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Universal homeomorphisms and the étale topology

Let $f:X\to S$ be a universal homeomorphism of schemes. Assume $X(S')\neq\emptyset$ for some étale surjective $S'\to S$. Does $f$ have a section? The answer is yes if $S$ is reduced, by descent. ...
Laurent Moret-Bailly's user avatar
9 votes
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Picard group and reduced schemes

$\DeclareMathOperator\Pic{Pic}$If $A$ is a ring, then we know that $\Pic(A)=\Pic(A_\text{red})$, but for a scheme $X$ it is false in general. On the other hand, we have that $\Pic(X)=H^{1}_{et}(X,\...
prochet's user avatar
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Invariants of etale topological type that are not homotopy invariants

Artin--Mazur theory attaches etale homotopy type to reasonable schemes. Associated to this homotopy type are certain invariants of the scheme, such as etale fundamental group and higher homotopy ...
geometer's user avatar
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Do residues commute with transverse base change?

Fix a number $n > 0$. Given a smooth $\mathbb{Z}[1/n]$-scheme $X$ (i.e., a smooth scheme such that $n$ is invertible in its ring of functions), we may consider the étale sheaf $\mu_n$ on $X$ which ...
Yonatan Harpaz's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the natural motivation for smooth/étale/unramified morphisms restricting from formally smooth/étale/unramified morphisms?

(I asked it first in MathStackExchange but I haven't get an answer yet) Smooth (resp. étale) morphisms are just locally finitely presented + formally smooth (resp. étale) morphisms. For unramified ...
Z Wu's user avatar
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Is there a simple counterexample to étale proper base change on the unbounded derived category?

The best non-derived version of proper base change on the étale site of a scheme I know is that for $f : X \to Y$ proper and $g : Y' \to Y$ arbitrary, the base change morphism $g^{-1} R f_\star \...
C.D.'s user avatar
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Cohomology groups on small fppf site and small etale site are not the same

Let $F$ be a quasi-coherent sheaf on a scheme $X$. Is there an example where cohomology groups of $F$ on small fppf site of $X$ and small etale site of $X$ are not isomorphic?
geometer's user avatar
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Do all the main properties of constructible and perverse sheaves (in an 'arithmetic' situation) follow from results of Gabber?

This question is a continuation of Bad behaviour of perverse sheaves over 'general' bases? Let $S$ (for example) be a finite type separated scheme over $\mathbb{Z}$. I would like: (1) to ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
4 votes
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Henselization of normal rings (Milne's EC)

The usual way to define the Henselization $A^h$ of a local ring $(A, \mathfrak{m})$ is by taking the direct limit $\varinjlim (B, \mathfrak q)$ over all étale neighborhoods of $A$ (i.e. pairs $(B,\...
user267839's user avatar
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Ind-etale vs weakly etale

In this article Bhatt and Scholze consider ind-etale and weakly etale maps of affine schemes. We have two (easy) statements, proven in Prop.2.3.3(1) and (5): -- any ind-etale map is weakly etale, -- ...
AlexIvanov's user avatar
2 votes
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Why care about Grothendieck topology? [closed]

Noah Schweber said here the following: Why would you want a notion of sheaf theory for objects more general than topological spaces? Well, the original motivation (to my understanding) was to ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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Find stratification to decompose constructible sheaf to constant parts (example from Wikipedia)

I have a question about techniques used in determining the stratification over which a constructible sheaf falls into even constant pieces demonstrated on this example from Wikipedia. Let $f:X = \text{...
user267839's user avatar
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Geometric generic point of a complete linear system

In the following context: Let $S$ be a connected smooth projective surface over $\mathbb{C}$, and let $\Sigma$ be the complete linear system of a very ample divisor $D$ on $S$. Let $d=\dim(\Sigma)$ ...
Roxana's user avatar
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Henselization and completions of local rings & schemes

That's the second part of my coarse becoming acquainted with Henselizations of fields and local rings. (in this question we focus on local rings as it is more algebro geometric motivated). So let $(R,...
user267839's user avatar
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When inverse image is conservative; a reference or a generalization?

I am interested in the following question: for $f$ being a morphism of schemes, which conditions ensure that $Rf^*_{et}$ is conservative? This is true if $f$ has a section or if $f$ is an \'etale ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Characterize descents of geometric finite étale cover by means of homotopy exact sequence

Let $X/k$ be a geometrically connected $k$-variety (=separated of finite type, esp quasi-compact; the base field $k$ assumed to be separable, so $\overline{k}=k^{\text{sep}}$), $\overline{X} := X \...
user267839's user avatar
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Discriminant ideal in a member of Barsotti-Tate Group

Let $S = \operatorname{Spec} R$ an affine scheme (in our case latter a complete dvr) and $p$ a prime. Then Barsotti-Tate group or $p$-divisible group $G$ of height $h$ over $S$ is an inductive system ...
user267839's user avatar
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local acyclicity when restricting to an hypersurface

Let $X$ be a smooth scheme over $\mathbb{C}$ and a constructible sheaf $K$ of complex vector spaces on $X\times\mathbb{A}^1$ and a function $g:X\rightarrow \mathbb{A}^1$. Suppose that $K$ is locally ...
prochet's user avatar
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Weaker version of smooth base change for étale sheaves

Consider the cartesian square of schemes $$ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} X' @>{g'}>> X \\ @V{f'}VV @VV{f}V \\ S' @>>{g}> S \end{CD} $$ and the base change map $$ \eta : ...
Michele's user avatar
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Verdier duality on excellent schemes

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a regular morphism between $k$-schemes which are noetherian and excellent with a funcion of dimension. In the book by Illusie-Laszlo-Orgogozo, there is a theorem (4.4.1 in ...
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