any ...
Isaac's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Bounding $L^p$ norms in terms of lower-order $L^q$ norms

Suppose $f,g\in L^q(\Omega)$ ($\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^n$) for all $1\le q\le p$. Here, $L^p(\Omega)$ is defined with respect to some measure $\mu$ that is absolutely continuous wrt Lebesgue measure. ...
JohnA's user avatar
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