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Determinant as a Hamiltonian

Are there two symplectic structures $\omega_1, \omega_2$ on $M_{2n}(\mathbb{R})$ such that the function $Det:M_{2n}(\mathbb{R})\to \mathbb{R}$ is completely integrable with respect to $\omega_{1}$...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Periodic orbits of a spinning ball in a square

Periodic orbits of a billiard ball bouncing in a square have been well-studied. I am seeking similar analysis of what is sometimes called a rough ball, one whose high friction causes it to pick up ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Billiards with incompatible regions

An existing question asks whether "almost every" two-dimensional billiard possesses at least one orbit that is dense in its interior. My question is about the following set of strong counter-examples:...
mjqxxxx's user avatar
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Differential equation of line tangent to caustics

This problem (or rather, statement that I cannot understand) has arisen in a paper I have been reading "Geometry of Integrable Billiards and Pencils of Quadrics" by Dragovic and Radnovic. I'd be most ...
A B's user avatar
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Pocket billiards with balls in general position

There were at least two earlier MO questions about ideal pocket billiards. (Ideal: frictionless, perfectly elastic collisions.) Perfectly centered break of a perfectly aligned pool ball rack. Does ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Dynamics of pairwise distances in the $n$-body problem

Disclaimer: I have asked this question on Physics SE a week ago, but got no answers. I know that some MO users are interested in the $n$-body problem, so I decided to cross post here as well. ...
Mehmet Ozan Kabak's user avatar
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Rigid-body in a central field: orbital and attitude motion

Question I would like to find a nice set of explicit coordinates for the family (parametrised by angular momentum) of reduced systems representing a rigid-body in a central field in which the orbital ...
Dayal C Strub's user avatar
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What happens when Appell-Chetaev's rule for constrained mechanical systems is not applicable?

Background: Let be given a mechanical system whose configuration space is a manifold $Q$, and the kinetic energy is a metric $K$ on $Q$, in presence of a potential function $V$. Let us identify the ...
agt's user avatar
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Find a second integral for Arnold's example

Consider Arnold's example for Arnold diffusion 1964. $$H=I_1^2/2+I_2^2/2+\epsilon(1-\cos\theta_2)(1+\mu(\sin\theta_1+\sin t)) $$ We can first make it a system of three degrees of freedom. Then we ...
John Galt's user avatar
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Nonintegrable classical dynamical systems and deterministic chaos

I'm trying to delineate a minimal (and informal) "taxonomy" for classical continuous dynamical systems that could be interested by the phenomenon of "chaos" - unfortunately the ...
Lo Scrondo's user avatar
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In search for a more geometric proof of a result of van der Schaft and Maschke on nonholonomic mechanics

Edit: Now I have found something that appears to answer my own question. It is section 2 in the paper "On Submanifolds and Quotients of Poisson and Jacobi Manifolds" by Ch.-M. Marle. (There, he ...
agt's user avatar
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Dissipative Hamiltonian System with a Periodic Force

Let $H:P \to \mathbb{R}$ be a Hamiltonian on a symplectic manifold $(\omega,P)$ and let $X_H: P \to TP$ be the Hamiltonian vector-field. Let $F:P \to T^*P$ be a dissipative force field such that for $...
hoj201's user avatar
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Applicability of van Holten's algorithm for symmetries in classical mechanics

Background van Holten's algorithm (see e.g. here and here) is a way of constructing or recognizing dynamical/hidden symmetries in classical mechanics by looking for Killing tensors on the ...
nonreligious's user avatar
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Implications for a simple deterministic chaos definition

Among many others, one definition of deterministic chaos terms "chaotic" a classical dynamical system that satisfies the following three properties: sensitive dependence to initial ...
Lo Scrondo's user avatar