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Fiber-wise mappings composed with projection map $\pi$

Let $M^2=(0,1)^2$. Recall that a chart is a diffeomorphism $\varphi:M^2 \to M^2$. Given a chart $\varphi:(M^2,g_0)\to (M^2,g_0)$ for $g_0$ the Euclidean metric, consider the curves $\varphi^{-1}(u,t)=\...
John McManus's user avatar
5 votes
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A vector field whose flow has constant singular values

$\newcommand{\tr}{\operatorname{tr}}$ $\renewcommand{\div}{\operatorname{div}}$ Let $D \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$ be the closed unit disk. Given a vector field $X$ on $D$, let $\psi_t$ be its flow. Does ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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Is there a diffeomorphism of the disk with constant sum of singular values?

This question is a relaxed version of this question. Let $D \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$ be the closed unit disk, and let $c \ge 2$. Does there exist a diffeomorphism $f:D \to D$ with constant sum of ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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Can every diffeomorphism be rescaled into a volume preserving one?

This is a cross-post. Let $D \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$ be the closed unit disk, and let $f:D \to D$ be a diffeomorphism. Does there exist a smooth $h \in C^{\infty}(D)$ such that $h\cdot f$ is an ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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Underdetermined system of linear PDEs

Let $a,b$ two smooth functions from the open square $I^{2}$ in $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ to $\mathbb{R}^{4}$. In particular, assume $a(t,u)$ and $b(t,u)$ be linearly independent for all $(t,u) \in I^{2}$. I ...
Matteo Raffaelli's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

What is an "Instanton" in classical gauge theory? (to a mathematician)

There's already a question about the same topic but I think its aim is different. Classical (non-quantum) gauge theory is a completely rigorous mathematical theory. It can be phrased in completely ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Can we approximate any open set by sub-domains with smooth boundary?

In some books, mainly about PDEs, I read that any open set can be approximated by sub-domain with smooth boundary (not just piecewise smooth). In 2 dimensional case, this seemly to be quite trivial: ...
Guomin Liu's user avatar
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The space of diffeomorphisms on a manifold

It is well known that given a compact connected smooth manifold without boundary $M$, the set of diffeomorphisms $Diff^{r}(M)$ of $M$ for $r≥1$, is open in $C^{r}(M)$, the set of continuous functions (...
user50774's user avatar
16 votes
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Are isospectral manifolds necessarily homeomorphic?

It's known that there are pairs of closed Riemannian manifolds which are isospectral but not isometric. Is it known if there are closed Riemannian manifolds which are isospectral but not homeomorphic?...
Dmitri Gekhtman's user avatar