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6 answers

The purpose of connections in differential geometry [closed]

I am currently reading through differential geometry as a mathematics graduate. Can somebody give me a brief explainer on the purpose of connections? I could also use explainers on differential forms. ...
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1 answer

Why non closed differential forms do not play important role for the topology of a manifold?

Cross-posted from MSE. I know that De Rham cohomology reveal some properties of the topology of smooth manifolds by finding closed differential $k$-forms $\mathsf{d}\omega=0$ that are not exact $\...
C.F.G's user avatar
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Finding a volume form on a fibre of a submersion between oriented manifolds

Let $f:X\to Y$ be a submersion between orientable smooth manifolds of respective dimensions $n,p$ and let $j:M=f^{-1}(y)\hookrightarrow X$ denote the inclusion of some fibre of $f$. My naïve (I am ...
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Odd differential forms

In de Rham's classical book "Variétés Différentiables" de Rham, Georges, Variétés différentiables. Formes, courants, formes harmoniques. 3e éd. revue et augmentée, Publications de l’Institut de ...
Alan Muniz's user avatar
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7 answers

Theorems similar to Tischler fibering theorem

Tischler theorem states that the existence of a nowhere vanishing closed $1$-form in a compact manifold $M$ implies that the manifold fibers over $S^1$. Do you know any other differential topology ...
Reb's user avatar
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Computing relative cohomology class of differential form

When dealing with a top degree differential form $\mu$ in a manifold $M$, a way of "computing" its cohomology class is integrating it through the whole manifold. For instance, if the integral $ \int_M ...
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Closed $3$-manifold, $2$-dimensional subbundle of this manifold, is this form exact or not?

Let $M$ be a closed $3$-manifold, and let $\xi$ be a $2$-dimensional subbundle of $TM$. I know the following. There is a nowhere zero $1$-form $\alpha$ on $M$ with $\alpha(X) = 0$ for any vector ...
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Restriction of a line bundle to a two-cycle

I am reading a paper on Chiral Differential Operators and it says on page 23 that a line bundle over a manifold C can be characterized completely by its ...
Ali Shehper's user avatar
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(n-1)-dimensional normal currents and Smirnov's paper

I don't know much about currents, but I saw a paper of Smirnov which seems relevant to a problem I am working on. In the very last paragraph of page 848 of the following paper
A random mathematician's user avatar