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Detailed modern references for basic properties of Pfaffians over commutative rings

Pfaffians are important to algebraic combinatorics, at least. This is to propose the making of a 'wiki' list, more modern, precise and compressed than e.g. the relevant Wikipedia page (nothing against ...
Peter Heinig's user avatar
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Iterated calculation of determinants

Given a $4 \times 4$ matrix $S$ over a commutative ring $R$. I want to consider it as a $2\times 2$ matrix over $M_2(R)$. Lets say $S=\left(\begin{array}{cc} A&B \\\ C&D\end{array}\right)$ ...
HenrikRüping's user avatar
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Is every matrix involution over a UFD diagonalisable?

Let $A$ be a UFD, that is also a $k$-algebra, where $k$ is a field of characteristic $\not=2$ (for instance polynomials over $k$). Is every involution in $\mathrm{GL}_n(A)$ diagonalisable? This is of ...
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
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The "matrix direct sum" monoid modulo unitary equivalence

Given a commutative $*$-ring $(R,*)$, let $M(R,*)$ be the monoid whose elements are matrices over $R$ of all possible shapes and entries, including those that have $0$ columns or $0$ rows. Let the ...
wlad's user avatar
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Simultaneous triangularizability over a commutative ring

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with unity and $A,B\in M_n(R)$ satisfying the property (*) All elements of the two-side ideal, in $M_n(R)$, generated by $AB-BA$, are nilpotent. McCoy showed that, if $...
loup blanc's user avatar
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Conjugacy in the quaternion group

Let $G$ be a non-commutative group, and suppose we are given two elements $x, y \in G$ which are conjugate, i.e. we know there exists some $z \in G$ such that $zxz^{-1} = y$. Can we find $z$ given $x$ ...
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