In this article Bhatt and Scholze consider ind-etale and weakly etale maps of affine schemes. We have two (easy) statements, proven in Prop.2.3.3(1) and (5):
-- any ind-etale map is weakly etale,
-- weakly etale maps satisfy fpqc-descent.
Moreover, it is stated (right after the proof of Prop.2.3.3) that the second claim fails for ind-etale maps. Do someone know
An example of a weakly etale map (of affine schemes), which is not ind-etale, resp.
An example of an ind-etale map (of affine schemes), which violates fpqc-descent?
Note that such examples must be of non-finite presentation, as weakly etale + of finite presentation is equivalent to etale, and etale is fpqc-local on the target.