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4 votes
1 answer

Induced fiber sequence and Eilenberg–MacLane space in Whitehead tower of $BO$

In Whitehead tower of $BO$, there is a induced fiber sequence: 1. $$ Z_2 \to B SO \to BO \overset{w_1}{\rightarrow} B Z_2 $$ How does this map $\overset{w_1}{\rightarrow}$ from $BO$ to $B Z_2$? ...
1 vote
0 answers

extendability of fibre bundles on manifolds with same dimensions

Let $M$ be an $m$-manifold. Let $M'\subseteq M$, where $M'$ is also an $m$-manifold. Let $N$ be an $n$-manifold. Let $N'\subseteq N$, where $N'$ is also an $n$-manifold. Suppose there is fibre ...
2 votes
0 answers

Minimal first Pontryagin class $p_1=1$?

From Hirzbuch theorem, the signature of 4-manifold $\sigma = p_1/3$ with the first Pontryagin class $p_1$. I know that the $\sigma=p_1/3 =1$ so $p_1=3$ for complex projective space $\mathbb{P}^2$. Is ...
2 votes
0 answers

Fiber bundle orientability vs manifold orientability

This question seems like a pretty straightforward generalization of a result from vector bundles but its been on MSE for over a week with no answers so I'm reposting
13 votes
2 answers

Surface bundles over a surface

What can be used to distinguish two $\Sigma_g$-bundles over $\Sigma_h$ up to (1) homotopy? (2) homeomorphism? (3) fiberwise homeomorphism? (4) bundle isomorphism? And can these always be computed ...
6 votes
1 answer

Torus bundles and compact solvmanifolds

I asked this question on MSE 9 days ago and it got a very helpful comment from Eric Towers providing the Palais Stewart reference, but no answers. So I'm crossposting it here. Let $$ T^n \to M \to T^m ...
9 votes
0 answers

Rational cobordism classes of manifolds fibered over spheres

Let us fix positive integers $k, m$. Let $A^k_{4m} \subset \Omega^{\text{SO}}_{4m} \otimes \mathbb Q$ be the subgroup generated by oriented cobordism classes of manifolds fibered over $S^k$. The ...
2 votes
1 answer

Classification of disk bundle over surfaces

Are there any reference for the classification of orientable disk bundle over a closed surface? I am particularly interested in the case if the surface is $S^2,RP^2,T^2$ or the Klein bottle. Many ...
9 votes
1 answer

Isotopies, Fiber Bundles and Selection Theorems

The following problem is a culmination of a few questions I've asked the last two months, and it's still giving me some issues. I think I know the right way to solve it, but I'm having trouble with ...
7 votes
1 answer

Intersection form of surface bundle over surface

Let $\Sigma_g$ be a Riemannian surface of genus $g$. Let $M^4$ be a surface bundle over surface: $\Sigma_g \to M^4 \to \Sigma_h$. $\Sigma_g$ is the fiber and $\Sigma_h$ is the base space. My question: ...
4 votes
1 answer

Lifting cellular structures to fibrations, fibre bundles or coverings

It is a well known result in Algebraic Topology that given a covering space $E\to B$ where the base has a CW-structure, then the total space can be given a CW-structure (see for example Theorem 8.10 ...
12 votes
1 answer

Stiefel-Whitney class of fibre bundles

Let $F,E,B$ be manifolds (we may assume them to be compact, without boundary if necessary) and $$F\to E\to B$$ be a fibre bundle. Suppose $$w(F), w(B),$$ the Stiefel-Whitney class of $F$ and $B$, are ...
5 votes
0 answers

Induced new structures on Poincare dual manifolds

"R. C. Kirby and L. R. Taylor, Pin structures on low-dimensional manifolds (1990)" shows Given a spin structure on $M^3$, the submanifold $\text{PD}(a)$ can be given a natural induced $\text{Pin}^-$...
5 votes
1 answer

Cup product on flat fiber bundles vs cup product on the corresponding Serre spectral sequence

Let $F \rightarrow E \rightarrow B$ be a flat fiber bundle, $E, F, B$ closed manifolds. Consider $H^*(E, \mathbb{Q})$ and the corresponding Serre spectral sequence with isomorphism $$(*) \ \ \ H^n(E;\...
2 votes
1 answer

Compute cohomology of flat fiber bundles - does this always work?

