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Questions tagged [derived-categories]

For questions about the derived categories of various abelian categories and questions regarding the derived category construction itself.

64 questions from the last 365 days
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2 answers

Rational divisors on Calabi–Yau threefolds

Following the construction of [2], consider the full subcategory $\mathcal{D}_0 \subset D^\flat(\operatorname{Coh} \omega_{\mathbb{P}^1})$ consisting of complexes whose cohomology objects are ...
cdsb's user avatar
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Natural transformation and Hochschild cohomology

I am reading the lecture note by Căldăraru:, in the last chapter of this note, he said that we should consider dg category instead of the derived category of coherent ...
TaiatLyu's user avatar
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Left exact functor $F$ preserves quasi-isomorphism between $F$-acyclics

In this math overflow page, the poster gives a proof of the statement "an additive left exact functor $F$ preserves quasi-isomorphisms between $F$-acyclic objects." I'm having trouble ...
Reinder van der Weide's user avatar
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Literature Request: The derived category is Krull-Schmidt

I am looking for literature where it is proven that the derived category of bounded complexes over a finite-dimensional algebra is Krull-Schmidt. I found this question Literature request: $K^b(\text{...
Sebastian Pozo's user avatar
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Uses of the Mukai vector

Let $X$ be say a smooth projective variety. For $\mathcal{E}^\bullet \in D^b(X)$ the so-called Mukai vector is defined as $$v(\mathcal{E}^\bullet) = \operatorname{ch}(\mathcal{E}^\bullet)\sqrt{\...
Niemero's user avatar
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How to check whether a triangulated subcategory is admissible?

Let $\mathcal{T}' \subseteq \mathcal{T}$ be a full triangulated subcategory. Recall, $\mathcal{T}'$ is called $\textit{right admissible}$ if the inclusion $\mathcal{T}' \hookrightarrow \mathcal{T}$ ...
Sunny Sood's user avatar
8 votes
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Is the unbounded derived $\infty$-category of a general abelian category stable?

Let $A$ be any abelian category. Consider the stable $\infty$-category $N_{dg}(Ch(A))$ defined as the differential graded nerve of the category of chain complexes $Ch(A)$ in $A$. We can define an $\...
Lin Chen's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Set theoretical foundations for derived categories

A modern approach to derived functors, that has been shown to be useful in a number of different circunstances is that of a derived category (see the book by Yakutieli, for example, here). However, it ...
jg1896's user avatar
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Tilting complexes arising from homotopy equivalences

Let $k$ be a field and let $A$ and $B$ be finite-dimensional selfinjective $k$-algebras. Suppose we have an isomorphism of homotopy categories $F: K^b(A-mod) \cong K^b(B-mod)$ that descends to a ...
Sam K's user avatar
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Does $\mathbf R\text{Hom}_R(k, -)\otimes_R^{\mathbf L} k$ commute with co-products?

Let $(R, \mathfrak m, k)$ be a commutative Noetherian local ring. Then, is it true that $\mathbf R\text{Hom}_R(k, -)\otimes_R^{\mathbf L} k$ commutes with arbitrary co-products?
uno's user avatar
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Is the pushforward of a closed immersion ever fully-faithful at the level of Derived Categories?

Let $i: Z \rightarrow X$ be a closed immersion of schemes. Then, for any $\mathcal{O}_{Z}$-module $\mathcal{G}$, the counit of adjunction $i^{*}i_{*}\mathcal{G} \rightarrow \mathcal{G}$ is an ...
Sunny Sood's user avatar
6 votes
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Fully faithful embeddings of derived category of projective space into derived category of a higher dimensional projective space

Let $N>n$. Are there are any known cases of a fully faithful embedding $D^b(\mathbb{P}^n) \hookrightarrow D^b(\mathbb{P}^N)$?
alg_et_geom's user avatar
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The assignment of derived infinity category of étale sheaf is an infinity functor?

Consider the ordinary category of schemes $Sch$, for $X\in Sch$, consider the abelian category of étale sheaf with coefficient $\wedge$ as $Mod(X_{ét},\wedge)$, then we can form the derived infinity ...
Yang's user avatar
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Phantoms and Geometry

Let $\mathcal{D}(X)$ be the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves on a smooth projective variety $X$. An autoequivalence $\Phi: \mathcal{D}(X) \to \mathcal{D}(X)$ is called phantom if it ...
Cody Amatto's user avatar
11 votes
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When does derived tensor product commute with arbitrary products?

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let $M$ be an $R$-module. It is well-known that $M$ is finitely generated if and only if the functor $M\otimes_R (-)$ preserves arbitrary products (for ...
uno's user avatar
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Lifting maps on the spectral sequence of a double complex to the derived category

Question The differentials on the $(r+1)$th page of a spectral sequence are maps on the cohomologies of the complexes on $r$th page. So, between two adjacent complexes $K^\bullet,L^\bullet$ on the $r$...
Joseph Sullivan's user avatar
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Derived tensor by perfect complex preserves exact triangle in singularity category?

