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Relative canonical divisors

Suppose that $X$ is a Gorenstein variety and that $\pi : Y \to X$ is a birational map of varieties with normal $Y$. In this case the relative canonical divisor is defined to be $K_Y - \pi^*K_X$ (if ...
Karl Schwede's user avatar
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How do I make the components of a Cartier divisor again Cartier divisors?

Let $D$ be an effective Cartier divisor on a normal noetherian scheme $X$. Its irreducible components are codimension $1$ subschemes, i.e. Weil divisors, of $X$ but not necessarily Cartier divisors. I ...
Katharina Hübner's user avatar
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When does a Cartier divisor a pull-back of a Cartier divisor?

Suppose $f: Y \to X$ is a projective birational morphism between two varieties with mild singularities. For example, we can assume $X$ is normal and kawamata log terminal, $Y$ is $\mathbb Q$-factorial....
Li Yutong's user avatar
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In search for examples concerning pushforward of nef divisors and lc-trivial fibrations

My question is motivated by ideas around the moduli b-divisor of an lc-trivial fibration (see for instance the following paper by Ambro In such a setup, one ...
Stefano's user avatar
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Is there any relation between the pushforward of a divisor and the pushforward of its line bundle?

Given a morphism between normal varieties $f: X \to Y$, we can push forward a Cartier divisor $D$ to get a cycle $f_* D$. On the other hand, we can form the line bundle $\mathscr{L}(D)$ and push that ...
Kim's user avatar
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Extremal rays in Picard rank two

Let $X$ be a projective variety of Picard rank two. We may assume that $X$ is $\mathbb{Q}$-factorial. Then the Mori cone $NE(X)$ has two extremal rays $R_1,R_2$. Assume that $R_i$ is generated by ...
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Divisorial contractions and singularities

I have a smooth $6$-fold $X\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ and a divisor $D\subset X$ cut out by a quadratic polynomial. I know that $D$ in singular along a smooth $3$-fold $Y\subset X$, and that if $Z$ is the ...
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Isomorphisms of weighted complete intersections

Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}(a_0,\dots,a_n)$ and $Y\subset\mathbb{P}(b_0,\dots,b_n)$ be two weighted complete intersections with mild (say terminal) singularities. Assume that there is an isomorphism $f:...
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A question on the Kodaira dimension of 3-folds

Let $X$ a smooth projective $3$-fold. Assume that $X$ admits a finite rational map $f:X\dashrightarrow Y$ where $Y$ is a smooth Calabi-Yau 3-fold, and a fibration $g:X\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^2$ with a ...
Sabina's user avatar
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On the definition of the relative canonical divisor

Fix a field $k$. Let $X,Y$ be normal integral $k$-schemes of finite type and $h: Y \to X$ a proper birational $k$-morphism. Moreover, assume that $X$ is Gorenstein, i.e. it admits a canonical divisor $...
Don's user avatar
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Divisorial contraction to a non-normal variety

Consider a divisorial contraction $f:X\rightarrow Y$, between projective varieties, contracting an irreducible divisor $D\subset X$ to a subvariety $Z\subset Y$ of codimension at least two, and which ...
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A question on Okounkov bodies

Let $X$ be an irreducible $n$-dimensional projective variety, and $$Y_n\subset Y_{n-1}\subset\dots\subset Y_1\subset X$$ a flag of irreducible subvarieties such that $Y_i$ has codimension $i$ in $X$ ...
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Terminal and log canonical singularities

Let $D$ be a divisor with at most terminal singularities in a smooth projective variety $X$. Is the pair $(X,D)$ log canonical?
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Blowing up the base of an elliptically fibered (non Weierstrass) threefold

Suppose $X$ is an elliptically fibered smooth threefold, with a nontrivial Mordel-Weil group. Lets call the sections $\sigma_i$ ,$i=1 \dots n$. None of these "sections" are honestly a section, they ...
Mohsen Karkheiran's user avatar
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Stable base loci and flips

Let $D_1,D_2$ be two effective divisors on o normal and $\mathbb{Q}$-factorial projective variety $X$ of Picard rank two. Assume that $D_1$ is semi-ample and that it induces a small-comtraction $f_{...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Global section of line bundle on anti-canonical rational surface

Let $X$ be an anti-canonical rational surface(i.e. $-K_X$ is effective) such that $K_X^2\geq 1$. Let $D$ be a $r$-class divisor ($D^2=r, D^2+D.K_X=-2$, the latter condition can be re-interpreted as $\...
user41650's user avatar
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Lefschetz type theorems for big and nef divisors

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety, and $D\subset X$ a smooth nef and big divisor. Assume that the restriction map $Pic(X)\rightarrow Pic(D)$ is an isomorphism over $\mathbb{Q}$. Under which ...
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Psi-classes on moduli spaces of weighted curves

Let $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,A[n]}$ be the stack of weighted genus $g$ curves with weights $A[n]=(a_1,...,a_n)$, and let $\pi:\mathcal{C}\rightarrow \overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,A[n]}$ be the universal ...
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Mori cone of Picard rank two varieties

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety of Picard rank two. Assume that there exists a surface $S\subset X$ such that $$i^{*}:\text{Pic}(X)\rightarrow\text{Pic}(S)$$ is an isomorphism, where $i:S\...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Picard numbers of isogenous K3 surfaces over a non-closed field

Let $S_1, S_2$ be K3 surfaces defined over a field $k$ and $\phi\!: S_1 \dashrightarrow S_2$ a dominant rational $k$-map (so-called isogeny). It is known that $\rho(S_1) = \rho(S_2)$ for the complex ...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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On the fixed and negative part of a linear system

Let $X$ and $Z$ be smooth complex projective varieties and let $f:X\rightarrow Z$ be a contraction (i.e. $f_\ast\mathcal{O}_X=\mathcal{O}_Z$). Let $F$ be an effective $\mathbb{R}$-divisor on $X$ such ...
pozio's user avatar
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Moving curves and small transformations

Let $f:X\dashrightarrow Y$ be an isomorphism in codimension one between smooth projective varieties. Let $C\subset X$ a curve generating an extremal ray of the cone of moving curves $Mov_1(X)$, and ...
i87456's user avatar
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Cone of moving curves

Let $X$ be a projective variety and $C\subset X$ be a moving curve, that is the curves numerically equivalent to $C$ cover a dense open subset of $X$. How can we detect when $C$ is an extremal ray ...
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