Edit: This has been answered in this thread Are there compact flat fiber bundles with "truly" infinite structure group?. Setting Let $p: E \rightarrow B$ be a flat fiber bundle with fiber ...
3 votes
0 answers

Two questions regarding flat fibre bundles and the corresponding group action on the fibre

Let $F$, $B$ be smooth, closed manifolds and $\phi:\pi_1(B) \rightarrow Aut(F)$ a smooth group action of the fundamental group of $B$ on $F$. Consider the flat fibre bundle $E_\phi := \widetilde{B} \...
6 votes
1 answer

Simplicial approximation of a fibration

I am interested in the simplicial approximation of Serre or Hurewicz fibrations (or even fibre bundles). Let's assume $E$ and $B$ are finite simplicial complexes (or their associated geometric ...
0 votes
1 answer

group actions on fibre bundles

Suppose that we have a group $G$ acting on the spaces $E$ and $B$. Suppose moreover that we have fibre bundles $\xi$ and $\eta$ in the following commutative diagram If $\xi$ is a trivial bundle, i.e....
3 votes
1 answer

"Ambient homotopy" between preimages under a fiber bundle?

Choose a notion of an "ambient homotopy" between maps of topological spaces. For example, say that two embeddings $Y \rightarrow X$ are ambiently homotopic if there is a path between them in the space ...
1 vote
1 answer

triviality of a $2$-sheeted covering map and the triviality of the associated vector bundle

Let $ X$ be a space with a (free and properly discontinuous) $\mathbb{Z}/2$-action and $$p: X\to X/(\mathbb{Z}/2) $$ be a $2$-sheeted covering map. Then we have an associated vector bundle $$ \xi: \...
7 votes
1 answer

vector bundles associated to a covering space

Let $M$ be a $m$-dimensional manifold whose cohomology ring and cell structure are well-understood, such that there is a free action of the symmetric group $S_n$ on $M$. Then we have a $n!$-sheeted ...
5 votes
0 answers

characteristic classes of a covering space with symmetric group action

Let $S_n$ be the $n$-th symmetric group. Suppose we have a $n!$-sheeted covering space $$ S_n\to M\to M/S_n $$ where $M$ is a manifold. Let $\mathbb{K}$ be the real numbers $\mathbb{R}$, complex ...
2 votes
0 answers

cross-sections of a sphere bundle

Let $M$ be a $m$-manifold and $M_0$ a submanifold of $M$. Let $X$ be a pointed topological space. In the paper On the homology of configuration spaces, Bodigheimer-Cohen-Taylor, Topology 1989, ...
6 votes
1 answer

When are principal bundles preserved by colimits?

Let $G$ be a topological group and consider a family $$G\rightarrow E_i\rightarrow B_i$$ of $G$-principal bundles indexed over the natural numbers. Suppose we have $G$-bundle morphisms (equivariant ...
3 votes
2 answers

Branched coverings over orbifolds with reflector lines

It is well known that if $F\to B$ is a $n$-finite branched covering over an orbifold with cone-points then the orbifold Euler's characteristics are related via $\chi(F)=n(\chi(B)-\sum_i^r\frac{a_i-1}{...
21 votes
3 answers

Cohomology of fibrations over the circle: how to compute the ring structure?

This question is inspired by Cohomology of fibrations over the circle Moreover, it can be considered a subquestion of the above, but somehow it seems to me that some of the more interesting points ...
9 votes
2 answers

Fibrewise homotopy-equivalence of unit sphere bundles vs isomorphism of tangent bundles

Let $M$ be a smooth $m$-dimensional manifold, $TM$ its tangent bundle and $SM$ its unit sphere bundle. Are there some simple examples where $SM$ is fibrewise homotopy-equivalent to the trivial ...
12 votes
4 answers

$S^n \to S^m \to B$ bundle: possible?

Sphere bundles and bundles over spheres are everywhere and are excellent things to get one's hands dirty with. (1a) But when can we have a bundle $S^n \to S^m \to B?$ It seems like requiring the ...
8 votes
1 answer

A sphere bundle map

I think this may all be classical bundle-theory. But I'm trying to read some old papers on classifications of bundles and the following came up as questions I couldn't immediately answer: Consider the ...
3 votes
3 answers

Reducible 3d torus bundles

Here reducible means that the mapping class for the fiber is a reducible auto-homeomorph in the sense of Nielsen-Thruston. So, could anyone give me a hint to classify them? In contrast, do you agree ...