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Questions tagged [euler-characteristics]

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What is the significance of the $-1$-simplex?

The number of $k$-simplex elements in an $n$-simplex is counted by the binomial coefficient $\binom{n+1}{k+1}$. For example, the $3$-simplex is the tetrahedron, which has the following elements: $4$ ...
Andrius Kulikauskas's user avatar
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Top chern class under finite, unramified, dominant morphism

Situation: Let $\Bbbk$ be an algebraically closed field. Assume that $\pi:Y\to X$ is an finite, dominant, unramified morphism between nonsingular varieties of dimensions $n$. Let $d=\deg(\pi)$. What ...
Jesko Hüttenhain's user avatar
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Invariance of combinatorial/geometric euler characteristic

I am trying to read and understand the paper: TARGET ENUMERATION VIA EULER CHARACTERISTIC INTEGRALS by YULIY BARYSHNIKOV AND ROBERT GHRIST. And I am having trouble with a statement. First of all, ...
D1811994's user avatar
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Higher Euler characteristics (possible generalizations)

Let $X$ be projective and Gorenstein (over $\mathbb{C}$), of dimension $n$, then $\chi(\mathcal{O}_X)=(-1)^n\chi(\omega_X)$. Hence a "generalization": $\chi(\omega^{\otimes k}_X)$. I'd like ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
9 votes
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"Mathai-Quillen-type" form on $M\times M$?

Let $(M,g)$ be a compact, oriented, $(2n)$-dimensional Riemannian manifold. I'm wondering whether there is a "canonical" construction of a $(2n)$-form $\eta_g$ on $M\times M$, such that $\eta_g$ is ...
macbeth's user avatar
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How to construct a vector fields with isolated zeros?

The Poincare-Hopf theorem tell us that the sum of the indices of a vector field at isolated zeros on a compact, oriented manifold is the same as the Euler characteristic of the manifold. But how to ...
Chen's user avatar
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Are there perverse sheaves on abelian varieties with small Euler characteristic?

Let $A$ be a simple abelian variety of dimension $g$. Let $K$ be an irreducible perverse sheaf on $A$. We know that $\chi(A,K)\geq 0$. (Corollary 1.4 of Franecki and Kapranov.) How small can $\chi(A,K)...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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Is the Euler characteristic of aspherical connected 2-complexes at most 1? (No!) What can be said about subcomplexes of 2-complexes deformation retractible onto graphs.

I have several related questions, i do not know which one is more important to me, i think it would depend on their answers. Is it true that the Euler characteristic of a finite connected aspherical ...
Alexey Muranov's user avatar
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Non-multiplicative Euler-Poincaré Characteristics

Are there known examples of a non-multiplicative Euler-Poincaré characteristic on varieties? Let $\mathbf{Var}/k$ be the category of varieties over a filed $k$, i.e. the category of reduced separated ...
user337830's user avatar
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Euler number for base change of a K3 surface

Suppose you have a K3 surface $S$ containing a smooth rational curve $C$ and suppose you have an elliptic fibration $S \rightarrow \mathbb P^1$ that restricts to a morphism $C \rightarrow \mathbb P^1$ ...
Davide Cesare Veniani's user avatar
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Chern numbers via Euler characteristics?

Let $X$ be a space good enough to have a fundamental class, and $E$ a complex vector bundle on $X$. Let $P$ be some polynomial expression, and say I want to evaluate $P(c_i(E)) \cap [X]$. Is ...
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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What kinds of manifolds admit non-vanishing vector fields defining convergent congruences?

One of the corollaries of the Poincaré–Hopf index theorem is that a closed, connected manifold $M$ admits non-vanishing vector fields iff its Euler characteristic is zero; i.e. $\chi(M) = 0$. I am ...
Mehmet Ozan Kabak's user avatar
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Morse theory and Euler characteristics

Suppose we have a space M with a real-valued, differentiable function F on M. Under what conditions on F will the Euler characteristic of M be expressed as a (signed) sum of Euler characteristics of ...
Sam Lewallen's user avatar
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What is the size of the category of finite dimensional F_q vector spaces?

