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3 answers

Alternative proofs of the Krylov-Bogolioubov theorem

The Krylov-Bogolioubov theorem is a fundamental result in the ergodic theory of dynamical systems which is typically stated as follows: if $T$ is a continuous transformation of a nonempty compact ...
Ian Morris's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Characterization of amenable actions

Let $(X,\mu)$ be a $G$-space, i.e. a measure space with a Borel quasi-invariant $G$-action. Say that $X$ is amenable (equivalently, that the action is amenable) if there is a $G$-fixed point in every ...
user33576's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Do syndetic sets on amenable semigroups have positive upper density?

Let $\mathbb{G}$ be a discrete amenable semigroup, and $\left\{ F_{n}\right\} $ a Folner sequence. For $S\subset \mathbb{G}$ define the upper density as $D^{\ast }(S)=\limsup_{n\rightarrow \infty }\...
Rob's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Density of “diagonal sets” in amenable groups

Let $G$ be a countable amenable group with a (left) Følner sequence $(F_n)$. Let $\Gamma$ be a subset of $G$ that has density $1$ with respect to $(F_n)$, in the sense that $$ \lim_{n \to \infty} \...
Adam's user avatar
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5 votes
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Characterizing residually amenable groups

Let $G$ be a finitely generated group. The amenability of $G$ is equivalent to the existence of a certain "weak measure" on $G$. Is there such a characterization for residually amenable groups as well?...
Pablo's user avatar
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Can invariant means be really considered as the generalization of the uniform measure?

I am writing a paper for game theorists where I use (countable) amenable groups to do some things. So I am writing up a preliminary section about countable amenable groups whose main purpose is to ...
Valerio Capraro's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Pointwise ergodic theorem for amenable semigroups

Using tempered Følner sequences one may show a pointwise ergodic theorem for amenable groups. (see Is there a ...
Rob's user avatar
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2 votes
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Measure invariant under circle maps

Consider continuous bijections (may even assume these are homeomorphisms or diffeomorphisms if it helps) from the circle onto itself given by $x \mapsto x + s_i(x)$ where $i = 1,2$ or $3$. (I'm ...
ARG's user avatar
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Non-ergodic Dye Theorem for orbit equivalent automorphisms

The Dye Theorem states that any two free ergodic p.m.p automorphisms of a standard probability space are orbit-equivalent. Question: Is there a version of the above theorem for non-ergodic ...
Łukasz Grabowski's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Nonamenable p.m.p. action on a standard probability space

Let $G$ be a discrete nonamenable countable group acting on a standard probability space $(X,\mu)$ through measure-preserving transformations. Is the action of $G$ always amenable? (Amenable action, ...
Ujan Chakraborty's user avatar
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2 answers

Induced probability measure on a finite orbit under a group action

Suppose we have a discrete group $G$ acting on a compact set $X \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d$ via measure-preserving homeomorphisms, and suppose we have a point $x$ whose orbit $Gx$ is finite (say $|Gx| = n$...
James Propp's user avatar
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