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Sobolev (Triebel-Lizorkin) norm estimate for $F \circ u - F \circ v$

Let $F \in C^1(\mathbb R^d;\mathbb R)$ be such that $F(0) = 0$ and $$|F'(\tau v + (1 - \tau)w)| \leq \mu(\tau)(G(v) + G(w))$$ for some $\mu \in L^1([0,1])$ and some non-negative $G \in C^0(\mathbb R^d;...
Desura's user avatar
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The continuity of $L^2$ gradient on moving domain

I post this on MSE too. Sorry for this short cross posting. But I stuck in this problem for a while... I don't know what the right tool should be used to handle the moving domain problem... Let $I:=(...
JumpJump's user avatar
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Properties of a Sobolev bound

I am interested in computing $$ A:=\inf_{f\in L^{2}(\mathbb{R}^3)}\frac{||K^{\frac{1}{4}}f||_2^2}{||f||_{\frac{5}{2}}^2} $$ where $K:=-\Delta+1$. We call $f_c$ the function that saturates the bound. ...
rrr's user avatar
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Fractional Sobolev embedding theorem

Let $\psi \in C^\infty_c(\mathbb R^N)$ be a test function with support iN $B(0,R)$. Is it true that the following inequality holds $$\int_{B(0,R)} \psi^2 u^{\frac{4}{1+\beta}} dx \le R^{1+\beta} \int_{...
user173196's user avatar
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Vector field connecting two points

I'm now working on somehow an inverse problem of an ODE: Suppose we have a ODE on $\mathbb{R}^{n}$: $\dot{x} = f(x)$, denote the solution to the ODE starting at $a$ as $x_{f,a}$(t). Now there is a ...
Sqr's user avatar
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Gauss transformation in fractional Sobolev space

Let $g_{\mu}(x) = \mu^{d/2}\exp(-\pi\mu|x|^2)$ for every $\mu > 0$. Prove that $$ \int_{\mathbb R^{d}}\left|(-\Delta)^{\frac{s}{2}} u\right|^{2} \geq \int_{\mathbb R^{d}}\left|(-\Delta)^{\frac{s}{2}...
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