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let $\operatorname{D}_{sg}(R)$ be the singularity category of $R$, i.e., the Verdier localization of $D_b(\text{mod } R)$ by the thick subcategory of perfect ...
Snake Eyes's user avatar
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Concrete reasons to study derived categories of quasi-coherent sheaves on algebraic stacks?

Title says it all. There seems to be a lot of work done on derived categories of quasi-coherent sheaves on stacks, and yet I couldn't find many "external" applications. I'm mainly wondering ...
Calculus101's user avatar
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full strong exceptional collection

I am wondering whether, if a triangulated category $\mathcal{D}$ has a full strong exceptional collection (infinite), it is triangle-equivalent to the bounded derived category of finitely generated ...
Paulo Rossi's user avatar
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Vanishing of higher morphisms for pair moduli

Consider a moduli scheme $P$ of sheaves $F$ on a Calabi-Yau n-fold $X$ with a section $s\in H^0(F)$. Alternatively, such objects can be described as maps $\mathcal{O}_X \xrightarrow{s} F$ called pairs....
Arkadij's user avatar
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Geometric stability conditions on calabi-yau's fibred over Fano always identical to geometric stability conditions on Fano

I apologize in advance for the long title. This question is motivated primarily by [2], with the explicit example of $\mathbb{P}^2$ and $\omega_{\mathbb{P}^2}$ computed in [3] and [1], respectively. ...
cdsb's user avatar
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Dimension of hom spaces between indecomposable modules

Undergraduate-Level Background Let $A$ be an Artin algebra over an algebraically closed field $k$, and let $C = Rep(A)$ denotes the category of $k$-linear, $k$-finite dimensional representations of $A$...
Student's user avatar
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Splitting of counit-trace map for $\ell$-adic sheaf $\Bbb Q_{\ell}$

I have a question about following argument on page 3 in paper by Will Sawin (Proposition 3): The claim is that for a finite, dominant map $f:X \to Y$ between varieties $X,Y$ ...
user267839's user avatar
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Comparison between pushforward-pullback and quasi-coherent pushforward-pullback

In the following, an algebraic stack means a stack over the big fppf site of a scheme, admitting a smooth, representable, surjective morphism from a scheme (no separation hypotheses), and let $\mathsf{...
Stahl's user avatar
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Splitting of composition of trace and counit in derived setting

Let $X,Y$ be varieties (separated of finite type schemes) over base field $k$, $\mathcal{F}$ be constructible sheaf on $Y_{\mathrm{et}}$ and assume that we have a finite morphism $f: X \to Y$, which ...
user267839's user avatar
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Base change for finding fibers of the pushforward of a line bundle along a proper non-flat morphism

Let $f: X \to Y$ be a proper morphism whose fibers have different dimensions, in particular $f$ is not flat. Let $L$ be a line bundle on $X$. What conditions would be sufficient to be able to conclude ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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What does the Serre functor of equivariant category of fractional CY category look like?

I am considering the following set up. Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a fractional Calabi-Yau category and denote by $S$ the Serre functor and $S^m=[n]$. Now I consider a finite group action $G$ on $\mathcal{A}$...
user41650's user avatar
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Splitting in additive categories

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an additive category and $B \to C$ a nonzero map. Are there say "standard" techniques & criteria one should keep in mind when working with additive categories to ...
user267839's user avatar
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Perfect complexes in a family

Consider a simple normal crossings variety $X=\bigcup_{i=1}^k X_i$ over $\mathbb{C}$ where $X_i$ are smooth projectiv and a flat family $\mathcal{X}\xrightarrow{\pi}\mathbb{A}^1_{\mathbb{C}}$ with $\...
TheWildCat's user avatar
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Base change in Chriss-Ginzburg

Below is a fragment of the book by Chriss and Ginzburg. Proposition 5.3.15(b) is stated in $K$-theory. My question is, does the same conclusion (and proof?) of proposition 5.3.15(b) (i.e. base change) ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Existence of functorial (K-)flat resolutions?

I am wondering about the following: Suppose $X$ is a reasonable scheme or stack with the resolution property. (So, all quasi-coherent sheaves admit a surjection from a flat sheaf.) Then I believe ...
C00's user avatar
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On a sentence of J.Nekovar in the introduction of "Selmer complexes"

In his famous book "Selmer complexes", J.Nekovar, speaking about Greenberg conditions, wrote the following sentence (see 0.8.1 p.10) these are the only local conditions that can be handled ...
Marsault Chabat's user avatar
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Classical schemes as derived schemes are discrete valued

Yang's user avatar
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How does the Torelli theorem behave with respect to cyclic covering?

Let $Y\xrightarrow{2:1}\mathbb{P}^3$ be the double cover, branched over a quartic K3 surface $S$, known as quartic double solid. Assume $S$ is generic, we know that there is a Torelli theorem for $Y$ ...
user41650's user avatar
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Bondal-Orlov' theorem for noncommutative projective schemes

My question is very simple. Is Bondal-Orlov's theorem known for noncommutative projective schemes in the sense of Artin and Zhang? The commutative version is the following : Let $X, Y$ be smooth ...
YkMz's user avatar
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Derived functors from localization vs animation

I got a bit confused with the derived functors getting from the localization and the animation. More specifically, let $\mathcal{A}$ be an abelian category generated by compact projective objects $\...
Johnny's user avatar
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Explicit proof that $\mathbb{k}[x]/(x^n)$ is not derived discrete

In the question Explicit proof that algebra is derived wild it was asked whether there are examples of algebras $A$ where it is possible to show explicitly that $A$ is derived wild by finding an ...
Jannik Pitt's user avatar
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A particular morphism being zero in the singularity category

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian ring and $D^b(R)$ be the bounded derived category of finitely generated $R$-modules. Let $D_{sg}(R)$ be the singularity category, which is the Verdier localization $...
strat's user avatar
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Relation between exotic sheaves in Achar's notes and in Bezrukavnikov-Mirkovic

I am trying to calculate explicitly a certain simple exotic sheaf (a simple object of the heart of the exotic t-structure on the Springer resolution, which is defined in Theorem 1.5.1 of Bezrukavnikov-...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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On the bounded derived category of sheaves with coherent cohomology

Let $(X,\mathcal{O}_X)$ be a locally ringed space such that $\mathcal{O}_X$ is locally notherian, and let $\operatorname{Coh}(\mathcal{O}_X)$ be the category of coherent $\mathcal{O}_X$-modules. The ...
FPV's user avatar
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Equivalences induced from invertible objects in transported bifunctors along an adjoint pair

I'm interested in the following problem, similar in vein to this other question. To put it simply, I have an adjoint pair $F\dashv G$ between categories $\mathrm{C}$ and $\mathrm{D}$ and I suppose ...
AT0's user avatar
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Thick subcategory containment in bounded derived category vs. singularity category

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian ring, and $D^b(\operatorname{mod } R)$ the bounded derived category of the abelian category of finitely generated $R$-modules. Let me abbreviate this as $D^b(R)$. ...
Alex's user avatar
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A pushout diagram of derived categories coming from an open cover of schemes

Suppose $X=U\cup V$ is the standard open cover of $X=\mathbb{P}^1$ by two affine lines. The descent theorems say that the diagram (with all arrows restriction maps) $\require{AMScd}$ \begin{CD} D(X) @&...
Kaiyi Chen's user avatar
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What is the correct definition of intermediate Jacobian for this singular threefold?

I am considering blow up of $\mathcal{C}\subset(\mathbb{P}^1)^3$, $X=\operatorname{Bl}_{\mathcal{C}}(\mathbb{P}^1)^3$, where $\mathcal{C}$ is a curve given by $$\{s^2u=0\}\subset\mathbb{P}^1_{s:t}\...
user41650's user avatar
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Pullback morphism of a hyperplane inclusion is zero in the derived category

Let $L \subset \mathbb{C}^n$ be a hyperplane and let $i:L \to \mathbb{C}^n$ be the inclusion. Since $i$ is proper, we have induced maps $i^*: H^k_c(\mathbb{C}^n) \to H^k_c(L)$, and these maps are zero ...
Eduardo de Lorenzo's user avatar
7 votes
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Canonical comparison between $\infty$ and ordinary derived categories

This question is a follow-up to a previous question I asked. If $\mathcal{D}(\mathsf{A})$ is the derived $\infty$-category of an (ordinary) abelian category $\mathsf{A},$ then the homotopy category $h\...
Stahl's user avatar
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Is the derived category of sheaves localised at pointwise homotopy equivalences locally small?

In order to define the cup and cross products in sheaf cohomology, Iversen makes computations in an intermediate derived category. If $K(X;k)$ is the triangulated category of cochain complexes of ...
FShrike's user avatar
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Pushforward of exceptional vector bundle is spherical for local P^2

I've been reading through a bit of the literature on stability conditions, and one of the models that has come up is the 'local projective plane'. Explicitly, this is the total space of the canonical ...
cdsb's user avatar
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Concrete examples of derived categories

What examples of abelian categories $\mathcal{A}$ are there such that the derived category $\mathcal{D}(\mathcal{A})$ can be described concretely? For example, is there a concrete way of describing $\...
Jannik Pitt's user avatar
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Projective resolution of a quiver with relations

How do we compute the projective resolution of a representation of a quiver with relations. For example consider the Beilinson quiver $B_4$ $. with the relations ­$\{\alpha_j^k\alpha_i^{k-1}=\alpha_i^...
user52991's user avatar
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