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Rational model for composition of linear isometries

There is a composition map on spaces of linear isometries (over $\mathbb{C}$ say) $$ \mathcal{L}(\mathbb{C}^k, \mathbb{C}^\ell) \times \mathcal{L}(\mathbb{C}^\ell, \mathbb{C}^m) \longrightarrow \...
Niall Taggart's user avatar
8 votes
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Product structure in Milnor exact sequence

Let $h^*$ be a (multiplicative) generalized cohomology theory. Let $X$ be a CW complex which is a union of an increasing sequence $X_0 \subset X_1 \subset X_2 \subset \cdots$ of subcomplexes. Then ...
onefishtwofish's user avatar
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Connection on relative topological periodic cyclic homology

I have been looking Bhatt-Morrow-Scholze's paper: and came to a naive question. Let $C$ be a dg-category (with assumptions?) over $\mathbb{F}_p[[z]]$ and view this ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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Linearity of topological periodic cyclic homology

Let $A$ be an $E_\infty$ ring spectrum, $B$ a ring spectrum. Then if I understand correctly, $TP(A)$ is a ring spectrum by the lax monoidal property of $TP$. Suppose there is a map of ringed spectra ...
onefishtwofish's user avatar
4 votes
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How to calculate $\mathrm{TP}(\mathbb{F}_p[t])$?

$\DeclareMathOperator\TP{TP}$I am trying to learn about topological periodic cyclic homology following the notes: https://...
onefishtwofish's user avatar
5 votes
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Two spectral sequences arising from a simplicial spectrum

Let $X_\bullet$ be a simplicial spectrum, and let $X = |X_\bullet|$ be the geometric realization. Let's assume each $X_n$ is connective. From this situation, we can form two filtrations on $X$: the ...
Brian Shin's user avatar
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On infinity-morphisms between algebras over algebraic operads

I posted this question in the "Mathematics" stack exchange, but it hasn't got much attention... I hope it will get more here. Let $P$ be a Koszul operad. In the book of Loday-Vallette "...
groupoid's user avatar
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Non-trivial homotopy, but vanishing homology

I wonder if there are examples of 5-dimensional manifolds with vanishing integral second homology group, but non-vanishing second homotopy group? Or is it impossible by some Hurewicz theorem type of ...
Dmitrii Ivanov's user avatar
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topological functor of tor functor

The framework of Quillen's model categories gives us a very general way of defining things as derived functors. For instance, in this way one can realise the singular homology as Andre-Quillen ...
Li Guanyu's user avatar
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Why does this construction not give a functorial cone in the homotopy category of cochain complexes?

I have heard the expression recently that one should be careful when constructing cones in the homotopy category - namely, that this is not functorial. However, when working through some examples in ...
kelly maggs's user avatar
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Understanding the definition of left homotopy as given in Quillen’s Homotopical algebra book

Given two topological spaces $X,Y$, and two maps $f,g:X\rightarrow Y$, there is a notion of homotopy between $f$ and $g$. It is given by a continuous map $H:X\times I\rightarrow Y$ such that the ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
7 votes
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Long exact sequences for parametrized cohomology

I'm reading Michael Shulman's articles on cohomology in HoTT here and here, as well as Floris van Doorn's thesis here. Given $E: Z \to \mathsf{Spectrum}$ a family of spectra over a homotopy type $Z$, ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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Under which conditions is the bar construction a conservative functor?

The bar construction is a functor $A\mapsto Bar(A)$ from the category of augmented differential graded algebras over a commutative ring $R$ to the category of chain complexes of $R$-modules. It sends ...
Geoffroy Horel's user avatar
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Inverse limit of chains of Eilenberg Mac Lane spaces

Let $... \to G_2 \to G_1$ an inverse system of abelian groups with inverse limit $G$, let $n \geq 2$ and $F$ a field. The induced inverse system $$... \to C_*(K(G_2,n);F) \to C_*(K(G_1,n);F) \ (*)$$ ...
Hadrian Heine's user avatar
7 votes
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Transfer of E-infinity algebra structures

Skip to the bottom for my questions, first some discussion: It is a celebrated theorem of Kadeišvili that $A_{\infty}$-algebra structures can be transferred along homotopy equivalences so that the ...
J Cameron's user avatar
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The role of spectral Lie algebras and twisting for operads in spectra

In the theory of differential graded (co)operads, the notion of twisting is ubiquitous. The fundamental notion is the twisting map from a cooperad $C$ to an operad $P$. It is defined as a Maurer-...
Connor Malin's user avatar
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2 answers

Indexing categories of derivators

It is not clear to me the role of the domain and target in the definition of prederivators. For instance, the classical references put the domain as $\mathit{Dia}$, others as $\mathit{Cat}$ itself. ...
user234212323's user avatar
4 votes
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Relation between $Tor_{C^*(BG;K)}(K,K) $ and $K^G$?

Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field and $G$ a group. Given a dg-algebra $A$, a left $A$-module $M$ and a right $A$-module $N$ let $Tor_A(M,N)$ denote the homology of the derived tensor product $M ...
Hadrian Heine's user avatar
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Milnor exact sequence for homology of hopf algebras

Let $K$ be a field and $\mathrm{Hopf}^K_{E_\infty}$ the $\infty$-category of homotopy-coherent hopf algebras over $K$ that are coherently commutative and cocommutative. Precisely, $\mathrm{Hopf}^K_{E_\...
Hadrian Heine's user avatar
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"Boundaries" in Free Simplicial Monoids

I suspect that this has been addressed somewhere already, but I cannot find anything. Let $\hat{\Delta}$ denote simplicial sets, and $Mon\hat{\Delta}$ simplicial monoids. There is a forgetful functor $...
Mathemologist's user avatar
5 votes
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triviality of homology with local coefficients

Let $X$ be a manifold or a CW-complex. Let $\pi: \tilde X\longrightarrow X$ be a covering map. Let $\pi_1(X)$ be the fundamental group of $X$ and let $\rho: \pi_1(X)\longrightarrow O(n)$ be an ...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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Dimension of classifying space of a group

If $N$ is a normal subgroup of a group $G$ such that $G/N= \mathbb{Z}$. Suppose that the classifying space of $G$ is a finite CW-complex of dimension $n$. Does it follow that the classifying space of $...
lab's user avatar
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Understanding why $\pi_{3}(N) = \mathbb{Z}_{(2n, n^2)}$?

I am trying to understand the paper Arkowitz and Golasinski - Co-$H$ structures on Moore spaces of type $(G, 2)$: In section 4, titled "Homotopy elements of finite order", the authors say $\...
Smart20's user avatar
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33 votes
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Equivalence of topological Hochschild homology and Mac Lane homology via an equivalence $QA\simeq HA \wedge_{\mathbb{S}} H\mathbb{Z}$

Mac Lane homology is a homology theory for (not necessarily commutative) rings. Given a ring $A$, Eilenberg and Mac Lane define its cubical construction $QA$ to be a certain connective chain complex, ...
Matt Booth's user avatar
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On the link between homology and homotopy

In the last semester I learned homological algebra and higher category theory/homotopy theory. But I am kind of confused when I try to really understand the link between the two subjects (this is ...
Amos Kaminski's user avatar
14 votes
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Detecting weak equivalence on free loop space homology

Given $f:X \to Y$ a continuous map between two spaces (unpointed CW-complexes) such that $f$ induces an isomorphism in homology with integer coefficient, and $f$ induces an isomorphism on homology of ...
Simon Henry's user avatar
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Sullivan minimal model in the case of $H^1(V)\neq 0$

Is there a simple construction of a Sullivan minimal model $\Lambda U \rightarrow V$ in the case that $H^1(V)\neq 0$? Do you have a reference? I envisage a degree-wise construction as in the case of $...
Pavel's user avatar
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4 votes
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Contractible chain complex from non-contractible space

Recall that a chain complex $(C_*,d)$ of abelian groups is contractible if it is homotopic to the zero map. Or equivalently: there exists a degree 1 map $F: C_* \to C_*$ such that $\operatorname{Id}= ...
user155668's user avatar
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The interaction between differentials on a graded ring and chain-homotopy equivalences

I am wondering about the following question: Given a differential graded algebra $A$, how many other differentials can we put on the underlying graded ring of $A$, which are also chain-homotopy ...
Mo Behzad Kang's user avatar
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Tensor product of an L-infinity algebra with the cochains on the 1-simplex

I would like to understand the $L_\infty$ structure on the tensor product of an $L_\infty$ algebra (over $\mathbb{R}$) $L$ with the normalized cochains on the one-simplex $N^*(\Delta^1)$. This latter ...
Eugene Rabinovich's user avatar
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homotopy MC element

A homotopy MC element is the Linfty analog of a Maurer-Cartan element for a Lie algebra. Where is anything written about homotopy MC elements as perturbations of strict MC elements?
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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Alternating property of H_2(T, Z)

Let us consider the torus $T = S^1_X \times S^1_Y$, where the former $S^1_X$ has the coordinate $X$, whereas the latter $S^1_Y$ has $Y$. We have an alternate property $dX \wedge dY = - dY \wedge dX \...
Pierre's user avatar
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Alternate property of H^2(T, Z) [closed]

Let us take $T = S^1_X \times S^1_Y$, which is a torus, where the former $S^1_X$ has the coordinate $X$, whereas the latter $S^1_Y$ has $Y$. If we consider the generator $dX \wedge dY \in H^2(T, {\Bbb ...
Pierre's user avatar
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$E_\infty$-algebras and Tor-unital rings

