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Questions tagged [duality]

Use for questions regarding duality of mathematical object, i.e. dual spaces, objects with two possible interpretations etc.

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Duality between K-theory and K-homology in the non-compact, spin$^c$ case

Let $M$ be a compact spin$^c$ manifold, so that it has a fundamental class $[M] \in K_n(M)$. It is well-known that the cap product with $[M]$ induces Poincare duality isomorphisms $K^\ast(M) \cong K_\...
AlexE's user avatar
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Twisted duality in a symmetric monoidal category

I would like to know if the following definition is already known or even well-known. Is there a reference in the literature? Do you know prominent examples? Definition. Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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compact embedding in duals of weighted Sobolev spaces

On the whole space $\mathbb{R}^d$ consider the weight $\omega(x)=\sqrt{1+|x|}$. Under which conditions on $k,q$ is the embedding $$ L^p(\mathbb{R}^d,\omega(x)dx)\subset\subset (W^{k,q}(\mathbb{R}^d,\...
leo monsaingeon's user avatar
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1 answer

In what sense is a generically submersive morphism of varieties subermersive over singular points?

Background/Motivation I'm currently interested in the duality theorem for projective varieties and more specifically in properties of the conormal variety over the dual variety. Let $V$ be a $k$-...
Rainer Sinn's user avatar
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Confusion about the dual/predual to the tangent plane to a Teichmüller space

I apologize in advance if this question is not considered research-level. I am reading material on Teichmüller theory and I am getting confused as to the nature of the space $Q(R)$ of all integrable, ...
hal's user avatar
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hyperfunctions and analytic duals

Let $A(\mathbb R^n)$ be the real analytic functions and $\mathscr B(\mathbb R^n)$ the hyperfunctions, dual to $A(\mathbb R^n)$. Further let $W\subset \mathbb C$ be a cone in the complex plane with ...
alphanzo's user avatar
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14 votes
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Frobenius upper shriek/flat of a dualizing complex

Let $X$ be a separated connected scheme of characteristic $p > 0$. I am going to assume that $F : X \to X$ (the absolute Frobenius) is a finite map. This condition is called being $F$-finite. ...
2 votes
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Poincaré Duality of a quasi-free algebra

I'm completely stumped on this one (yet I feel it is obviously true or obviously false) If $A$ is a quasi-free algebra, then must it satisfy Poincaré duality? All i need to find is a protective ...
The confused man's user avatar
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"L^2_loc mod constants" as a reflexive space

In an article of Sten Kaijser ("A note on dual Banach spaces") I find the assertion that $E = L^2_{\text{loc}}({\mathbb R})$ modulo constants is a reflexive space. Question 1: which is the '...
Bernhard's user avatar
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Generalized fourier transform and convolution?

Let $a(t)$ and $b(t)$ be two equal length sequences indexed by time index $t$. We know that $a(t) * b(t)$ corresponds to $A(\omega) \odot B(\omega)$ in the frequency domain where $A(\omega)$ and $B(\...
Turbo's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is there a direct way to compute the higher derived image sheaves of a family of $\mathbb{P}^n$s?

Let $V\rightarrow Y$ be a vector bundle of rank $n+1$ over $Y$, with $Y$ reasonably nice (I care about the case of smooth, irreducible affine). Let $X=\mathbb{P}(V)$ be the projectivization of $V$, so ...
Greg Muller's user avatar
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Looking for a uniform explanation of algebras with canonical generators.

Let $\mathcal{V}$ be a finitary variety i.e. the algebras for a signature whose operations have finite arity and for some arbitrary set of equations. Then any algebra $A \in \mathcal{V}$ has a ...
Rob Myers's user avatar
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