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Automorphisms of local fields

It is an amusing coincidence (at least it appears to be a coincidence to me) that any completion of the field $\mathbb{Q}$ has trivial automorphism group as an abstract field, i.e. when ignoring the ...
Robert Kucharczyk's user avatar
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What happens to Neron-Ogg-Shfarevich when characteristic of the residue field equals the prime at which Tate module is considered?

Neron-Ogg-Shafarevich criterion states that an elliptic curve $E$ over a local field $K$ has a good reduction if and only if the Tate module $T_{\ell}(E)$ is unramified for some prime $\ell$ which ...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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maximal abelian extension of quadratic extension of $\mathbb Q_p$

I read this article "Local class field theory via Lubin-Tate theory" And I want to find the maximal abelian extensions for quadratic extensions of $\mathbb Q_p,...
Dirk's user avatar
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Is $K^{ur} K^{\pi} = L$?

Let $L/K$ be a finite extension of $p$-adic fields, $\pi$ a uniformizer of $K$, $\theta = (-, L/K)$ the local Artin map $K^{\ast} \rightarrow Gal(L/K)$, $E$ be maximal unramified extension of $K$ ...
D_S's user avatar
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Multiplication law in a division algebra of dimension 9 over a non-archimedean local field

Let $k$ be a non-archimedean local field, for example, a $p$-adic field (a finite extension of the filed ${\Bbb Q}_p$ of $p$-adic numbers). It is well known that there is a canonical isomorphism $${\...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Question about Corollary 7.3 from Silverman's The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves

I am trying to understand an argument of Corollary 7.3 from Silverman's The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves. I am stuck and I would appreciate any explanations. Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $K$, ...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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Restriction of the local Artin map on the valuation ring of a local field

Let $F$ be a local field, in particular a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ for some prime $p$ and let $Art_{L}: L^\times \to Gal(F^{ab}/F)$ be its local Artin map. We know that if $L/F$ is a finite ...
Mario's user avatar
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Existence of "nth root function" which is analytic

Let $K$ be a finite extension of $Q_p$. Let $q$ be the size of the residue field of $K$, and let $\pi$ be a uniformizer of $K$. Then $q/\pi$ is some power of $\pi$ up to a unit $u$ in $K$, say $q/\pi =...
user474's user avatar
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On Serre's "Local fields"

While I was reading J.-P. Serre's book "Local Fields" I found something strange in Chapter V. When Serre discusses properties of norm for unramified extensions, he says it is possible to ...
rime's user avatar
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Reference request: Regarding the image of inertia group being a subgroup of Aut($\widetilde{E}$)

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}_p$ with potential good reduction. I was told that if $F$ is the smallest Galois extension over $\mathbb{Q}_p$ such that $E$ has good reduction then the ...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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A question related to Kirillov model

I am reading Jackson - The theory of admissible representations of $\operatorname{GL}(2, F)$ and am not able to understand the following map related to Kirillov model. This result appears on p. 54: I ...
user15243's user avatar
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Globalization of a local field

I am reading the paper ''Endoscopic classification of representations of quasi-split unitary groups'' by Chung Pang Mok, and cannot come up with the proof of theorem 7.2.1. Here is the statement. ...
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Realization of a p-adic field as a completion of a number field

Let $F$ be a $p$-adic field of characteristic 0. Is it always possible to find a number field $K$ such that $K$ has only one place lying above $p$ and such that its completion at this place is $F$? If ...
Windi's user avatar
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Valuations in Higher-dimensional local fields

I have the following question which I believ should be true but I would like to have a different opinion about it: Let $M/L$ is a finite Galois extension of $n$-dimensional local fields and $t_1,\...
George's user avatar
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Existence of maximal totally ramified subextension

Suppose $K/\mathbb Q_p$ is a finite extension, with ramification index $e$ and inertia index $f$. I want to ask whether there exists a subextension $L/\mathbb Q_p$ totally ramified of degree $e$?
Richard's user avatar
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Local field such that the value group of $K^\text{perf}$ ( perfect closure of $K$) is $\bigcup_{n\geqq1}(1/p^n) \Bbb{Z}$

Let $K$ be a local field of positive characteristic. I'm looking for a $K$ which satisfies the following condition. Value group of $K^\text{perf}$ (perfect closure of $K$) is $\bigcup_{n\geqq1}(1/p^n)...
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