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Finding a real-analytic diffeomorphism

Let $U_1\subset \mathbb R^3$ be a simply connected bounded open set with a smooth boundary and let $U_2$ be a neighborhood of $U_1$. Does there exist a real-analytic diffeomorphism $\psi: U_2 \to W_2$ ...
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Why are holomorphic $p$-forms parallel?

Let $X$ be a complex compact Kähler manifold, $\Omega_X$ its cotangent bundle and $D$ the Chern connection. It is, I believe, a standard fact that parallel $k$-forms $\alpha \in \mathcal{A}^k(X)$, i.e....
Nico Berger's user avatar
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Does every non-compact hyperbolic manifold admit compact complex submanifolds?

Let $(X,\omega)$ be a complete Kähler manifold with a metric of negative holomorphic sectional curvature. Does $X$ admit a proper, positive-dimensional, compact complex submanifold? In general, it is ...
AmorFati's user avatar
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What does it mean for the torsion to blow up?

Consider the following theorem which is the main result of the Hermitian Curvature Flow paper by Jeffrey Streets and Gang Tian: Theorem 1.1. Let $(M^{2n}, g_0, J)$ be a complex manifold with Hermitian ...
GradStudent's user avatar
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What are we to deduce from a structure theorem of this type concerning totally geodesic maps?

I apologise in advance for the vague nature of the question, but some insight would be greatly appreciated. I'm reading a paper of Lei Ni concerning structure theorems for Kähler manifolds. Here is an ...
GradStudent's user avatar
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Regularity of conformal maps

In order to define what it means for a map $f \colon \Omega \subseteq \mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R^n$ to be conformal, it is sufficient to require that $f$ is everywhere differentiable. Does conformality ...
seub's user avatar
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Covariant derivative of the Monge-Ampere equation on Kähler manifolds

I am reading D. Joyce book "Compact manifolds with special holonomy" and I have some problems of understanding some computation on page 111, the first line in the proof of Proposition 5.4.6. More ...
BenjaminRaj's user avatar
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Fefferman metric and Einstein metric

From Lee's paper The Fefferman Metric and Pseudo hermitian Invariants, corresponding to any 3 dimensional strictly pseudo convex CR structure, there is a conformal class of Lorentzian metrics which ...
Masoud's user avatar
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Is a non vanishing holomorphic vector field necessarily a geodesible vector field?

Motivated by the "The obvious Fact" part of this answer,, we ask the following question: First we recall a definition, which is used in the above link: Definition: A non vanishing vector ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

A geometric proof of the Gauss-Lucas theorem

Motivated by a geometric proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra we ask: Is there a geometric proof for the Gauss-Lucas theorem? Since we are working on a half plane, can one imagine a possible ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Gravitational instantons metric (change variables)

I'm trying to understand the paper by Hitchin called: ''Polygons and gravitons". I'm stuck at page 471. At this point, he does some computations and obtains a metric: $$ \gamma dz d\bar{z}+\gamma^{-...
Spink's user avatar
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7 votes
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Criterion for deciding the conformal class of a metric on a complete surface

For orientable closed Riemannian surfaces $(S,g)$, there is a constant curvature metric $\overline{g}$ on $S$ that is conformal to $g$ in the sense that $\overline{g} = e^ug$ for some smooth function $...
jef808's user avatar
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Coordinate charts on converging Riemann surfaces

Let $S$ be a $2-$dim manifold and $q \in S$. Furthermore, let $j_{n}$ be a sequence of complex structures on $S$ converging in $C^{\infty}_{\text{loc}}$ to a complex structure $j$ on $S$ as $n\...
Tobias's user avatar
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The shape operator and an almost contact structure of a real hypersurface in $\mathbb{C}^n$

Let $S$ be an immersed real hypersurface in the Euclidean $\mathbb{C}^n$ with the standard complex structure $J$. Let $A:T(S)\rightarrow T(S)$ be the shape operator of $S$ (e.g. w.r.t. the outer ...
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