Recall that a non-unital ring $R$ is called Tor-unital if $Tor^1_{R_+}(\mathbb Z,\mathbb Z) \cong 0$ where $R_+$ is the unitalization of $R$. See e.g. If $R$ is ...
eeeeee's user avatar
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Whitehead Theorem for maps

Let us consider two simply-connected CW complexes. Combining the theorems of Whitehead and Hurewicz we have that a map between them is an equivalence if and only if its induced map on integral chains ...
User371's user avatar
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Homotopy functor calculus vs functor calculus in additive categories

Consider the Goodwillie calculus of a homotopy functor $F : \mathrm{Sp} \to \mathrm{Sp}$, where $\mathrm{Sp}$ denotes an appropriate model for spectra (... orthogonal spectra for instance). Then ...
Niall Taggart's user avatar
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Is there a simple algebraic setup to accomodate fibres and cofibres at the same time?

If I understand it correctly, there are two mutually dual "leading principles" in homotopy theory: never perform quotients, add structure instead; never require subobjects, take fibres instead. ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Conceptual and practical reasons and consequences of inverting weak equivalences

Although dealing with this in one or other form for many years, to my shame this question only struck me now. One of the most radical differences between categories of "algebraic" and "...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
2 votes
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Spelling out explicitly the data of a two step filtration in terms of pieces and gluing data

Let $V$ be an object of some stable infinity category (nothing is lost by taking spectra but I see no reason to state the question in this way as it is irrelevant) and suppose we have a two step ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Long exact sequence of Quillen derived functors

Let $F:\mathcal A\to \mathcal B$ be an additive right exact functor between abelian categories $\mathcal A$ and $\mathcal B$. Then for a short exact sequence $$ 0\to A\to B\to C\to 0 $$ in $\mathcal A$...
res's user avatar
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$Q(f+g)_*=Q(f_*+g_*)$ (The maps induced by the sum is the sum of induced maps modulo decomposables [Reference request]

Let $X, Y$, let's say, homotopy commutative $H$-spaces, $f,g$ maps from $X$ to $Y$. (Actually we only need $Y$ to be homotopy commutative $H$_space, but the statement is easier if we also suppose $X$ ...
user43326's user avatar
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How "commutative" are Cech cochains of a sheaf of commutative (dg) algebras?

Let $X$ be a topological space and $\mathcal{F}$ be a sheaf of commutative dg-algebras over $X$. Let $\mathfrak{U}$ be a fixed open covering of $X$ and $C^\bullet(\mathfrak{U},\mathcal{F})$ be the ...
algebrachallenged's user avatar
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First Betti number of a Reeb graph is not greater than that of the space?

(I have asked this question at math stackexchange, it was upvoted but got no answers; maybe you can help.) It is well-known that $\beta_1(R(f))\le\beta_1(X)$, where $\beta_1$ is the first Betti ...
Alexander Gelbukh's user avatar
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What is the correct generalization of "sigma-free" to props?

This is a question about props, a generalization of operads (used to model operations with several inputs and several outputs). By forgetting the composition structure of an operad one obtains a so ...
User371's user avatar
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Functoriality of Leray homology spectral sequences of fibrations

Let $p\colon E\to B$ and $p'\colon E'\to B'$ be two fibrations. Assume for simplicity that $B,B'$ are simply connected. Let we have morphism of these fibrations, i.e. two continuous maps $$f\colon E\...
asv's user avatar
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Homotopy colimit of a simplicial DGA

It seems to be well-known that the homotopy colimit of a simplicial chain complex (unbounded) can be computed by taking the totalization of the associated (half-plane) double complex. The totalization ...
Christian Wimmer's user avatar
10 votes
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Isomorphisms between minimal $A_\infty$-algebras having identical $k$-truncations

Let $A_m =(A,0,m_2,m_3,\dots)$ and $A_n=(A,0,n_2,n_3,\dots)$ be two $A_\infty$-structures on a vector space $A$. Assume that i) $A_m$ and $A_n$ are isomorphic, and ii) $A_m$ and $A_n$ have the same ...
Bashar Saleh's user avatar
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Resolutions by free Differential Graded Algebras

I am struggling to find references for explicit computations of things like symmetric algebras and resolutions in the dg context. (any pointers in this direction would be highly appreciated!) I have ...
Yosemite Sam's user avatar
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Free Symmetric Operads and $\mathbb{S}$-modules

In the definition of operads, if we restrict our attention to $\mathbb{S}$-modules where the action by the symmetric groups is free, then the free operads have still an underlying free $\mathbb{S}$-...
emmagvr's user avatar
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Cap product on Leray-Serre spectral sequences

Let $\ p:X\to B\ $ be a fibration of spaces with fiber $F$. Then there are homological and cohomological Leray-Serre spectral sequences $E^{r}_{pq}$ and $E_r^{pq}$ that converge to $H_*(X)$ and $H^*(...
Sergei Ivanov's user avatar