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Ring with different graded and ungraded global dimensions

Let $A$ be a $\mathbb N$-graded ring. One can consider the two categories $M_A^g$ and $M_A^u$ of graded and ungraded modules over $A$. Both have, say, enough projectives, hence one can compute various ...
Andrea Ferretti's user avatar
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Homogeneous regular sequence

Consider a $\mathbb{Z}$-graded polynomial ring $R = k[x_1,\cdots,x_n]$ over a field $k$, where the elements $x_i$ are homogeneous (they may have negative degree). Let $I$ be a homogeneous ideal that ...
kcnitin's user avatar
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Can the Artin-Rees lemma be derived from Krull Intersection theorem?

The Krull Intersection theorem states that : For a finitely generated module $M$ over a Noetherian ring $R$ and any ideal $I$ of $R$, we have $I(\cap_{k=1}^{\infty}I^k M)=\cap_{k=1}^{\infty}I^k M$ . ...
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Height of maximal homogeneous ideals

Let $R= \oplus_{n \ge 0} R_n$ be a graded Noetherian commutative ring and suppose $R_0$ is Artinian. Do all maximal homogeneous ideals of $R$ have the same height ? Let $R_{>0}$ be the ideal ...
Ralph's user avatar
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Dimension of a positively graded ring after a suitable localization

Quesion- Let $R=\bigoplus_{i\ge 0} R_i$ be a (non-trivial) positively graded commutative Noetherian ring with $1(\not=0)$ of (Krull) dimension $d\ge 0$. Let $S\subset R_0$ be a multiplicative set such ...
Sourjya Banerjee's user avatar
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Asymptotic stability of associated primes of graded local cohomology modules

This question concerns the asymptotic behaviour of associated primes of graded components of local cohomology modules. A survey of this can be found in M. Brodmann, Asymptotic behaviour of cohomology: ...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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Primary invariants on MAGMA for a graded ring

I have asked this question on mathstacks, but a collegue of mine recommended me to post it here. I am trying to find an optimal system of parameters for a graded ring using Magma. Specifically, I want ...
Rustam T's user avatar
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Examples of graded subrings of $\mathbb Q(T)$

The following question came up in some discussion on some very unrelated matters. A graded algebra $A$ is an algebra $A$ with a decomposition $A = \oplus_{i \in \mathbb Z} A_i$ such that $A_i A_j \...
user5831's user avatar
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Uniqueness of indecomposable decomposition (Krull–Schmidt) for finitely generated modules over commutative Noetherian standard graded rings

Let $R_0=\mathbb C$ and $R=\bigoplus_{i\geq 0} R_i$ be a commutative Noetherian graded ring such that the grading is standard, i.e., $R=R_0[R_1]$. Let $M$ be a finitely generated $R$-module. Evidently,...
uno's user avatar
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Lifting module homomorphisms imposing conditions on characteristic polynomials

Suppose that we are in the setting described in the first two paragraphs of this MSE post. My question wants to deal with an instance of the study of the amount of freedom that the choice of the ...
Hvjurthuk's user avatar
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Commutative monoid gradings via group scheme actions

$\newcommand{\Spec}{\mathrm{Spec}}$Recall the following result, proved in Section 2.9 of Neil Strickland's Formal schemes and formal groups, and in Lemma 1.3.2 of Eric Peterson's Formal Geometry and ...
Emily's user avatar
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Making a generating set of a section of a graded polynomial $R$-module coming from a quotient into a basis of a quotient by higher degree polynomial

Denote the graded rings $R:=\mathbb{R}[x_{1},\dots x_{n}]$ and $S:=R[x_{0}]$ adding the homogenizing variable $x_{0}.$ Consider $h\in S$ a homogenous polynomial of degree $d$ with leading coefficient $...
Hvjurthuk's user avatar
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Surjection from finite rank free $R$-module to finitely generated $R$-module and basis associated to generator set

Suppose the we have an epimorphism $s\colon M\to N,$ where $M$ is a free $R$-module of rank $r$ and $N$ is a finitely generated $R$-module, such that there exists a basis $B:=\{m_{1},\dots, m_{r}\}$ ...
Hvjurthuk's user avatar
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Strongly graded rings

In Theorem 3.1 of Graded rings over arithmetical orders, the authors prove that for a strongly $\mathbb{Z}$-graded ring $R$, if $R_0$ is left and right Goldie and a maximal order in its (classical) ...
a196884's user avatar
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Hilbert functions of graded modules generated by mapped generators

I need to prove the following claim for my work. Intuitively, the claim should hold as it is analogous to the concept of an initial module, but a rigorous approach for the same I cannot find. Any help ...
diff2's user avatar
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Characterization of a finitely graded (almost) domain

Let $A= \bigoplus_{i=0}^{N}A_i$ be a finitely graded ring with the following property: if $x \in A_i$ and $y \in A_j$ and $i+j \leq N$, then $$xy = 0 \text{ implies } x = 0 \text{ or } y = 0.$$ Hence ...
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