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Is it known whether a homeomorphism close to the identity of a compact manifold with nonzero Euler characteristic necessarily has a fixed point?

I recently saw in Kirby's list of open problems that it isn't known if two commuting homeomorphisms of a compact manifold close to the identity necessarily share a common fixed point, when the ...
Ahmad Rafiqi's user avatar
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On the notion of multiplicity of a fixed point [closed]

I am trying to understand the notion of multiplicity of a fixed point of a map $f: M \to M$, say, $M$ being a smooth closed manifold, and $f$ being a smooth diffeomorphism. There is a notion of ...
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On Lefschetz theorem and sum of Betti numbers as lower bounds for fixed points

Let $M$ be a closed manifold with holomorphic cell decomposition (if it is complex), or at least with only even cohomology. In particular, its Euler characteristic is equal to the sum of its Betti ...
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