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Question about lattice with dense projection

Let $H\subset \operatorname{GL}(n,\mathbb{C})$ be a connected, semisimple algebraic group defined over $\mathbb{Q}$. Fix a number field $K$ with $[K:\mathbb{Q}]=3$ that is not totally real. Denote its ...
studiosus's user avatar
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Two basic questions on congruence subgroups

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$I have two questions related to congruence subgroups. Let $$\Gamma=\Gamma_0(N)=\Big\{\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix} \...
Andrew's user avatar
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How does $SL_2(\mathbb Z[\sqrt 2])$ embed into $SL(2,\mathbb R)\times SL(2,\mathbb R)$, and what are the centralizers in $Mat(4\times 4,\mathbb Z)$?

I am trying to learn arithmetic groups, from a dynamical point of view. These questions (maybe silly) come to my mind, but I do not know the answer. How does $SL_2(\mathbb Z[\sqrt 2])$ embed into $SL(...
Changguang's user avatar
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Subgroup of $SL_2(O)$ with nice fundamental domain in complex upper half-plane

Let $O$ be the ring of $S$-integers in a real quadratic number field. Let $G$ be an $S$-arithmetic subgroup of $SL_2(O)$ whose intersection with $SL_2(\mathbb Z)$ is not of finite index in $SL_2(\...
Ciro's user avatar
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The principal congruence subgroup of the symplectic group over the integers

Consider the symplectic group $\text{Sp}_{2g}(\mathbb{Z})$ over the integers. It has a classical root system $C_g$ and associated root subgroups $U_\varphi$ for $\varphi\in C_g$. These subgroups are ...
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Upper bounds for difference of entries between matrices and their inverses in $\mathsf{GL}_k(\mathbb Z)$

Let $a(M)$ be the maximum absolute value of entries of matrix $M\in\mathsf{GL}_k(\mathbb Z)$. $M^{-1}\in\mathsf{GL}_k(\mathbb Z)$ holds. What is a good upper bound for $|a(M)-a(M^{-1})|$? I am ...
VS.'s user avatar
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If $\Lambda \cap U$ is Zariski-dense in $U$, then $\Lambda$ contains $U(k\mathbb Z)$ for some $k ≥ 1$?

If $G$ is a $\mathbb Q$-defined subgroup of $\operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb C)$, $\Lambda$ is a subgroup of $G(\mathbb Z)$, and $U$ is a unipotent subgroup of $G(\mathbb C)$ such that $\Lambda \cap U$ is ...
Ami's user avatar
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On the existence of non-arithmetic lattices in algebraic groups over $\mathbb{Q}$

$\newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb{Q}}\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}}\DeclareMathOperator\PU{PU}$Let $G$ be a simple algebraic group over $\Q$ such that $G(\R) \simeq \prod_i G_i$, with each $G_i$ being the Lie ...
naf's user avatar
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Definition of arithmetic subgroups of Lie groups

In Maclachlan-Reid we can read Let $G$ be a connected semisimple Lie group with trivial centre and no compact factor. Let $\Gamma\subset G$ be a discrete subgroup of finite covolume. Then $\Gamma$ is ...
Jacques's user avatar
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Matrix factorizations over $GL_2$ of a real quadratic ring of integers

tl;dr: The groups $GL_2(K)$, or $SL_2(K)$, where $K = \mathbb{C,R}$ admits several factorizations (the polar decomposition, the KAN decomposition, the Schur triangular form, etc). Those ...
Adrián González Pérez's user avatar
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On equality of two quotients of a congruence subgroup

Related question: Non-torsion part of the abelianisation of congruence subgroups Let $A = \mathbb{F}_q[T]$ be the ring of polynomials with coefficients in a finite field, with $N$ a nonconstant ...
Liam Baker's user avatar
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Definition of reducible lattice

I am reading Raghunathan's book on discrete subgroups of Lie groups. In particular I am stuck on Corollary 5.19 which gives several equivalent conditions for a lattice in a semisimple Lie group to be ...
user551642's user avatar