The size of a finite skeletal category C in the sense of Leinster is defined as follows: Label the objects of C by integers 1,2,...,n and let aij be the number of morphisms from i to j (for i and j ...
Philipp Lampe's user avatar
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Status of the Euler characteristic in characteristic p

In the introduction to the Asterisque 82-83 volume on `Caractérisque d'Euler-Poincaré, Verdier writes: Enfin signalons que la situation en caractéristique positive est loin d'être aussi ...
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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Behaviour of euler characteristics in characteristic p for finite etale covers

Let $k$ be an algebraic closure of a finite field of characteristic $p$. Fix an integer $l\neq p$. For a separated $k$-scheme $X$ of finite type, we define the (compactly supported) Euler ...
Ariyan Javanpeykar's user avatar
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The Euler characteristic of Hilbert series

The Hilbert series of a graded vector space $V=\bigoplus_{n\mathbb Z}V_n$ is the (ordinary) generating function of the dimensions of its homogeneous components, $h_V(t)=\sum_{n\in\mathbb Z}t^n\dim V_n$...
Mariano Suárez-Álvarez's user avatar
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How to show the Euler Characteristic is equal to self-intersection number of zero-section [duplicate]

myThe definition of the Euler characteristic (given in Guillemin and Pollack's "Differential Topology") of a compact oriented manifold $X$ is the self-intersection number of the diagonal $\Delta$ in $...
Spanky's user avatar
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Euler characteristics and the difference bundle construction

I am reading on K theory in Lawson and Michelson (Spin Geometry). One has the "exact sequence spaces" $L(X,Y)$ and there is the theorem that there is a unique equivalence of functors $\chi$ between $L$...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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Is Euler-characteristic of a simplicial complex on $n$ vertices and $f$ facets at most $n^{O(\log f)}$?

(Definition: Facet = Maximal Face) This question is a continuation of the previous one that I had asked a couple of years ago: Is Euler characteristic of a simplicial complex upper bounded by a ...
Raghav Kulkarni's user avatar
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Relating Euler characteristic, intersection product, Morse theory (plus SU(2) and 3-manifolds)

Suppose we have a (closed, oriented) 3-manifold M with a Heegard surface F of genus g. Let F* denote F with a puncture. Then the space H of representations of pi_1(F*) on SU(2) is just SU(2)^2g, and ...
Sam Lewallen's user avatar
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The query concerning the Euler-Poincare formula’s generalizations

Euler's equation for polyhedral, Euler's polyhedral formula, V – E + F = 2, where V, E, and F, are the number of points, edges and faces, was discovered by Leonhard Euler in 1752. However, the basic ...
Jorma Kyppö's user avatar
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non degenerate quadratic form on the group of correspondences on an algebraic curve?

Hi, Given two (smooth, projective) curves $X$ and $Y$ over a field $k$, define a correspondence to be a line bundle $L$ on $X\times Y$. A trivial correspondence is a correspondence of the form $p_1^*...
unknown's user avatar
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"Wick rotation" of tropical geometry

This question is related to my earlier, even more open-ended question on tropilcalization. I will give some background and ask my question at the end. On R, consider the family of commutative, ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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Combining Lefschetz numbers with Euler classes

Given an $n$-manifold $M$ (say), we can talk about its Euler characteristic $\chi(M)$. This can be generalized to the Euler number of any $n$-dimensional bundle ${\mathcal V}$. Or indeed, the Euler ...
Allen Knutson's user avatar
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cardinality of final coalgebras in Top

Let P be a polynomial functor from Top to Top, by which I mean a functor of the form P(X) = ∐i ≥ 0 Si × Xi where the Si are finite sets, all but finitely many of which are empty. ...
Reid Barton's user avatar
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Is there some short formula for the "defect" of Hilbert function

Let $X\subset\Bbb P^n_{\Bbb C}$ be a connected, Cohen Macaulay sub-scheme. (Possibly singular, reducible or non-reduced.) For $k\gg0$ the numbers $h^0(\mathcal{O}_X(k))$ depend polynomially on $k$. ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar