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On factorization algorithms for $\mathcal{O}[x]$

We know that $\mathsf{LLL}$ algorithm provides factorization procedure that runs in poly time for polynomials in $\Bbb Z[x]$ that are primitive. What other rings $\mathcal{O}$ can we use instead of $\...
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Next smooth number

I want to find the next $n \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $$s < n = \prod_{p_i \in \mathbb{P}_B} {p_i}^{a_i}$$ Where $\mathbb{P}_B$ is the set of primes not greater than $B$ I know that we can generate ...
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Current best time for factoring in $\Bbb Q[x]$

Lenstra Lenstra Lovasz have a $O((nb)^{11})$ deterministic algorithm to factor primitive polynomials in $\Bbb Q[x]$ where $b$ is total number of bits in the polynomial and $n$ is degree of the ...
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Evidence of optimality of sieve algorithms

Sieve techniques apply to integer factoring and discrete logarithm to provide $2^{O(((\log n)(\log\log n)^2)^{1/3})}$ complexity for $n$ bit factoring and $n$ bit prime discrete logarithm. The state ...
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Coppersmith's method to quadrivariate degree $2$ polynomials that behave as bivariate?

We have a polynomial $f(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)\in\mathbb Z[x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4]$ where the only monomials are either from set $$\{x_1,x_1x_2,x_2,x_3,x_3x_4,x_4\}$$ and we seek solutions $(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)\in\...
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Is this factorization problem in EXP?

Factorization is not known to have a polynomial time algorithm. Traditionally the input length is number of bits in representation of the integer to be factored. However now consider integers of form $...
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Smooth number pairs satisfying a congruence

Let $\mathcal P=\{p_1,\dots,p_{2t}\}$ be $2t$ primes between $2^\ell$ and $2^{\ell+1}$ and fix an exponent bound $a\in\mathbb Z_{\geq2}$. Fix $N\in\mathbb N$ whose prime factors $p$ satisfy $p>2^{\...
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Factoring totient of a prime

Is it any easy to factor $p-1$ when $p$ is a prime compared to general factorization problem? What about when $2p+1$ is also a prime?
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