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Conjecturally unsafe RSA primes $p=27a^2+27a+7$

We got strong numerical evidence that primes of the form $p=27a^2+27a+7$ are unsafe for cryptographic purposes since they can be found in the factorization. Consider the following generic factoring ...
joro's user avatar
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Complexity of finding solutions of trapdoored polynomial?

Related to this question Cryptography signature scheme based on hardness of finding points on varieties. Working over $K=\mathbb{Q}[x_1,...,x_n,y_1,...y_m]$. By abuse of notation, for polynomial $f$, ...
joro's user avatar
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Cryptography signature scheme based on hardness of finding points on varieties?

Related to this question Complexity of finding solutions of trapdoored polynomial. I am trying to build signature scheme based on hardness of finding points on varieties. Let $K$ be field and $M=K[x_1,...
joro's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Reduction from factoring to solving Pell equation

The paper Polynomial-Time Quantum Algorithms for Pell's Equation and the Principal Ideal Problem claims There are reductions from factoring to solving Pell’s equation, and from solving Pell’s ...
joro's user avatar
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6 votes
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Public key cryptography based on non-invertible matrices?

Added Wed 13 Apr 2022 I have written a short note with experimental data, which shows not all pseudo keys are good keys. Public key cryptography based on non-invertible matrices We got public key ...
joro's user avatar
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5 votes
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Discrete logarithm and the sequence $a(n)=(g^n \bmod p)^{p-1} \bmod p^2$

Let $p$ be prime and $g,n$ integers. Define $a(n)=(g^n \bmod p)^{p-1} \bmod p^2$ By mod p we don't mean congruence, but the reduction modulo $p$ operator. $A \bmod ...
joro's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Recovering $\Phi(n)$ from a multiple?

I've been attending a series of lectures on Cryptography from an engineering perspective, which means that most of the assertions made are supplied without proof... here's one that the lecturer couldn'...
Gray Taylor's user avatar
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Hardness of solving $0=\sum_{i=1}^k \operatorname{linear}_i(x_1,\ldots,x_n)^D$ over the rationals

This is related to cryptography and this question and another question. In short, we are asking about decomposing multivariate polynomial as sum of perfect powers of linear polynomials. Working over $\...
joro's user avatar
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The security of one-time digital signatures from a solution to a diophantine equations

I wonder how well arbitrary Diophantine equations can be used to make one time digital signature schemes. For our one-time digital signature scheme, the public key is a collection of polynomials $f_1(...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar